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Why Is Biden Afraid To Be Interviewed On Cable News? (2 Viewers)

Why Is Biden Afraid Of Being Interviewed on Cable News?

  • He is Afraid of Making Gaffes

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • His Campaign Directed Him Not To

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • He Is Afraid Of COVID

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • He Is Unsure Of His Own Positions On Issues

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • He Is Intimidated By People Asking Questions

    Votes: 3 10.7%

  • Total voters
He is a grownup who isn't a complete and total moron.

see-that seems to be the best the Trump haters can say about Biden. He also is a moron.
It is now almost August, and we still know very little about Joe Biden. Nearly every other Presidential Candidate in the past two decades has made frequent appearances on Cable News.

What is Joe Biden afraid of?

Job Biden has been in politics for decades and was just the VP for 8 years so I don't think most people feel as though they know very little about Joe Biden. He's probably not doing too many interviews because Trump is pretty much sinking his own ship. Why get in the middle of that?
He isn't going on cable news often because he doesn't have to.

So, basically, you're saying that Biden does as little work as possible.

What would be the downside to appearing for in-person interviews? Are you implying that the more people learn about Biden, the less they'll like him?
It is now almost August, and we still know very little about Joe Biden. Nearly every other Presidential Candidate in the past two decades has made frequent appearances on Cable News.

What is Joe Biden afraid of?

Why does he have to? He's getting more votes letting Trump work his campaign. Trump is helping Biden more than he could help himself. All he has to do is sit back and relax while Trump fcks up this country and then collect all the NO WAY, NEVER AGAIN, votes from Trump.

I think it's better this way. Trump does a hell of a job for Biden on his own.
So, basically, you're saying that Biden does as little work as possible.

What would be the downside to appearing for in-person interviews? Are you implying that the more people learn about Biden, the less they'll like him?

The Dem candidate could literally be a statue and he'd win because yes, Trump is that bad.
So, basically, you're saying that Biden does as little work as possible.

What would be the downside to appearing for in-person interviews? Are you implying that the more people learn about Biden, the less they'll like him?

If your opponent is murdering himself without your assistance, what possible advantage is there in interfering?
If your opponent is murdering himself without your assistance, what possible advantage is there in interfering?

This premise is so bizarre.

Biden should crave public interviews, he should want more than anything to appear before the American people, as many as possible, and articulate his plans for the country.
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see-that seems to be the best the Trump haters can say about Biden. He also is a moron.

He will be an administrator and a leader and will have to repair all the damage that your cult leader has done in foreign relations, among other things.

He will do it.
This premise is so bizarre.

Biden should crave public interviews, he should want more than anything to appear before the American people, as many as possible, and articulate his plans for the country.

Why? His strategy is working just fine.
So, basically, you're saying that Biden does as little work as possible.

What would be the downside to appearing for in-person interviews? Are you implying that the more people learn about Biden, the less they'll like him?

He does selected ones as he watches trump being hoist by his own petard and incompetence, while he goes about focussed on building the election machine he will need to turn out the vote. You do realize the presidential campaign doesn't actually start until after the conventions, dont' you? You can bet he'll take on a much higher media visibility once it starts.

And the more they know about Biden? I guess you are a slow learner. There ain't much more to know about the guy. I'm much more interested in finding out more about trump and his sleazy life.
CNN? Seriously? LMAO.

It has verbatims from the interview.

Feel free to prove the assessments in the article wrong. LOL, I've even seen the video where The Donald faked it...like with the data and then he refused to show the interviewer! :lol:

Otherwise, you fail :shrug:

This is the barely coherent and grammatically inept speech of a man who desperately wants to be able to claim that he "cured coronavirus."

That's it, in a nutshell. When we do get a handle on this crisis, he wants to be able to pull out footage and declare "I called it! I said use this! I said try this! I told them to do this, it was my idea!" He's just doing it with lots of stupid stuff because he doesnt want to miss an opportunity. He's afraid 'the big one' will be mentioned and he wont get credit for it.

It's all about declaring himself the savior of the cv crisis and we'll hear all about it, esp in his campaign. (Which is basically each of his press briefings these days) --- Lursa
neverTrumps are nothing new.
Funny I usually vote Dem but am horrified at the thought of the radical left taking hold under Biden

I would be too, hence no Bernie, no way.

But the pendulum will have to swing quite a ways before anything radical occurs...course correction MUST start somewhere.

And IMO there's no question he's far far better than The Donald...who is dragging us into global conflicts with Russia and China.

This is the barely coherent and grammatically inept speech of a man who desperately wants to be able to claim that he "cured coronavirus."

That's it, in a nutshell. When we do get a handle on this crisis, he wants to be able to pull out footage and declare "I called it! I said use this! I said try this! I told them to do this, it was my idea!" He's just doing it with lots of stupid stuff because he doesnt want to miss an opportunity. He's afraid 'the big one' will be mentioned and he wont get credit for it.

It's all about declaring himself the savior of the cv crisis and we'll hear all about it, esp in his campaign. (Which is basically each of his press briefings these days) --- Lursa
lol. Biden has no "positions" -he jut flip flopped on the Fillibuster.
Biden is an empty suit. he's a marionete for the Green New Deal
the power in the Dem party is not "moderates" it;s all on the Progressive left.

Be careful what you ask for - Biden is not representative of anything libertarian or con.

I dont agree but:
Still far far better than the dangerous narcissist currently in the WH.

This is the barely coherent and grammatically inept speech of a man who desperately wants to be able to claim that he "cured coronavirus."

That's it, in a nutshell. When we do get a handle on this crisis, he wants to be able to pull out footage and declare "I called it! I said use this! I said try this! I told them to do this, it was my idea!" He's just doing it with lots of stupid stuff because he doesnt want to miss an opportunity. He's afraid 'the big one' will be mentioned and he wont get credit for it.

It's all about declaring himself the savior of the cv crisis and we'll hear all about it, esp in his campaign. (Which is basically each of his press briefings these days) --- Lursa
What are you afraid of?

Trumps appearances on cable news are working just fine for the Biden campaign. And the more desperate he gets, the more he grants interviews and the more he Tweets, the better for Biden. Hell, that one picture of him at the Oval Office desk with canned beans and such, giving two thumbs up with a ****-eating grin, that one pic is worth more for the Democratic campaign than anything Biden could say or do.

If Trump had just a quarter of Biden's self restraint and filter he'd have a fighting chance. As it is he's going to shoot himself in the bone spurs.

They've returned? When did they start the Draft back up!?
Why? His strategy is working just fine.

So, basically, Biden enjoys staying out of politics.

Good to know.

If Biden is elected, I'm moving.

BTW you all do realize that literally every one of your arguments is backed up by shady polls that oversample Democrats. You don't need to debate issues, only cite polls, which happen to be sponsored by liberal universities and journalists. Interesting.

It's the same pattern over and over.

Biden is winning in the polls which oversample Democrats. Bam. Gothca.
So, basically, Biden enjoys staying out of politics.

Good to know.

If Biden is elected, I'm moving.

BTW you all do realize that literally every one of your arguments is backed up by shady polls that oversample Democrats. Interesting.

It must really piss you off that he's not playing the game the way you'd like him to.

Also, I haven't cited any polls.
It must really piss you off that he's not playing the game the way you'd like him to.

It pisses me off that he doesn't enjoy politics.

If he's not a people person, there are plenty of other jobs out there. ;)
It has verbatims from the interview.

Feel free to prove the assessments in the article wrong. LOL, I've even seen the video where The Donald faked it...like with the data and then he refused to show the interviewer! :lol:

Otherwise, you fail :shrug:

I don’t do CNN
I don’t do CNN

Did they invent the exact quotes from The Donald? It's all on video too.

trump chris wallace interview - Bing

It has verbatims from the interview.

Feel free to prove the assessments in the article wrong. LOL, I've even seen the video where The Donald faked it...like with the data and then he refused to show the interviewer! :lol:

Otherwise, you fail :shrug:​

So...you cant then?

This is the barely coherent and grammatically inept speech of a man who desperately wants to be able to claim that he "cured coronavirus."

That's it, in a nutshell. When we do get a handle on this crisis, he wants to be able to pull out footage and declare "I called it! I said use this! I said try this! I told them to do this, it was my idea!" He's just doing it with lots of stupid stuff because he doesnt want to miss an opportunity. He's afraid 'the big one' will be mentioned and he wont get credit for it.

It's all about declaring himself the savior of the cv crisis and we'll hear all about it, esp in his campaign. (Which is basically each of his press briefings these days) --- Lursa
You all aren't understanding what I actually post.

I didn't say Trump was a better debater, or that he was going to mop the floor with Biden. Without a doubt, when it comes to who is a better political debater, it would be Joe Biden. Trump was an absolute embarrassment in the republican debates in 2015 and 2016, which is one of the many reasons I didn't support him, and refused to vote for him.

All I'm saying is that Joe Biden's cognitive decline is a huge negative and because of that, there's no way in hell that either him or his handlers aren't worried about the presidential debates. Trump may be classless, thin skinned, self centered, and a loud mouth, but if Joe Biden displays to the American people that he's losing his mental faculties, and that he's not all there, it will end his presidential run. I'm not saying that's what's going to happen, because I've seen Biden keep it together before, but if I were a betting man, there's no way I would bet that Biden could keep it together for all 3 debates.


I figure I'm voting for his vice presidential pick.
This is extremely telling about the true reason liberals are supporting Biden.

You could have just asked.

I am supporting Biden to get rid of Trump. That's it. No further reason is needed.
It is now almost August, and we still know very little about Joe Biden. Nearly every other Presidential Candidate in the past two decades has made frequent appearances on Cable News.

What is Joe Biden afraid of?
I agree with others here who think he's not afraid it's a purposeful strategy. Coronavirus and the economic fall out of the response are making Trump far less popular in the general public. This means Trump will have a much harder time gaining voter than he would have last year. And he was....

The misassumption of most people, is they don't get the difference between an election model and a polling aggregate. Some take this even further and don't see the difference between a polling aggregate and a single poll. If you took "the polls" at face value you'd think Americans are voting different all the time. The truth is those who change their vote is quite small and elections are won and lost by far more specific shifts.

An example, in 2016, no matter how you cut it, Hillary's 65,000,000 votes were around the predictable baseline of Democratic voters for that year. It's very unlikely she netted any voters(gain more than she lost) during the campaign, this could be seen as multiple indicators showed she was never very popular and didn't add much beyond the work of who came before her. Polls meanwhile made it seem like there were dramatic shifts, an unlikely truth, she was solid, but that would only be true if Trump pulled in the predictable baseline of Republican voters for that year. Which would have been around 59-60 million votes. He netted only 3, but every indicator showed his gains were much higher having loss a sizeable chunk of the baseline.

Compare this to say Obama in 2008, who got 69.4 far above the predictable baseline of Democratic voters. By 2012, you already saw the new drop of those new voters back expanded base, both victories of course because the republicans never made gains. Again, this is just not what polls said even if they got it "right", it's a lot of noise to paint a big dramatic story of lots of swing-voters and such, but that's just not reality.

No, the truth is polls have a sample error. Lots of people don't respond, even more, lie about their likelihood to vote, so the best you can get is an approximation of popularity and how that falls by differnt groups. You can certianly use that to predict gains and losses, but only by applying an accurate model, which takes those data points and applies them to realistic predictors, not just by applying regions, but also by likelihood and at what rate different groups are likely to vote.

The trouble for Bidens is since 2016 Trump has already netted a good amount of voters. This gain may be down to trickle now, but if Dems are mistaken if relying on the higher democratic baseline. We're likely in for shocker come November. I'd predict Biden still needs to net a solid million to win. Doable, but unlikely. Of course, my model might be wrong -- I just hope, when trying to predict an election people are in fact comparing models, not simply raw polling aggregates which count on a lot of people who don't plan to vote. And a lot of especially working-class types (the rarely sampled, and oft called politically disenchanted) staying to their nature and not voting, a bad bet on a candidate like a Trump who base is the politically disenchanted.
Are we sure he's afraid?

There's an old adage about not interrupting your opponent when he's making a mistake.

Maybe Biden's just waiting on an opening in the stream of mistakes.

For much of America, Biden's main qualifying characteristics are simply
a) he's on the ballot and
b) he's not Trump

What would Biden get out of taking the spotlight away from Trump's unforced errors?

So fake polls are now mistakes?
So fake polls are now mistakes?

Pushing fake polls is a mistake.

So is bragging to the world that your doctors thought you wouldn't do so well on a dementia screening exam.
That is also a mistake.

Bragging about how hard the questions on a dementia screening exam were for you is also a mistake.

Under what circumstances would your doctor ask you to take a dementia screening test?
What would you tell the world about the exam if your doctor did ask you to take one?
Would you tell everyone about how hard it was for you to pass the dementia screening exam?
Why or why not?

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