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Why Does Religious People Attack Atheist? (1 Viewer)

Because extremist atheists fly planes into buildings...

No, they don't. But they have murdered millions
How many Atheists knock on doors spreading the word? Are there Atheists slogans on out money? Is Atheism in our Pledge of Allegiance? Do Atheists regularly tell Christians that they will be tortured in their afterlife for not believing in Atheism? Do Atheists assume that Christians are agents of the devil? Do Atheists assert that Americans cannot be patriotic unless they are Atheists?

'Whatever happened to people letting people believe what they want and not try to convince them otherwise?' Indeed.

Atheists also proselytize

Their belief that they don't is just an atheist fairy tale
Atheists also proselytize

Their belief that they don't is just an atheist fairy tale

Wow! That's literally the first pro-Atheism billboard I've ever seen lol

Notice no reference to a church to attend, to request for "donation", no website URL, no 1-800#, no services being SOLD or church being promoted......which you'd surely see in a church billboard.
Wow! That's literally the first pro-Atheism billboard I've ever seen lol

And nope, no URL there! :roll:

Notice no reference to a church to attend

They all reference their organization. Jewish billboards make no reference to churches either. Big "Duh" for you

to request for "donation",

"Atheists don't ask for donations" is another atheist myth

no 1-800#, no services being SOLD or church being promoted......which you'd surely see in a church billboard.

Buddhist billboards don't mention churches either. I wonder why? :duh:
ok well, that's the 2nd. lol. This really is new to me. *crawls out from under rock*
ok well, that's the 2nd. lol. This really is new to me. *crawls out from under rock*

People is people. All groups have their good ones and their whack jobs. It's childs play to tar an entire group by citing the words and actions of the most extreme members. It's a wonder that atheists, who claim to be superior in thought, so often resort to such an inferior argument
No, they don't. But they have murdered millions

lol, you just used King-Il-Sung to provide an example of an atheist? I would argue that he ran the biggest theocratic government in human history. If they don't worship him as their god, or their current leader, then they get sent to concentration camps. Also, King-Il-Sung was raised a Catholic (Christian at least).
People is people. All groups have their good ones and their whack jobs. It's childs play to tar an entire group by citing the words and actions of the most extreme members. It's a wonder that atheists, who claim to be superior in thought, so often resort to such an inferior argument

Forgive me, but what inferior argument?
lol, you just used King-Il-Sung to provide an example of an atheist? I would argue that he ran the biggest theocratic government in human history. If they don't worship him as their god, or their current leader, then they get sent to concentration camps. Also, King-Il-Sung was raised a Catholic (Christian at least).

Umm, that isn't who you think it is

Hint: right-click on the picture and choose "Properties" from the drop-down list
Forgive me, but what inferior argument?

The one I mentioned:

People is people. All groups have their good ones and their whack jobs. It's childs play to tar an entire group by citing the words and actions of the most extreme members. It's a wonder that atheists, who claim to be superior in thought, so often resort to such an inferior argument
Atheists also proselytize

Their belief that they don't is just an atheist fairy tale
You avoid answering any of my questions: How many Atheists knock on doors spreading the word? Are there Atheists slogans on our money? Is Atheism in our Pledge of Allegiance? Do Atheists regularly tell Christians that they will be tortured in their afterlife for not believing in Atheism? Do Atheists assume that Christians are agents of the devil? Do Atheists assert that Americans cannot be patriotic unless they are Atheists?

I did not assert that Atheists do not try to convince anyone of anything. And I certainly do not speak for all Atheists as if we were an organized group. But I do admit that I am what one would call an Strong-Atheist. Which means that I do not have a belief that there is no god, I instead dismiss the concept of gods as meaningless and incoherent when put up against evidence in our naturalistic world. But I have yet to pay for a billboard sign and I do not argue against the liberty of people who do pay for billboard signs. In fact in my list of question that you ignored I did not even mention billboard signs. The closest question to your rebuttal was How many Atheists knock on doors spreading the word?
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Umm, that isn't who you think it is

Hint: right-click on the picture and choose "Properties" from the drop-down list

The bastard looks pretty similar :-0. That and I just watched a documentary on him so I guess I was bound to recognize him as that.
I believe in "supreme being(s)," (for lack of a better word) that can be clearly explained using physics, logic and the dictates of reason in a physical, tangable way. However, we do not have that knowlege so, since history began being recorded, mankind has just took the "God said it, I believe it" position/approach and let it go at that. Lazy thought.

I believe that gods of past and present most likely were explainations for the unexplainable (due to lack of knowlege) and also most likely "extraterrestial" entities that mankind, in it's simplicity, has not been able to explain. So just call it "god" and be done with it.

We were a breeding experiment. Too bad that ancient mankind had no grasp on science and physics and they had to explain it in terms of gods and godesses. I wish I knew what was what.
You avoid answering any of my questions: How many Atheists knock on doors spreading the word? Are there Atheists slogans on our money? Is Atheism in our Pledge of Allegiance? Do Atheists regularly tell Christians that they will be tortured in their afterlife for not believing in Atheism? Do Atheists assume that Christians are agents of the devil? Do Atheists assert that Americans cannot be patriotic unless they are Atheists?

They were stupid questions. They're the equibalent of me asking "How many Christians claim atheists are wasting their time by going to church?"

I did not assert that Atheists do not try to convince anyone of anything. And I certainly do not speak for all Atheists as if we were an organized group. But I do admit that I am what one would call an Strong-Atheist. Which means that I do not have a belief that there is no god, I instead dismiss the concept of gods as meaningless and incoherent when put up against evidence in our naturalistic world. But I have yet to pay for a billboard sign and I do not argue against the liberty of people who do pay for billboard signs. In fact in my list of question that you ignored I did not even mention billboard signs. The closest question to your rebuttal was How many Atheists knock on doors spreading the word?

More nonsense. The FACT that atheists use different means of proselytizing is insignificant. The important fact is that neither group has a monopoly of proselytizing
They were stupid questions. They're the equibalent of me asking "How many Christians claim atheists are wasting their time by going to church?"

More nonsense. The FACT that atheists use different means of proselytizing is insignificant. The important fact is that neither group has a monopoly of proselytizing

What I did establish though is that theists spend much more time and effort trying to convert souls as opposed to Atheists trying to spread information not a belief system. AN Atheist does not walk up to someone and tell them that they will burn in hell if they do not believe in their God. True Atheists do not have a God or an religion to convert someone over too. But that was my point Theist do not use spiritual blackmail to in a dishonest insulting way like theists do. And that was the point that I was making that you refused to see.

Its comparable to a used cars salesman tactics (theists) and buying a car from a trusted friend (Atheists). Atheists are honestly telling people about science Yes I admit some Atheists are not honest, but the same is with theists since we are all humans) while theists just make up stuff or quote a faulty piece of literature.
What I did establish though is that theists spend much more time and effort trying to convert souls as opposed to Atheists trying to spread information not a belief system.

The only thing you established is that there are fewer atheists, so they're efforts are less noticeable

AN Atheist does not walk up to someone and tell them that they will burn in hell if they do not believe in their God.

Why would any atheist care if someone tells them they're going to burn in a place they don't believe exists? :lamo:

Your complaints are the silliest I've ever heard

True Atheists do not have a God or an religion to convert someone over too. But that was my point Theist do not use spiritual blackmail to in a dishonest insulting way like theists do. And that was the point that I was making that you refused to see.

No, Atheists never proselytize :roll:


And there's nothing dishonest about an atheist vandalizing a billboard

Its comparable to a used cars salesman tactics (theists) and buying a car from a trusted friend (Atheists). Atheists are honestly telling people about science Yes I admit some Atheists are not honest, but the same is with theists since we are all humans) while theists just make up stuff or quote a faulty piece of literature.

Yes. atheists are *honestly* telling people about science by vandalizing billboards :lamo:
And there's nothing dishonest about an atheist vandalizing a billboard

Was that done by an atheist spurred by atheism, or by some punk ass jerk for the purpose of being a punk ass jerk?
Was that done by an atheist spurred by atheism, or by some punk ass jerk for the purpose of being a punk ass jerk?

He could also be a huge Nietzsche fan...
The only thing you established is that there are fewer atheists, so they're efforts are less noticeable

Why would any atheist care if someone tells them they're going to burn in a place they don't believe exists? :lamo:

Your complaints are the silliest I've ever heard

No, Atheists never proselytize :roll:

And there's nothing dishonest about an atheist vandalizing a billboard

Yes. atheists are *honestly* telling people about science by vandalizing billboards :lamo:

Lmao the best that you can come up with is a billboard. Where do you find these things? I mean some idiot spray painted on a billboard paid for by theists? BTW that was not the work of an Atheist. Otherwise they would have changed it to God is not real. I suspect either its a metalhead or a Satanist or just a prankster or perhaps photoshopped.

Seriously Atheist do not think God is dead, we just think there is no such as gods or any other fairy tale crap.

And duh Sherlock of course Atheists dont believe in hell, My point (that you dont seem to be able to grasp) is that Atheists do not threaten people to try to win them over to their side. Theists routinely threaten eternal hell if the target does not convert. Theists routinely imply that life is meaningless without God.

And also like I have told you before not all Atheists are good people. And those that are bad are likely to do anything. But I am unaware of any Atheist groups that kill people that believe differently. Theists have many different groups that kill people that do not agree with them.
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