Columbusite said:Jesus Christ! You practice no religion (Atheist?) yet see no problem with the ten commandments? I'll tell you why you should be offended.
There is your first problem, that is her opinion and mind. She decides whether she is offended or not.
The people who have put these up in courts over the course of this country's history take what that mere "piece of stone" says VERY seriously and as a nonreligious person you should be informed. If you were, you'd be concerned. I suggest a visit to au.org which is an excellent organization dedicated to keeping that wall of separation up. Yes, we have ignored our Constitution when it has been convenient. We still haven't lived up to our 14th amendment (that ALL citizens be treated equally under the law) and although there is no religious test required you better believe that you need to profess a belief in God (the Judeo-Christian one) if you want a shot at a political office. That whole prohibition argument was nonsense. Just because you tack something blatantly unconstitutional to the Constitution does not make it constitutional. I can tell you how that piece of paper/stone violates the 1st amendment. Our 1st amendment gurantees freedom of religion while the ten commandments demands that "thou shalt have no other gods before me". It is a violation because our government is to be neutral in religious matters. It should not be promoting religious views. Since our government has at it's core "freedom of religion" it has no business allowing any kind of religious doctrine to hang in it's buildings, especially one that is contradictory.That could be changed if they wanted to post the 3 commandments against killing, stealing, and lying since these are not solely religious and/or if all kinds of religious doctrines are allowed, but it would be easiest to keep them all out. If they are only words then why not just hand the country over to conservative Christians who want to rule the country with the Bible instead of the Constitution. I mean, they're only words. What harm could it do?
"Congress shall make no establishment of religion or prohibit the free exercise thereof"
How does placing the ten commandments in a court room establish a religion? It is not a law, just a monument, it means only what you take it as. If you aren't a Christian, it is just a rock. It is not forcing, or even advocating, that you become a Christian, it is simply a monument.
A religious monument in the courtroom vs. ruling the country with the Bible. I don't think you can compare the two.