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Where can you afford to buy? (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Enter your requirements and how much you'd like to pay on rent or mortgage repayments each month to see places in your price range.

Only thing is the calculator should also build in how long you are willing to make mortgage payments. Using a mid-value 3 bedroom property as a guideline I can buy in up to 60% of the UK. London and regions around are totally out of my range.

Where can I afford to live? - BBC News

Anyone in other parts of Europe got a similar calculator for their countries? Would make interesting comparisons.
Only thing is the calculator should also build in how long you are willing to make mortgage payments. Using a mid-value 3 bedroom property as a guideline I can buy in up to 60% of the UK. London and regions around are totally out of my range.

Where can I afford to live? - BBC News

Anyone in other parts of Europe got a similar calculator for their countries? Would make interesting comparisons.

Come down here. Houses are cheap and the moment and you can get them at a fraction of London homes. You can get a new sea view house with 3 bedrooms and a pool for Euros 300K and a used 3 bedroom with tennis and a pool for Euro 250 K, if you look.
Come down here. Houses are cheap and the moment and you can get them at a fraction of London homes. You can get a new sea view house with 3 bedrooms and a pool for Euros 300K and a used 3 bedroom with tennis and a pool for Euro 250 K, if you look.

Is there any kind of similar online calculator for Spain?
Is there any kind of similar online calculator for Spain?

Never seen one, but there is a ton of wonderful property available for a snip around here. Things like this one:

Inmobiliaria Rogelio

Beautiful setting, pool, 9ha. of land - gorgeous! I've got nothing to do with it btw mods, so I'm not spamming, just giving an idea.

Or how about a fixer-upper for peanuts?

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Only thing is the calculator should also build in how long you are willing to make mortgage payments. Using a mid-value 3 bedroom property as a guideline I can buy in up to 60% of the UK. London and regions around are totally out of my range.

Where can I afford to live? - BBC News

Anyone in other parts of Europe got a similar calculator for their countries? Would make interesting comparisons.
Never seen one for Spain but here, like anywhere else in Europe (at least Western Europe) an affordable place in a low earning area doesn't really help.

As per your example, being able to afford a property everywhere else but London but earning your living in London isn't much use until we can say "Scotty, beam me".

Of course once one has managed to make oneself independent of salary/wage (by acquiring adequate pension, life insurance etc.), freedom of movement within or without EU ;) becomes a totally different aspect.

As such I wouldn't advise anyone without independent means of support to go buy a house in Spain and move there. Where there are earning possibilities here even in the crisis that Spain still groans under, the lovely estate that Andy links to will probably be unaffordable to the average local, given the medium income level prevailing in sitiu.

So, whether you move from London to John o' Groats or to Andalucia, one needs to bring money and already have a comfortable income source that's independent of local economy.

If one is from Madrid, same thing applies even where moving to John o' Groats would possibly entail the additional cost of psychiatric treatment.:mrgreen:
~.....................Beautiful setting, pool, 9ha. of land - gorgeous!..............~
If I were to buy 9 ha of land, I'd shoot myself immediately afterwards. Or at least have myself committed. Fortunately that beautiful estate has only a tenth of that but even then, I personally would have to be able to afford the help in maintaining even that.

Had enough on my hands in keeping on top of 5,000 m2 in my time and getting older didn't help all that much.

Right now I'm toying with the idea of completely cementing the little garden I have and placing just two or three plastic flowers in it.:mrgreen:
If I were to buy 9 ha of land, I'd shoot myself immediately afterwards. Or at least have myself committed. Fortunately that beautiful estate has only a tenth of that but even then, I personally would have to be able to afford the help in maintaining even that.
You're quite right, 9,000 m2, not 9ha.

Right now I'm toying with the idea of completely cementing the little garden I have and placing just two or three plastic flowers in it.:mrgreen:
I can't talk, I just laid a plastic lawn. :shock: No water, y'see.
Come down here. Houses are cheap and the moment and you can get them at a fraction of London homes. You can get a new sea view house with 3 bedrooms and a pool for Euros 300K and a used 3 bedroom with tennis and a pool for Euro 250 K, if you look.

Yes but the catch is I have to live in Southern Spain ;)
Yes but the catch is I have to live in Southern Spain ;)

I remember in the 90's some people started considering buying a house in northern France to commute in to London for work.

~ Or how about a fixer-upper for peanuts?


After we got flooded out, this kind of thing is about all I can afford anymore... Unfortunately my partner hates the idea of living in a hovel while I fix it up.
Never seen one, but there is a ton of wonderful property available for a snip around here. Things like this one:

Inmobiliaria Rogelio

Beautiful setting, pool, 9ha. of land - gorgeous! I've got nothing to do with it btw mods, so I'm not spamming, just giving an idea.

Or how about a fixer-upper for peanuts?


Those have to be some of ugliest homes I have ever seen.
Yes but the catch is I have to live in Southern Spain ;)

It is like the Southern US, living costs are low but you have to live in the Southern US. There is a reason living costs are low.
Yes but the catch is I have to live in Southern Spain ;)

How horrible for you. Year-round good weather, affordable housing, beaches, mountains and historic cities and towns, friendly people, eating and drinking that doesn't break the bank, low taxes and cheap and very available flights back home whenever you want. Stay away, Higgins. You'd hate it!
Those have to be some of ugliest homes I have ever seen.

Well, the second one, sure. It needs a helluva lot of work, but the first? Seriously? Wow! No accounting for taste, I guess. Why don't you post us something that you could buy for that kind of money, say CAN$250,000, in your area? Might be interesting. I'm not criticising or getting competitive, but it's interesting that what I think a lot, if not most Europeans might see as desirable, you think is ugly.
~................. but the first? Seriously? Wow! No accounting for taste, I guess. ....~
Well apart from the darkness raging within not necessarily being to the taste of somebody used to Montreal (one needs to know the Andalusian summer sun to get it), that bathroom raises not only the question of who tiled it but, more importantly, who was he mad at?:lol:

But, as you say, taste and all that and the futility of arguing it.;)
Well, the second one, sure. It needs a helluva lot of work, but the first? Seriously? Wow! No accounting for taste, I guess. Why don't you post us something that you could buy for that kind of money, say CAN$250,000, in your area? Might be interesting. I'm not criticising or getting competitive, but it's interesting that what I think a lot, if not most Europeans might see as desirable, you think is ugly.

The outside really nice but the interior looks like someone vomited coloured tile.
This condo even comes furnished. Though $250,000 will buy nothing in Toronto.
How horrible for you. Year-round good weather, affordable housing, beaches, mountains and historic cities and towns, friendly people, eating and drinking that doesn't break the bank, low taxes and cheap and very available flights back home whenever you want. Stay away, Higgins. You'd hate it!

Give me Woking on a wet Wednesday anyday. ��
Well apart from the darkness raging within not necessarily being to the taste of somebody used to Montreal (one needs to know the Andalusian summer sun to get it),
That's true. White interiors with loads of windows would act like a microwave on the occupants.

that bathroom raises not only the question of who tiled it but, more importantly, who was he mad at?:lol:
I know an excellent tiler. Job of a weekend.

But, as you say, taste and all that and the futility of arguing it.;)
Oh, not arguing it, but that's a lovely house to my eyes.
The outside really nice but the interior looks like someone vomited coloured tile.
This condo even comes furnished. Though $250,000 will buy nothing in Toronto.

That's a nice looking apartment. Small, but very nice. It's a bit lacking in the pool and garden department though.
Give me Woking on a wet Wednesday anyday. ��

LOL, you can have Woking on a wet Wednesday any day. And keep it on all the other days as well.:mrgreen:

I've got some very good friends live in Woking, St John's area. They've also got a house here. I know which they prefer.
That's a nice looking apartment. Small, but very nice. It's a bit lacking in the pool and garden department though.

Here a pool is more of a disadvantage than an asset. A garden would be nice but you are not going to find that in the city.
Is there any kind of similar online calculator for Spain?

I haven't seen one. But the calculator for UK or US property should work, unless there are legal things built into it. But the finances are about the same.
The outside really nice but the interior looks like someone vomited coloured tile.
This condo even comes furnished. Though $250,000 will buy nothing in Toronto.

Not bad, are condominiums built sound proofed though? I've gotten to that age I don't want to listen to my neighbour's or their kids music if I don't have to.

That's the first time I've ever used a sentence with "condominium" in it.

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