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Who won the first debate? (1 Viewer)

Who won?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 101 51.8%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 25 12.8%
  • Tie

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • Neither

    Votes: 55 28.2%
  • Chris Wallace

    Votes: 11 5.6%

  • Total voters
I voted neither. It was a clown show. Joe Biden was largely correct on all of his points, but it didn't matter. Trump dragged him into the circus tent and for most of the debate Biden seemed stunned. There was no consequence for Trump breaking the debate rules, so of course Trump kept breaking them.

The reason cheating, lying and being generally on the dark side of ethics and morality is popular among villains is that they are short-cuts to success.

No one gained a real advantage. Trump couldn't put Biden away (despite having 'Cheat Mode' enabled), but Biden couldn't really land a punch.
Biden landed the best punch of all just by showing up. Trump hurt himself badly with his purely childish behavior. Did anyone believe it would go any differently?
Biden landed the best punch of all just by showing up. Trump hurt himself badly with his purely childish behavior. Did anyone believe it would go any differently?
That really doesn’t say much. It’s still debatable if he will show up for the next one. This time he has a legitimate excuse not to. However will he be able to wear his mask?
I honestly could not stop laughing. That was hilarious.

"Just imagine, if science and kharma could somehow team up...."
Glad someone got a good laugh out of it. There is so much dire news out there that humor becomes a necessity to get through it.
Oh good god. He's a politician doing politics. You can't even acknowledge that? (Alternatively, there were really important blank pages requiring his signature, in different outfits, while hospitalized. He must have done immeasurable good for the American people with his "work" while receiving medical care. Sounds likely.)
That's possible he is just doing politics. I offered a possible alternative. For you to treat your opinion as fact, deny another possibility, is very ignorant, and not skeptical as your name implies you are.
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A cold doesn't normally put even old guys in the hospital.

I think I had the Covid. I had some of the symptoms, but it might have just been a cold or flu. It didn't do anything to me I haven't experience before, except I was chronically fatigued. I didn't get tested because I didn't feel like I had the scary monster they make us fear.

IMO, they panicked the world, then had to save face, so they went above and beyond counting any death they could attribute to Covid, as such. I don't think the death rates would be too much different if they counted norl=mal cold and flu seasons the same as they did with Covid this year.
That's possible he is just doing politics. I offered a possible alternative. For you to treat your opinion as fat, is very ignorant, and not skeptical as your name implies you are.
Your alternative was unconvincing. We can all find ways to question things we don't like forever and demand unattainable thresholds of certainty, but the far more plausible explanation here is that the politician was playing silly dress up games and signing blank pieces of paper to look the part. It's not like a focus on optics is new for him.

I really don't care either way; if I was president and hospitalized but needing to convey an image of strength for an upcoming election, *of course* my people would have me do the same. That's politics. Hopefully they wouldn't make the charade so transparent though -- it makes his administration look that much more incompetent when they can't even get designed photo ops right.
IMO, they panicked the world, then had to save face, so they went above and beyond counting any death they could attribute to Covid, as such. I don't think the death rates would be too much different if they counted norl=mal cold and flu seasons the same as they did with Covid this year.

I totally trust someone who thinks like this to analyze my climate science. 😆 😆 😆
Your alternative was unconvincing. We can all find ways to question things we don't like forever and demand unattainable thresholds of certainty, but the far more plausible explanation here is that the politician was playing silly dress up games and signing blank pieces of paper to look the part. It's not like a focus on optics is new for him.

I really don't care either way; if I was president and hospitalized but needing to convey an image of strength for an upcoming election, *of course* my people would have me do the same. That's politics. Hopefully they wouldn't make the charade so transparent though -- it makes his administration look that much more incompetent when they can't even get designed photo ops right.
It's the treatment of the most likely possibility as fact that bothers me. Facts make statistics. Statistics do not make facts.
I would have to see the actual files, and then view it with programs I have. I don't trust what someone else says, especially when journalists commonly lie these days.
Yet you trust the White House which puts out demonstrable lies almost daily?

your judgment is....in question.
Yet you trust the White House which puts out demonstrable lies almost daily?

your judgment is....in question.
You are making assumptions that I did not imply. I only stated an alternate possibility.
You are making assumptions that I did not imply. I only stated an alternate possibility.
And another alternate possibility is that the pictures are all photoshopped and it’s Putin who was in them originally.

that’s pretty stupid, but not too far from your ‘alternate possibility’.
And another alternate possibility is that the pictures are all photoshopped and it’s Putin who was in them originally.

that’s pretty stupid, but not too far from your ‘alternate possibility’.
Sure, it's possible. But that scenario is probably near the possibility of winning the Powerball.

I think I had the Covid. I had some of the symptoms, but it might have just been a cold or flu. It didn't do anything to me I haven't experience before, except I was chronically fatigued. I didn't get tested because I didn't feel like I had the scary monster they make us fear.

IMO, they panicked the world, then had to save face, so they went above and beyond counting any death they could attribute to Covid, as such. I don't think the death rates would be too much different if they counted norl=mal cold and flu seasons the same as they did with Covid this year.
We have the statistics for deaths in this country and others that say very differently. The risk of this virus is very real and relatively worse than anything we have dealt with in about century. Believing otherwise is disseminating a ridiculous but dangerous conspiracy theory.
It's the treatment of the most likely possibility as fact that bothers me. Facts make statistics. Statistics do not make facts.
Occam's Razor, what is most probable is also most likely the answer. There is plenty of evidence that this virus is causing the increase in deaths that this country and the world is seeing right now.
We have the statistics for deaths in this country and others that say very differently. The risk of this virus is very real and relatively worse than anything we have dealt with in about century. Believing otherwise is disseminating a ridiculous but dangerous conspiracy theory.
Occam's Razor, what is most probable is also most likely the answer. There is plenty of evidence that this virus is causing the increase in deaths that this country and the world is seeing right now.
From cherry picked data. Almost all old age deaths where people had any trace of the virus, are counted as covid deaths.

Seriously. If they tested every death last year, and anyone having the flu virus had their death attributed to the flu, I don't think the numbers would be significantly different.

They didn't test for the flu in deaths last year like they test for covid in deaths this year.

Ponder that for a bit.
Are you having issues actually addressing the content of posts or was there a cat on your keyboard?
I have addressed it, repeatably in the past. I'm tired or repeating myself to people who deny the possibility. See post 1571.
From cherry picked data. Almost all old age deaths where people had any trace of the virus, are counted as covid deaths.

Seriously. If they tested every death last year, and anyone having the flu virus had their death attributed to the flu, I don't think the numbers would be significantly different.

They didn't test for the flu in deaths last year like they test for covid in deaths this year.

Ponder that for a bit.
It's not cherry picked at all. It is the exact same data types we use when we report deaths from influenza, HIV, or any other virus.
From cherry picked data. Almost all old age deaths where people had any trace of the virus, are counted as covid deaths.

Seriously. If they tested every death last year, and anyone having the flu virus had their death attributed to the flu, I don't think the numbers would be significantly different.

They didn't test for the flu in deaths last year like they test for covid in deaths this year.

Ponder that for a bit.
Hospitals that code coronavirus into the patient's chart receive a 20% premium from the federal Coronavirus Relief fund. That is a big incentive to stack the numbers. In fact, only 6% of the Coronavirus related deaths list Coronavirus as the cause on the death certificate. The other 94% list it as a factor.

People also need to realize that 200,000 out of a population of 330 million is only 6/100s of one percent. In other words, this isn't no plague.

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