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Why Is Biden Afraid To Be Interviewed On Cable News? (1 Viewer)

Why Is Biden Afraid Of Being Interviewed on Cable News?

  • He is Afraid of Making Gaffes

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • His Campaign Directed Him Not To

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • He Is Afraid Of COVID

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • He Is Unsure Of His Own Positions On Issues

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • He Is Intimidated By People Asking Questions

    Votes: 3 10.7%

  • Total voters
Are we sure he's afraid?

There's an old adage about not interrupting your opponent when he's making a mistake.

Maybe Biden's just waiting on an opening in the stream of mistakes.

For much of America, Biden's main qualifying characteristics are simply
a) he's on the ballot and
b) he's not Trump

What would Biden get out of taking the spotlight away from Trump's unforced errors?
OMG if Biden's waiting for Trump to stop making an ass of himself, we may never hear from him!
OMG if Biden's waiting for Trump to stop making an ass of himself, we may never hear from him!

:lamo :lamo

This is the barely coherent and grammatically inept speech of a man who desperately wants to be able to claim that he "cured coronavirus."

That's it, in a nutshell. When we do get a handle on this crisis, he wants to be able to pull out footage and declare "I called it! I said use this! I said try this! I told them to do this, it was my idea!" He's just doing it with lots of stupid stuff because he doesnt want to miss an opportunity. He's afraid 'the big one' will be mentioned and he wont get credit for it.

It's all about declaring himself the savior of the cv crisis and we'll hear all about it, esp in his campaign. (Which is basically each of his press briefings these days) --- Lursa
If TRUMP were half as bad as trump haters say he never would have become president

Never would have become anything at all... except a patient in a mental institution ... with not even family coming to visit... Slobbering on himself and babbling incoherently to the staff caring for him

That's what the TDS folks would have everyone believe

Fortunately, we know the extremely deleterious effects TDS has on the human brain and so we ignore the hysterics
You accused 'softballs' earlier. And you dont accept CNN as a legitimate cable news network as mentioned in your OP?

So...put your $$ where your mouth is. Show why CNN is not a legitimate source. Refute the fact-checking.

This is a thread about Biden, and why he is afraid to appear on Prime Time/Weekend Cable News, in person.

If you want to debate Trump's press briefing and CNN's fact checking, it will take pages lol. I would be perfectly happy to debate it, but you need to start a thread in the COVID or News Forum.
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This is a thread about Biden, and why he is afraid to appear on Prime Time/Weekend Cable News, in person.

If you want to debate Trump's press briefing and CNN's fact checking, it will take pages lol. I would be perfectly happy to debate it, but you need to start a thread in the COVID or News Forum.

you are going to be hard pressed to find someone who actually can articulate an honest answer why they think Biden would be a GOOD president. The best you will get is that they hate Trump
According to Gallup, voter registration in April had the country at 31% Democrat, 30% Republican, the rest Independent/Unaffiliated.
Well, that's the problem, isn't it?

Self-described party registration doesn't always correspond to actual party registration. It's all bad data.

By the way - your numbers are bull****. Gallup's tracking poll shows 25% Republican, 31% Democrat and 40% Independent.

Party Affiliation | Gallup Historical Trends
you are going to be hard pressed to find someone who actually can articulate an honest answer why they think Biden would be a GOOD president. The best you will get is that they hate Trump
Yes. But that's the thing - it's all Biden needs. To be not Trump.

That's how he's going to win.
If TRUMP were half as bad as trump haters say he never would have become president

Never would have become anything at all... except a patient in a mental institution ... with not even family coming to visit... Slobbering on himself and babbling incoherently to the staff caring for him

That's what the TDS folks would have everyone believe

Fortunately, we know the extremely deleterious effects TDS has on the human brain and so we ignore the hysterics

What a stupid statement.....Trump became president because of the cultist morons.
Well, that's the problem, isn't it?

Self-described party registration doesn't always correspond to actual party registration. It's all bad data.

By the way - your numbers are bull****. Gallup's tracking poll shows 25% Republican, 31% Democrat and 40% Independent.

Party Affiliation | Gallup Historical Trends

The OP hates actual verifiable facts...he just hates them...:lamo
This is a thread about Biden, and why he is afraid to appear on Prime Time/Weekend Cable News, in person.

If you want to debate Trump's press briefing and CNN's fact checking, it will take pages lol. I would be perfectly happy to debate it, but you need to start a thread in the COVID or News Forum.

And you've already been proven wrong.

You wont admit it, because (one reason) you wont accept media outlets. Please tell us, explicitly, why you reject the interviews JB HAS done.

And why isnt an online interview acceptable? Everyone is doing it for safety...what's the difference? Please explain why an online interview isnt valid?

This is the barely coherent and grammatically inept speech of a man who desperately wants to be able to claim that he "cured coronavirus."

That's it, in a nutshell. When we do get a handle on this crisis, he wants to be able to pull out footage and declare "I called it! I said use this! I said try this! I told them to do this, it was my idea!" He's just doing it with lots of stupid stuff because he doesnt want to miss an opportunity. He's afraid 'the big one' will be mentioned and he wont get credit for it.

It's all about declaring himself the savior of the cv crisis and we'll hear all about it, esp in his campaign. (Which is basically each of his press briefings these days) --- Lursa
you are going to be hard pressed to find someone who actually can articulate an honest answer why they think Biden would be a GOOD president. The best you will get is that they hate Trump

He is a grownup who isn't a complete and total moron.
you are going to be hard pressed to find someone who actually can articulate an honest answer why they think Biden would be a GOOD president. The best you will get is that they hate Trump

Actually, it's very easy to explain that he'd be acres and acres better than The Donald, no hate necessary.

Position/issue by position/issue.

But the OP didnt ask for that.

This is the barely coherent and grammatically inept speech of a man who desperately wants to be able to claim that he "cured coronavirus."

That's it, in a nutshell. When we do get a handle on this crisis, he wants to be able to pull out footage and declare "I called it! I said use this! I said try this! I told them to do this, it was my idea!" He's just doing it with lots of stupid stuff because he doesnt want to miss an opportunity. He's afraid 'the big one' will be mentioned and he wont get credit for it.

It's all about declaring himself the savior of the cv crisis and we'll hear all about it, esp in his campaign. (Which is basically each of his press briefings these days) --- Lursa
It is now almost August, and we still know very little about Joe Biden. Nearly every other Presidential Candidate in the past two decades has made frequent appearances on Cable News.

What is Joe Biden afraid of?

You "still know very little about Joe Biden"? Really? Seriously?

He was first elected to Congress at age 29 in 1972. He's been a Congressman, a Senator, he's run for the DNC nomination for president twice and served as vice president.

I think the more important question for you is how can you NOT know anything about him?
Anyone can be horrified by the current incumbant. Many Republicans/conservatives are too, as we are starting to find out.

I am more of a libertarian lean tho, correct. I find that lean very socially liberal.
neverTrumps are nothing new.
Funny I usually vote Dem but am horrified at the thought of the radical left taking hold under Biden
Actually, it's very easy to explain that he'd be acres and acres better than The Donald, no hate necessary.

Position/issue by position/issue.

But the OP didnt ask for that.
lol. Biden has no "positions" -he jut flip flopped on the Fillibuster.
Biden is an empty suit. he's a marionete for the Green New Deal
the power in the Dem party is not "moderates" it;s all on the Progressive left.

Be careful what you ask for - Biden is not representative of anything libertarian or con.
This is what Joe does in interviews...

“We have a whole group of lawyers who are going out to every voter registration physician in the states…to allow for voting in place…”

Joe Biden becomes totally incoherent during a softball interview with MSNBC pic.twitter.com/TRpiIEZAuX

— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) July 20, 2020

And this is what he does in his "campaign rallies", where he has five reporters listen to him give a speech.

Joe Biden REFUSES to take questions from reporters.

Biden’s handlers seem to have him well-trained to hurry off stage before he says anything off script. pic.twitter.com/BlagGYz3ZU

— Erin Perrine (@ErinMPerrine) July 21, 2020
This is what Joe does in interviews...

And this is what he does in his "campaign rallies", where he has five reporters listen to him give a speech.

Considering your love for Trump, incoherence obviously does not bother you. Why should it bother Biden supporters?
Considering your love for Trump, incoherence obviously does not bother you. Why should it bother Biden supporters?

Trump response to Sean Hannity question, 25 June 2020, as to what he planned for his next term and what he thought of his first four years in the White House, does provide some of us insight into the man's inability to answer in a coherent fashion.
Well, one of the things that will be really great, you know, the word experience is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience. I've always said that. But the word experience is a very important word. It’s a very important meaning. I never did this before—I never slept over in Washington. I was in Washington I think 17 times, all of the sudden, I'm the president of the United States. You know the story, I'm riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our First Lady and I say, 'This is great.' But I didn't know very many people in Washington, it wasn't my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York. Now I know everybody. And I have great people in the administration. You make some mistakes, like you know an idiot like Bolton, all he wanted to do is drop bombs on everybody. You don't have to drop bombs on everybody. You don't have to kill people.
The more people see of Joe Biden, the less they like him.
Has anyone learned who Biden is yet?

It is now almost August, and we still know very little about Joe Biden. Nearly every other Presidential Candidate in the past two decades has made frequent appearances on Cable News.

What is Joe Biden afraid of?

So you know very little about Joe Biden, except of course for his 40+ year public record, and his stint as prominent Vice President for 8 years.

He isn't going on cable news often because he doesn't have to. Trump is doing all the heavy lifting right now, digging himself deeper and tying himself in knots. Just stand back and take appropriate potshots at the endless stream of targets offered up by trump's incompetent big mouth and totalitarian actions.
Yes. But that's the thing - it's all Biden needs. To be not Trump.

That's how he's going to win.

We will see what happens. Unlike you and others, I won't make predictions. I have been around along time, and have seen some strange things happen. There are so many jokers in play right now, that anyone who claims they can guarantee Biden winning is a moron.
The more people see of Joe Biden, the less they like him.

That is one of the most accurate things I have seen on this upcoming election

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