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Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent (1 Viewer)


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Sep 13, 2007
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[h=1]Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent[/h]
Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent | TheHill

[FONT=&quot]A TV host and sports broadcaster on Thursday accused Sen. Al Franken(D-Minn.) of kissing and groping her without her consent in 2006.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Leeann Tweeden accused Franken of groping her, without her consent, while she was asleep and provided a photo as evidence.


Jeez, it's like Rome is falling. we should start a dp betting pool as to who's next. [/FONT]
Jeez, it's like Rome is falling. we should start a dp betting pool as to who's next.

Based on the picture it looks to me like he's just pretending to grab her. Bad joke, but in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't compare to anything Roy Moore has done. The kiss sounds worse to me, but it is true that actors and actresses do these kinds of things. Certainly not Franken at his best, but nothing that comes close to warranting anything more than an apology.
If it turns out this was an ongoing thing for him (and to do that in the first place suggests that it probably was) then his political career is dead.
Al Franken - the vital enabling vote that passed ObamaCare, imposing it on the entire citizenry.

"I'm attractive ... and loveable ... and doggone it - people like having my hands on their boobs and ass!"
Good for her for coming out. I don't think the picture looks bad at all, I can't even tell if his hands are actualy touching her tbh. But the kiss thing sounds ****ed up. It could be a misunderstanding between adults. If there are more accusations hopefully this will spur some of them and if so we will need to call for the removal of him. I like Franken and his politics, but this kind of **** can't go without punishment.
Based on the picture it looks to me like he's just pretending to grab her. Bad joke, but in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't compare to anything Roy Moore has done. The kiss sounds worse to me, but it is true that actors and actresses do these kinds of things. Certainly not Franken at his best, but nothing that comes close to warranting anything more than an apology.

*sniff sniff * You smell that? It smells like rank hypocrisy in here. Somebody please open a window. Pew!
A picture of a guy molesting a married woman in her sleep. What could possibly go wrong?

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So they were in a skit? This smells like a right-wing plot to smear a liberal congressional all star and try to create the illusion that Democrats hate women, too.
Based on the picture it looks to me like he's just pretending to grab her. Bad joke, but in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't compare to anything Roy Moore has done. The kiss sounds worse to me, but it is true that actors and actresses do these kinds of things. Certainly not Franken at his best, but nothing that comes close to warranting anything more than an apology.

Dude, what he is being accused of here is not excusable.
Based on the picture it looks to me like he's just pretending to grab her. Bad joke, but in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't compare to anything Roy Moore has done. The kiss sounds worse to me, but it is true that actors and actresses do these kinds of things. Certainly not Franken at his best, but nothing that comes close to warranting anything more than an apology.

Well, he could always step down. No harm in that. But from the stories coming out lately about Congress, this is nothing. The entire place seems to be a cesspool of sexual harasment.
So they were in a skit? This smells like a right-wing plot to smear a liberal congressional all star and try to create the illusion that Democrats hate women, too.

So you mean comedian Louis C K used to do standup comedy about molesting women? Then obviously that means the sexual harassment allegations against him are just an attempt to exaggerate his public humor into an indictment of his personal behavior.
NOT! :(

Democrats are the party of hedonism and glandular values. This is the party that refuses to discuss abstinence or self-control, and see sexual activity as inevitable and unstoppable. Well, it looks like your chosen representatives have decided to see things this way, too. :2wave:
So they were in a skit? This smells like a right-wing plot to smear a liberal congressional all star and try to create the illusion that Democrats hate women, too.


Maybe you should have read the whole article.
Well, he could always step down. No harm in that. But from the stories coming out lately about Congress, this is nothing. The entire place seems to be a cesspool of sexual harasment.

Your beloved big govt in the flesh, and hard at work :2wave:
So they were in a skit? This smells like a right-wing plot to smear a liberal congressional all star and try to create the illusion that Democrats hate women, too.

"Hey, let's do a skit where I grab your breasts as you sleep". "Sounds great to me, Al! Let's do it."
I'm just going to say that unless Franken has a super convincing response to this, he needs to step down. If the story is as it appears, then remaining a Senator will be a stain on the Democratic party.
Dude, what he is being accused of here is not excusable.

Excusable no, but if you're demanding a resignation over this, you're going a bit overboard. This is a dumb joke gone overboard that requires an apology, but it's not career ending impeachment territory. And while I won't blame the victim for what happened her or call her a liar the reality is Tweeden is a Fox News reporter, and this smells like an attempt to distract from Roy Moore, and make it seem like Democrats are just as bad. Sorry, but no. This is dumb, and he should apologize, but we're not calling for his head over this.
Excusable no, but if you're demanding a resignation over this, you're going a bit overboard. This is a dumb joke gone overboard that requires an apology, but it's not career ending impeachment territory. And while I won't blame the victim for what happened her or call her a liar the reality is Tweeden is a Fox News reporter, and this smells like an attempt to distract from Roy Moore, and make it seem like Democrats are just as bad. Sorry, but no. This is dumb, and he should apologize, but we're not calling for his head over this.

This sounds like a justification for sexual assault.
Excusable no, but if you're demanding a resignation over this, you're going a bit overboard. This is a dumb joke gone overboard that requires an apology, but it's not career ending impeachment territory. And while I won't blame the victim for what happened her or call her a liar the reality is Tweeden is a Fox News reporter, and this smells like an attempt to distract from Roy Moore, and make it seem like Democrats are just as bad. Sorry, but no. This is dumb, and he should apologize, but we're not calling for his head over this.

How would you answer the following two questions:

1)Do we deserve to be represented by virtuous politicians?
2)Presuming that the story is as it appears, was Franken's a virtuous act?

Also, I'd like to point you to the fact that your logic is literally a mirror image of the logic used by Republicans to defend Moore.
Excusable no, but if you're demanding a resignation over this, you're going a bit overboard. This is a dumb joke gone overboard that requires an apology, but it's not career ending impeachment territory. And while I won't blame the victim for what happened her or call her a liar the reality is Tweeden is a Fox News reporter, and this smells like an attempt to distract from Roy Moore, and make it seem like Democrats are just as bad. Sorry, but no. This is dumb, and he should apologize, but we're not calling for his head over this.

I don't care if she's a Fox News reporter. Most if the accusers against Moore are conservatives. Whether they are conservative or not is irrelevant. If you can't see past your own partisanship, and condemn all forms of sexual misconduct, regardless of which side they care coming from, then that's your issue.

I'm not gonna sit here and make excuses for this. What he apparently did was not okay. Your line of rhetoric is not far off from the defenders of Moore.
Based on the picture it looks to me like he's just pretending to grab her. Bad joke, but in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't compare to anything Roy Moore has done. The kiss sounds worse to me, but it is true that actors and actresses do these kinds of things. Certainly not Franken at his best, but nothing that comes close to warranting anything more than an apology.

No, it doesn't look like Senator Franken had sex on his mind when he did this, but he did this. Never mind why. He did it. Period. He should be held accountable.
So they were in a skit? This smells like a right-wing plot to smear a liberal congressional all star and try to create the illusion that Democrats hate women, too.

Damn, very good spin on this. You belong on the Roy Moore team, because you are no better than they are.
Oh, Al :(

Pretty disgusting behavior. Sad and disappointing. I'm anxious to hear Franken's response.

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