cnredd said:
You're not making the connection that some people perceive this simply as "art".
You would accept a paper airplane as art...why not 2 ton rock with words on it that took months to be chiseled? Are you afraid of words?
This is not a horrible analogy. Let's use your example on something else maybe so you can see its flaw.
The American Flag is not anything more than cloth and thread. What's so bad about burning something that's cloth and thread?
See? The Ten Commandments are not just rock, they're a symbol of something greater than the materials it's made out of. As such, it needs to be treated with the respect of the meaning and not what is tangible.
Now, as for the original statement, well more of the title of the thread. I will give you my prospective.
America is based on certain freedoms that have been expanded over time as society permits it.
The freedom of equality was originally just given to white male landowners. This was radical at the time. Then there were women and people of color and then what you see today. This freedom of equality that we have today, which few would argue is not a core freedom in our country, was not envisioned by our founding fathers as it was too far "outside the box." It took baby steps to get to where we are now. Yet the same underlying theme from our founding fathers to now is still there.
now let's look at religious freedoms.
First it started off as freedom of religion within Christianisty. This was popular for quite some time. Then toleration towards other "exotic" religions. Now we have come to a point in our country when a more inclusive perspective of freedom of religion is becoming acceptable. Unfortunately for Christians and Jews, this has lead to a lot of "attacks" against your demographic. This is not out of spite, at least from me, rather, it is our attempt to realize the ideals that our founding fathers instilled on this land. As society grows and improves, the box that used to constrict ideas has now allowed a truer religious freedom.
As such, certain things that have already been instilled in this government but do not fit with our improved version of religious freedoms must go. It's fine if they want to be put in a government run museum, but not in a place that represents the current beliefs of this great country.
BUT, I can see your point that Christians and Jews are constantly being picked on, it would feel that way if I were in your shoes. But it must be done to progress freedom. Sorry.