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Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent (1 Viewer)

Jeez, it's like Rome is falling. we should start a dp betting pool as to who's next. [/FONT][/COLOR]

She needs one of those safe spaces colleges are so keen on these days.
Pranking someone who fell asleep is pretty common. Based on the fact that he's barely making any physical contact, if any at all, the picture seems to rank in the less harmful category. Calling that "groping" and complaining like it was an egregious sexual assault sounds sensationalist.

But, like it was said, "partisans will be partisans."

If he just stuck it in a little way it would barely be rape if I am to use your standard. Maybe they will come up with new legal standards for guys with a short penis. She was asleep. That robbed her of any chance to react. She still found it offensively disgusting after she saw the photo. It still had emotional repercussions.
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Al Franken's full statement, which is a hell of a lot better than that first thing he said this morning:

"The first thing I want to do is apologize: to Leeann, to everyone else who was part of that tour, to everyone who has worked for me, to everyone I represent, and to everyone who counts on me to be an ally and supporter and champion of women. There's more I want to say, but the first and most important thing—and if it's the only thing you care to hear, that's fine—is: I'm sorry.

I respect women. I don't respect men who don't. And the fact that my own actions have given people a good reason to doubt that makes me feel ashamed.

But I want to say something else, too. Over the last few months, all of us—including and especially men who respect women—have been forced to take a good, hard look at our own actions and think (perhaps, shamefully, for the first time) about how those actions have affected women.

For instance, that picture. I don't know what was in my head when I took that picture, and it doesn't matter. There's no excuse. I look at it now and I feel disgusted with myself. It isn't funny. It's completely inappropriate. It's obvious how Leeann would feel violated by that picture. And, what's more, I can see how millions of other women would feel violated by it—women who have had similar experiences in their own lives, women who fear having those experiences, women who look up to me, women who have counted on me.

Coming from the world of comedy, I've told and written a lot of jokes that I once thought were funny but later came to realize were just plain offensive. But the intentions behind my actions aren't the point at all. It's the impact these jokes had on others that matters. And I'm sorry it's taken me so long to come to terms with that.

While I don't remember the rehearsal for the skit as Leeann does, I understand why we need to listen to and believe women's experiences.

I am asking that an ethics investigation be undertaken, and I will gladly cooperate.

And the truth is, what people think of me in light of this is far less important than what people think of women who continue to come forward to tell their stories. They deserve to be heard, and believed. And they deserve to know that I am their ally and supporter. I have let them down and am committed to making it up to them."

Al Franken's apology to Leeann Tweeden (full statement) - CNNPolitics

I'll be curious what Leeann Tweeden has to say in response to this.
That in no way supports your mischaracterization of his statement.

Of course, because there was no mis-characterization. He is so "sick of dirty politics from the GOP and Cons and them defending and apologizing for their dirty politicians, then other politicians have to take the 'high road'?".

That's what he said, and I find it disgusting. I make no assumption on how you find it and quite frankly, I don't care. Hacks are boring.
Rape is apparently not that big of a deal to you either, Mr. Rape-Victims-Are-Asking-For-It.

You are taking my words way out of context. If you gave me a chance to explain instead of always attacking me I could give you a thoughtful explanation of my comments.
It is not sexual assault....

Your ignorance when it comes to the legal term of sexual assault is noted. Thanks. I will take that in consideration when reading your future posts.
What Franken did is on the same level of creepy behavior as Roy Moore. And now the Democrats must either dump Franken or keep their hypocritical mouths shut when it comes to Moore(or even Trump himself).

should be interesting.
*sniff sniff * You smell that? It smells like rank hypocrisy in here. Somebody please open a window. Pew!

did you expect anything less.
I want to add one more thing on the matter. Some of more's accusers' stories are beginning to fall apart already. I mentioned this on another thread on here, and it was that the yearbook that he was accused of writing in that belonged to one of the accusers, the ink is now under question to see if it was used backed then or if it was fresh. In other words, the writing was recent, like within a year or less. It's still being reviewed, but that right there is serious and very well clear him of that allegation. Now the story about Moore groping the waitress might have been disproven. According to the story, Moore had followed the waitress behind the counter and into the parking lot of the restaurant, and then proceeded to feel her up. The problem with the story, there's no parking lot, so where then? That hasn't been answered and seems like we're not going to get one either. So it can be safe to say that's been debunked. To be fair, the other stuff has yet to be disproven, so there is a possibility Moore might have done what he's being accused of, but from what it seems like, because of the lack of (or possibly none at all) evidence , I can see these accusations go down in flames.

Now how does any of that relate to this? There's evidence of Franken in the act of doing something he shouldn't have, and, so far, NOTHING on Moore. I haven't heard of any condemnations on the Left about Franken's, photographic, behavior, but there's still many on Moore's accused actions. Accusations against Franken are starting to seem legit, while Moore's are looking more and more like fiction (unless a bombshell document comes out against him). However, because of party affiliation and ideology, Moore, in the eyes of the Left, is a monster. While Franken, and I've read some of the other posts on this thread, and the more well known news organizations, is already being given a pass on his behavior. The woman is already being discredited as a right winger (or getting paid by right wingers), and she's lying about the skit story, and she's overreacting about the photo because she was wearing a bullet proof vest so she couldn't have felt it, so just needs to shut up and understand that Franken's a comedian. That's the BS the Left wants you to accept, regardless of what's being put out there. It's garbage and they know it is, but it doesn't matter. What they want comes first over treating others with respect, and Al Franken got a mouthful of what he wanted (and held on to it by the tip of his fingers).
Your ignorance when it comes to the legal term of sexual assault is noted. Thanks. I will take that in consideration when reading your future posts.

He didn't touch her in the picture just pretended to. He asked before he kissed her he just kissed her much more aggressively than expected.

Which meets the legal definition of assault? Oh great prosecutor, which one would you get a conviction for?
Excusable no, but if you're demanding a resignation over this, you're going a bit overboard. This is a dumb joke gone overboard that requires an apology, but it's not career ending impeachment territory. And while I won't blame the victim for what happened her or call her a liar the reality is Tweeden is a Fox News reporter, and this smells like an attempt to distract from Roy Moore, and make it seem like Democrats are just as bad. Sorry, but no. This is dumb, and he should apologize, but we're not calling for his head over this.

anyone else would be fired from their job for doing something like that. so why is he above everyone else? if anything he should be held to a higher standard.
circle the wagons more and continue the hypocrisy.

why are you not? you would do it if he was a republican again the hypocrisy.
So they were in a skit? This smells like a right-wing plot to smear a liberal congressional all star and try to create the illusion that Democrats hate women, too.

Senator Franken doesn't do skits anymore.
You are taking my words way out of context. If you gave me a chance to explain instead of always attacking me I could give you a thoughtful explanation of my comments.

Your posts in this thread haven't really warranted any thought. They are what they are, idiotic.
She looks an idiot in those 'Soldier Fatigues".......I'm guessing she is getting paid by BreitBart to babble this non sense to make the Fox News crowd feel better

Franken looked pretty dignified, though, right?
Franken has asked for a Congressional Ethics Investigation into this matter. More than I can say for Conservative Politicians. And she stated she accepts his apology. Based on Conservative logic the fact it took her 11 years should be disqualifying...Right Conservatives....oh I forgot that only applies if it is a Republican being accused. Let the investigation begin.

Remeber this jewel of a family values Conservative" David Vitter may have missed this vote because he waiting on a return call from an escort service based in California that sold the services of women in the Washington, D.C., area. As his colleagues and constituents would later learn, Vitter was a regular customer of the escort service. In July 2007, the New Orleans Times-Picayune would report:
A phone number for Sen. David Vitter, R-La., appears at least five times in the billing records of what federal authorities say was a Washington call-girl operation, the first just four months after he was sworn in to the U.S. House in 1999 and the last on Mardi Gras of 2001. Yes and he was rewarded by Louisana's finest Conservative with an re-election to the Senate. Will that be one or two lumps of hypocrisy. LOL
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He didn't touch her in the picture just pretended to. He asked before he kissed her he just kissed her much more aggressively than expected.

Which meets the legal definition of assault? Oh great prosecutor, which one would you get a conviction for?

How do you know he didn't touch her in the picture? He has apologized. Is that not an admission? Does that mean that he only simulated sexual assault? Is that really your argument? Really?

Here is another one. This one is a liberal:
Not if the person agrees to be paid and keep it as a civil issue. Same as and out of court settlement just without the judge and lawyers and added expense. I understand what you are saying, but totally disagree. Heaven help us when every interaction between 2 people has to be overseen by government.

If there is no settling out of court criminal charges... then there will also be a huge drop in false accusations that seek to enrich off of settling out of court.
What Franken did is on the same level of creepy behavior as Roy Moore. And now the Democrats must either dump Franken or keep their hypocritical mouths shut when it comes to Moore(or even Trump himself).

should be interesting.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is some sort of publicity stunt by Tweeden. She isn't exactly the most credible person. She used to be a playboy model and was a popular host on Fox Sports. I completely forgot about her.
Having read Franken's first statement, his political future rests on several points:

1)Was his apology sufficient in its effort to express remorse and take responsibility for his actions?
2)Will people accept that remorse, and believe that he is not the human being represented by that action?
3)Was this an isolated incident or was it part of a pattern of behavior like with Clinton, Trump, Moore and the bevy of Hollywood personalities this year?
4)Will Leeann Tweeden forgive him?

#1 and #2 are too subjective to say, and only time will tell. #3 will end him in a New York minute if more cases come out. #4 is the least subjective: Tweeden either forgives him or she doesn't, but her response will be important to his image.
Its refreshing when people recognize that it is only 1 side doing all these bad things...the other side.

And by refreshing, I mean refreshingly disgusting.

Please reread my post. I DID NOT say only ONE side is doing these bad things. Be honest about what I wrote or brush up on your reading skills.

I said since the Cons and 'family values' Fundies don't give a rats ass when their side is caught being pigs and being 'unChristian', so when the other side is caught they shouldn't care either.
Pranking someone who fell asleep is pretty common. Based on the fact that he's barely making any physical contact, if any at all, the picture seems to rank in the less harmful category. Calling that "groping" and complaining like it was an egregious sexual assault sounds sensationalist.

But, like it was said, "partisans will be partisans."

touching someone's private parts without permission is groping even if it is barely touching.
so why are you trying to excuse it?

in this case we actually have evidence and picture evidence that he groped her.
He didn't touch her in the picture just pretended to. He asked before he kissed her he just kissed her much more aggressively than expected.

Which meets the legal definition of assault? Oh great prosecutor, which one would you get a conviction for?

The accuser gave a press conference a little while ago. The picture was taken two weeks after the alleged unwanted tongue kiss, and after she had been giving him the cold shoulder for the entire tour. He was also allegedly an asshole to her for the duration of the tour, and did sophomoric tormenting of her such as drawing devil horns and goatee on promotional pictures of her. So that adds a little context to the "harmless" pic of him with his hands hovering over her breasts. If true, this makes the picture pretty malicious IMO.

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