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Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent (1 Viewer)

Good lord, people! I've read the entire thread now, and those of you defending Franken's harassment or comparing it to Moore's serial dating high school girls, and being accused of attempted rape... I wanna Gibbs-smack the back of all your heads.

A forced kiss can be considered an assault, except the woman said she eventually consented to "rehearsing" the kiss because he was harassing her. Then he went too far with it, and she forcefully rejected him, warning him never to try that again. His ego was clearly bruised, so when she was asleep and vulnerable, he set about to humiliate her with that damned photo as a "joke".

Joke-smoke, he was angry at the rejection (and doesn't remember the kiss the same way because it was probably the highlight of his trip) and he got back at her in a childish, pathetic manner.

Nobody should be approving the behavior or minimizing it, nor should anyone be comparing it to sexual assault or rape. Get a grip, folks... and you know who you are.

I agree except I find the photo, given the backstory, to be bullying. It's "you can't stop me". In that regard it is threatening and thus sexual assault.
Fully agree, but I would think that a picture where you look like you are ogling somebody but you aren't even really touching them is just poking fun and not assault as people are treating it.

It's not assault, since I don't believe he was actually touching her, but it is a form of sexual harassment, in my opinion.
I agree except I find the photo, given the backstory, to be bullying. It's "you can't stop me". In that regard it is threatening and thus sexual assault.

Not my version of sexual assault; I saw it as "reject me, bitch, take this" which is definitely sexual harassment, but not assaut. I know sexual assault; I've experienced it. This is not that.

He was a civilian, had no power over her or her career back then. If he has a pattern of this behavior as a sitting senator, that is a whole 'nother thing.
I explained it fine. As even others have pointed out. I did NOT even come close to saying 'only one side' commits sexual harassment. Not even close!

The problem you had was because of your rush to be partisan, you misunderstood.

I have no problems, you expanded from sexual harassment to your excuse to be closed minded against one side. I didn’t even accuse you of saying what you think I said. Again, I found your post disgusting.

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He should move to Alabama.
You simply restated your mischaracterization. You seem to have trouble with understanding the point of his post, in spite of the fact that it was explained to you.

The partisanship of your posts in this thread speaks for itself.

I bow to your expert understanding and demonstration of partisanship. It is not, and never has been my thing. If someone else to chooses to be as I observed, I will continue to find it disgusting.

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Not my version of sexual assault; I saw it as "reject me, bitch, take this" which is definitely sexual harassment, but not assaut. I know sexual assault; I've experienced it. This is not that.

He was a civilian, had no power over her or her career back then. If he has a pattern of this behavior as a sitting senator, that is a whole 'nother thing.

I define sexual assault as a sexual threat. In Florida, assault is verbal or otherwise threat; physical touching is battery. Most states use assault to mean physical but not FL. Because his action is in response to rejection, and thus represents "you can't stop me", I find it to be a threat. It's not sexual battery, because his behavior in the pic is not really physical, it's symbolic.

Our disagreement is legal terminology? You agree it's a threat of a sexual nature, right? In FL, that's sexual assault.
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I bow to your expert understanding and demonstration of partisanship. It is not, and never has been my thing. If someone else to chooses to be as I observed, I will continue to find it disgusting.

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How about instead, next time when someone is complaining about a partisan double standard, you read and comprehend what they actually write, instead of dishonestly misrepresenting what they said?
Franken is done!!!

Here’s his problem, besides being a left wing nut. This seriously hurts their credibility on wanting Moore to exit, if they let Franken slide.

They get rid of him, they look good and the governor just appoints another Marxist to that seat.

The only thing is, Democrats usually refuse to step down, no matter how vile they are.

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You've defended men that have done both quite a few times.
All you have to do is produce even once were I have excused or justified any of it.

You wont.
"Coming out" of course meaning "Making accusations which may or may not be true, motivated by what we dont know".

The claim of kissing here is highly unlikely, but let's hear what those in the area at the time have to say, if they remember anything, though almost 12 years interlude between the event and the investigation is way too long, it is unfair to this guy.

No, not what I mean. I mean there are more Congressmen/staffers that are engaging in inappropriate behavior. There’s already been testimony to that effect. There are many despicable people there, and they think they can get away with anything.

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Ya it was a joke....did he even touch her, this is not clear to me.

My guess would be that he didn’t touch her, because he may have woken her. I think it was done to violate her psychology, after getting rejected by her.

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I'm not ready to go that far if this is an isolated incident. He deliberately humiliated her; she returned the favor and there will be a Senate ethics investigation. We'll see what happens after that.

He really has no way of denying it. He’s no hero.

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My guess would be that he didn’t touch her, because he may have woken her. I think it was done to violate her psychology, after getting rejected by her.

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She was a sleazy Hooters model.....I'd lose respect for Franken if he wanted to be with that kind of women
My guess would be that he didn’t touch her, because he may have woken her. I think it was done to violate her psychology, after getting rejected by her.

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This is something that I figure the majority of Frat Boys have done up till recently, I mean I was never even a frat boy and I have seen it, it was done in fun not with the intent to demean or otherwise damage the woman almost certainly.

I am really excited to see where our Purity Panic goes next.

As well how short our honest memory becomes.

Honesty about how we used to be.

Honesty about the past standards.
She was a sleazy Hooters model.....I'd lose respect for Franken if he wanted to be with that kind of women

you keep saying this. Why do you hate hooters girls so much?
How about instead, next time when someone is complaining about a partisan double standard, you read and comprehend what they actually write, instead of dishonestly misrepresenting what they said?

"2 years ago I would have said Franken should step down."

When someone changes their standards(values?) based on politics, then I can elect to call it out as disgusting. I pick and choose when I'm irritated enough to point those situations out. When this poster posts something similar, I'll be sure to quote you so you can come to his defense and further cast aspersions on me.
"2 years ago I would have said Franken should step down."

When someone changes their standards(values?) based on politics, then I can elect to call it out as disgusting. I pick and choose when I'm irritated enough to point those situations out. When this poster posts something similar, I'll be sure to quote you so you can come to his defense and further cast aspersions on me.

Great, you can complain about that all you like. It just has nothing to do with your disgusting misrepresentation that the other poster was claiming that "only one side" commits sexual assault, which was not at all the point of what they were saying.

Justification for the fact that his standards got lower with time was not explicitly provided, but you're free to criticize the implications you perceive, and that's fair game.
You are confusing defending Moore with questioning the allegations. They are not the same thing.

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I think he is old enough to post.

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