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Why Pride? (1 Viewer)


May 30, 2016
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After reading some of the vitriol in the "Pride" thread, I started thinking.

What is it about people who are fearful of gays that they have to be so concerned about what we do? Live your life, we'll live ours.
After reading some of the vitriol in the "Pride" thread, I started thinking.

What is it about people who are fearful of gays that they have to be so concerned about what we do? Live your life, we'll live ours.

Welcome to DP - hope you enjoy your time here.

At the risk of speaking for others, I would guess that the reason some are concerned about what gay people do is because many gay people aren't interested in just living their own lives - they're determined to live their lives with an in-your-face attitude and a desire to upend a lot of traditions that other people simply lived their lives with and through.

When you make a big deal about decorating a wedding cake or demand easy access so you can cruise a Christian dating site looking for gay dates, that's not indicative of just wanting to live your life - that's indicative of you wanting to force your life into the faces of everyone else. When it's more important for you to take a bakery to court rather than just walk down the street to the next bakery, that's not a live and let live attitude, so you're either being naïve or disingenuous.
Welcome to DP - hope you enjoy your time here.

At the risk of speaking for others, I would guess that the reason some are concerned about what gay people do is because many gay people aren't interested in just living their own lives - they're determined to live their lives with an in-your-face attitude and a desire to upend a lot of traditions that other people simply lived their lives with and through.

When you make a big deal about decorating a wedding cake or demand easy access so you can cruise a Christian dating site looking for gay dates, that's not indicative of just wanting to live your life - that's indicative of you wanting to force your life into the faces of everyone else. When it's more important for you to take a bakery to court rather than just walk down the street to the next bakery, that's not a live and let live attitude, so you're either being naïve or disingenuous.

a. It's not a wedding cake, and

b. Nobody's got an "in-your-face attitude". As the stigma of homosexuality eases and people learn there's no difference between gays and straights, visibility increases.

Gay's are no more shoving their lifestyle down your throat than hetero's have done for centuries.

I find nothing wrong with anyone expressing love for another person. Neither does "God".
After reading some of the vitriol in the "Pride" thread, I started thinking.

What is it about people who are fearful of gays that they have to be so concerned about what we do? Live your life, we'll live ours.

meh, same ones who want to tell others exactly what they can do with their bodies in other circumstances ie abortion

they are all about control,

they want the control because they have the answers and they wish to impose them
a. It's not a wedding cake, and

b. Nobody's got an "in-your-face attitude". As the stigma of homosexuality eases and people learn there's no difference between gays and straights, visibility increases.

Gay's are no more shoving their lifestyle down your throat than hetero's have done for centuries.

I find nothing wrong with anyone expressing love for another person. Neither does "God".

Maybe to you, but refusing to recognize that there are also gay busy bodies out there looking to be the next victim, borders on being willfully naive.
When you make a big deal about decorating a wedding cake or demand easy access so you can cruise a Christian dating site looking for gay dates, that's not indicative of just wanting to live your life - that's indicative of you wanting to force your life into the faces of everyone else. When it's more important for you to take a bakery to court rather than just walk down the street to the next bakery, that's not a live and let live attitude, so you're either being naïve or disingenuous.

Who is making the big deal over cake baking? Those who want to buy one, or those for whom decorating a cake is somehow a threat to their religious rights? If it were seen as an expression of their religious rights to refuse service to black people or Jewish people, I suggest most people would see those rights as incompatible with the law. Because it's LGBT people, to some that discrimination is acceptable.

I've no idea what you're talking about on Christian dating sites, but if a dating site allows open access, registration and sign up, then anyone can use it as they see fit.

So, welcome Howard, I hope you enjoy yourself here and be reassured, Canada John speaks for no other DP member but himself.
a. It's not a wedding cake, and

b. Nobody's got an "in-your-face attitude". As the stigma of homosexuality eases and people learn there's no difference between gays and straights, visibility increases.

Gay's are no more shoving their lifestyle down your throat than hetero's have done for centuries.

I find nothing wrong with anyone expressing love for another person. Neither does "God".

Who said expressing your love for another person was wrong? You must see the boogey man under your bed at night too.

And it's not a matter of being more visible. I've known gay people all my life. I worked in education for 30 years - education is teeming with gay people. It's a matter of making yourself more an issue, not visibility. It's the whole human rights cottage industry and America's overabundance of tort lawyers and their push to sue over everything. That's not live and let live at all.

I've been "insulted" plenty of times in my 60 years and never once felt the need to take the offending party to court. If a business owner or his/her employees treat me poorly, I take my business elsewhere - easy peasy. That's what living your own life and letting others live theirs is all about. Gay people should try it sometime.
After reading some of the vitriol in the "Pride" thread, I started thinking.

What is it about people who are fearful of gays that they have to be so concerned about what we do? Live your life, we'll live ours.

Please present your evidence that fear is the motivator for the taking of offense.
Who is making the big deal over cake baking? Those who want to buy one, or those for whom decorating a cake is somehow a threat to their religious rights? If it were seen as an expression of their religious rights to refuse service to black people or Jewish people, I suggest most people would see those rights as incompatible with the law. Because it's LGBT people, to some that discrimination is acceptable.

I've no idea what you're talking about on Christian dating sites, but if a dating site allows open access, registration and sign up, then anyone can use it as they see fit.

So, welcome Howard, I hope you enjoy yourself here and be reassured, Canada John speaks for no other DP member but himself.

The man asked for an opinion, and I gave him mine - and you're right, I speak for no one other than myself.

Now, instead of responding to my post, perhaps you'd do the man the honour, as I did, of addressing and speaking to his OP.
Who is making the big deal over cake baking? Those who want to buy one, or those for whom decorating a cake is somehow a threat to their religious rights? If it were seen as an expression of their religious rights to refuse service to black people or Jewish people, I suggest most people would see those rights as incompatible with the law. Because it's LGBT people, to some that discrimination is acceptable.

I've no idea what you're talking about on Christian dating sites, but if a dating site allows open access, registration and sign up, then anyone can use it as they see fit.

So, welcome Howard, I hope you enjoy yourself here and be reassured, Canada John speaks for no other DP member but himself.

No..........he speaks for many other that see right through your BS. People are riding the victimhood train right into social chaos.
Maybe to you, but refusing to recognize that there are also gay busy bodies out there looking to be the next victim, borders on being willfully naive.

I hope you understand that homophobia is based upon ignorance; as well as possible latent homosexual tendencies.
I hope you understand that homophobia is based upon ignorance; as well as possible latent homosexual tendencies.

Here we go - if you don't like the gay agenda, you're either homophobic or you must be a latent homosexual. Not possible that you could have reasonable, sane objections.

I thought earlier that you might be naïve, but I was the naïve one. I actually thought you might be sincere in your OP and question. You're clearly not.
People are riding the victimhood train right into social chaos.

You mean like sensitive snowflakes who find icing "Happy Wedding Day, June and Sharon" on a cake totally jeopardises their immortal souls? Yeah, playing the victim's a total bitch move, ain't it?
I hope you understand that homophobia is based upon ignorance; as well as possible latent homosexual tendencies.

LOL.....don't lecture me. I have been around long enough, and have made more than enough adjustments to get along just fine. You have no idea what my mindset is concerning gay people.
You mean like sensitive snowflakes who find icing "Happy Wedding Day, June and Sharon" on a cake totally jeopardises their immortal souls? Yeah, playing the victim's a total bitch move, ain't it?

Yeah.....they were being the total bitch.

There is plenty of gay on gay discrimination, sexual assaults, and other abuses that folks like you intentionally avoid speaking about, but get your panties in a wad when it comes to straight people and Christians.
Yeah.....they were being the total bitch.

There is plenty of gay on gay discrimination, sexual assaults, and other abuses that folks like you intentionally avoid speaking about, but get your panties in a wad when it comes to straight people and Christians.

You missed the Orlando threads, I take it.
Yeah.....they were being the total bitch.

There is plenty of gay on gay discrimination, sexual assaults, and other abuses that folks like you intentionally avoid speaking about, but get your panties in a wad when it comes to straight people and Christians.

A lot cant talk about the following either:

Although MSM represent about 4% of the male population in the United States, in 2010, MSM accounted for 78% of new HIV infections among males and 63% of all new infections. MSM accounted for 54% of all people living with HIV infection in 2011, the most recent year these data are available.

MSM meaning male homos.

How does this happen? Is preventing getting infected really that hard all these years in? Me Thinks perhaps they are not trying hard enough.

OOPS, I just said something TABOO.
Welcome to DP - hope you enjoy your time here.

At the risk of speaking for others, I would guess that the reason some are concerned about what gay people do is because many gay people aren't interested in just living their own lives - they're determined to live their lives with an in-your-face attitude and a desire to upend a lot of traditions that other people simply lived their lives with and through.

When you make a big deal about decorating a wedding cake or demand easy access so you can cruise a Christian dating site looking for gay dates, that's not indicative of just wanting to live your life - that's indicative of you wanting to force your life into the faces of everyone else. When it's more important for you to take a bakery to court rather than just walk down the street to the next bakery, that's not a live and let live attitude, so you're either being naïve or disingenuous.

Well that isn't exactly fair. I'm not happy with those people either. That's like saying I don't like Christians because that group of morons that protest the funerals of fallen soldiers. That's in your face Christianity.
A lot cant talk about the following either:


MSM meaning male homos.

How does this happen? Is preventing getting infected really that hard all these years in? Me Thinks perhaps they are not trying hard enough.

OOPS, I just said something TABOO.

AIDS is no longer a death sentence.

You should be concerned about the impact of STD's affecting more than 12 million heterosexuals per year.
AIDS is no longer a death sentence.

You should be concerned about the impact of STD's affecting more than 12 million heterosexuals per year.

It is a huge expense, one that is avoidable, one that everyone pays for through taxes and insurance premiums, so I will continue to be concerned tyvm.

But yes, with the rise of the SUPERBUGS STD's are about to explode once again into being a huge problem. It least in this sense I was on this planet at the right time, but I am still a bit peeved that I missed sex in the late 60's and early 70's, that sounds like it was a wild ride.
Maybe to you, but refusing to recognize that there are also gay busy bodies out there looking to be the next victim, borders on being willfully naive.

The same sorts of untrue things used to said about "strident women" (i.e. women who simply didn't want to be put upon) and blacks with "chips on their shoulders" (i.e. people who were sick of being regarded as unequal). Now it's "gay busy bodies" who are apparently pushing it people's faces. What absolute rubbish.

How do you want gays to conduct themselves? Quiver in ther closets being grateful if they make it to the end of the day without being queerbashed, being "grateful" that it could be worse? That ISN'T equality my friend.
The same sorts of untrue things used to said about "strident women" (i.e. women who simply didn't want to be put upon) and blacks with "chips on their shoulders" (i.e. people who were sick of being regarded as unequal). Now it's "gay busy bodies" who are apparently pushing it people's faces. What absolute rubbish.

How do you want gays to conduct themselves? Quiver in ther closets being grateful if they make it to the end of the day without being queerbashed, being "grateful" that it could be worse? That ISN'T equality my friend.

"Straights" are afraid of "gays" because, you know, gay is a choice, and "the gay" is contagious, and they're afraid if "the gay" becomes acceptable, they might "turn gay" too.

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