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Why is sex nasty? (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
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FL - Daytona
Political Leaning
I remember Chris Rock talking about nasty sex and why it's better than sensual love making.

I'm curious if anyone has an explanation of why sex is more intense when we have 'hot monkey sex' instead of soft, sweet love making?
Two fingers in the vagina and tongue on the clit outweigh the size of a penis. Especially if you talk dirty and include daddy about his naughty girl.

What's wrong with bringing your partner to a crashing orgasm?
Two fingers in the vagina and tongue on the clit outweigh the size of a penis. Especially if you talk dirty and include daddy about his naughty girl.

What's wrong with bringing your partner to a crashing orgasm?

Is it true when cows see you coming they back up to the fence?
Two fingers in the vagina and tongue on the clit outweigh the size of a penis. Especially if you talk dirty and include daddy about his naughty girl.

What's wrong with bringing your partner to a crashing orgasm?

I strongly disagree. A talented finger or tongue is nice but 8" is infinitely better.
I strongly disagree. A talented finger or tongue is nice but 8" is infinitely better.

You obviously haven't felt the talent of my 4-inch tongue that spins like a roto rooter. I can usually make females pass out from orgasmic pleasure.
You obviously haven't felt the talent of my 4-inch tongue that spins like a roto rooter. I can usually make females pass out from orgasmic pleasure.

I have felt many tongues and none of them have ever been an "OMG, roll my eyes in the back of my head, what year is it, and am I still on the Earth" orgasm. oral is nice but it doesn't put me over the edge.
I have felt many tongues and none of them have ever been an "OMG, roll my eyes in the back of my head, what year is it, and am I still on the Earth" orgasm. oral is nice but it doesn't put me over the edge.

A talented tongue, combined with fingers, and dirty talk hasn't failed yet. Particularly, when finished with a 7.5" beer can thrusting.
I'm curious if anyone has an explanation of why sex is more intense when we have 'hot monkey sex' instead of soft, sweet love making?

dirty, nasty sex is often more honest about the nature of our desires than the normal variety. Hence it can be more fulfilling. But it depends on the people involved and the chemistry between them more than anything.
I'm curious if anyone has an explanation of why sex is more intense when we have 'hot monkey sex' instead of soft, sweet love making?
It's not, and it is. I've experienced sweet soft love making more intense than "hot monkey sex". It's all a matter of perspective and preference, and individual combination of people. There is no one true way. As for tongue vs penis, I have encountered women where my oral techniques were superior over PIV for them, and other women for whom the PIV methods were the best.

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It used to be hip until things started getting rough. She wanted 10" and make it hurt.

So some fool hosed her twice and punched her in the face.

Ruined it for everyone
I remember Chris Rock talking about nasty sex and why it's better than sensual love making.

Two fingers in the vagina and tongue on the clit outweigh the size of a penis. Especially if you talk dirty and include daddy about his naughty girl.

What's wrong with bringing your partner to a crashing orgasm?

I'm curious if anyone has an explanation of why sex is more intense when we have 'hot monkey sex' instead of soft, sweet love making?
That is just your opinion and you should really do some introspection to find out why you think that is the case. Perhaps you are having sex to veil som repressed emotion?
They could have been faking.

A thick penis is painful. If they going to try to shove something that big into me I better be 10CM dilated before they start. Speculums can hurt but they aren't that big.

I'd much rather have length than width. 8-9" is just about perfect.
A thick penis is painful. If they going to try to shove something that big into me I better be 10CM dilated before they start. Speculums can hurt but they aren't that big.

I'd much rather have length than width. 8-9" is just about perfect.

PM me?

Q. Is sex dirty?
A. If you do it right it is.

— Woody Allen, I believe.
Sex is only nasty because there are things that you can catch that you're not going to appreciate.
PM me?


I don't want any dic pics.

I have a file of unsolicited pics from previous forums and I have told all of them if they ever try to run for public office I will post them on Facebook or Twitter.
I don't want any dic pics.

I have a file of unsolicited pics from previous forums and I have told all of them if they ever try to run for public office I will post them on Facebook or Twitter.

Get over yourself?

I remember Chris Rock talking about nasty sex and why it's better than sensual love making.

Sex is tasty because humans are just big-brained horny apes who want to mate.
A talented tongue, combined with fingers, and dirty talk hasn't failed yet. Particularly, when finished with a 7.5" beer can thrusting.

think lisa is saying that won't hit bottom
I don't want any dic pics.

I have a file of unsolicited pics from previous forums and I have told all of them if they ever try to run for public office I will post them on Facebook or Twitter.

deck pick funny.jpg

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