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When women join the “fair and balanced” network, they get “Foxified” (1 Viewer)


This is standard faux business attire for females host;


Your assertion that Megyn Kelly, who is married, 42 and now a mother of 3 has only her looks to offer is absurd.

Megyn Kelly Moving To Fox News Primetime - Business Insider

After all, she must compete with Harris Faulkner and Kimberly Guifoyle. ;)


I re-post a previous and as yet unanswered question:

Quote Originally Posted by Paxaeon View Post
You don't read too well, which is understandable. The topic is NOT about the educational level of the faux fembots, but at the style they dress, which is sexist and sexually objectifies woman. Try to keep on top topic; if possible

Specifically, How would you dress them?


Thom Paine
nothing shouts "Feminism!".... like ****ting on women who achieve success in their careers...

This is standard faux business attire for females host;


Should she dress in a business suit?

What is out of the ordinary about this dress?
It has been pointed out many times that Megyn Kelly often dumbs herself down on TV. That is the real Fox effect, not the Blonde Republican Sex Kitten trope. What kind of audience would really be okay with that being something that appeals to them?
It has been pointed out many times that Megyn Kelly often dumbs herself down on TV. That is the real Fox effect, not the Blonde Republican Sex Kitten trope. What kind of audience would really be okay with that being something that appeals to them?

It's OK because she doesn't dumb herself down. That's just lefty agit-prop and no thinking person believes it.:peace
I have a BA in Journalism and when I was in college and faux was a standard joke among us underclassmen. But the reality sunk in come graduation...you need a job. A few people I know went to work for News Corp and Fox. Ideology does not put food on the table. One female in particular I knew was very attractive and got a job hosting the weather at a Fox affiliate. She didn't know jack **** about weather or climatology and they couldn't have cared less that she had a journalism degree with an emphasis on editorials. She looked good. That's the reality I know....however, men are not hired by the same standard and that's what I'm against..

Please, keep demanding that Fox hire more attractive men! I'll be looking for a job there in a few years. But don't do it too much, I'd like for there to still be some ugly people left to replace when I get out of college!
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I have a BA in Journalism and when I was in college and faux was a standard joke among us underclassmen. But the reality sunk in come graduation...you need a job. A few people I know went to work for News Corp and Fox. Ideology does not put food on the table. One female in particular I knew was very attractive and got a job hosting the weather at a Fox affiliate. She didn't know jack **** about weather or climatology and they couldn't have cared less that she had a journalism degree with an emphasis on editorials. She looked good. That's the reality I know....however, men are not hired by the same standard and that's what I'm against..

Men on television have to look good too.:peace


I’ll give the devil his due. News reporting on TV used to be a rather somber if not dull affair. It was done as a public service and was never meant to be a revenue center. That was until the corporations and Rupert Murdoch came around.

Murdoch took is knowledge in the supermarket tabloid business; the lowest common denominator that sex sells, and constructed the #1 TV news organization around it. The male demographics that normally would not watch news, now flock to faux everyday. They may not be more informed but they do get their daily dose of titillation.

I have a tip for you. It ain't the good looking blondes. It's their message.

greta van susteren.jpg


I’ll give the devil his due. News reporting on TV used to be a rather somber if not dull affair. It was done as a public service and was never meant to be a revenue center. That was until the corporations and Rupert Murdoch came around.

Murdoch took is knowledge in the supermarket tabloid business; the lowest common denominator that sex sells, and constructed the #1 TV news organization around it. The male demographics that normally would not watch news, now flock to faux everyday. They may not be more informed but they do get their daily dose of titillation.

Faux has found no shortage of women will to prostitute themselves for what appears to be a hefty pay check. Professional female journalists like Christiane Amanpour, Elenor Cliff, Nancy Dickerson, Katie Couric, Candy Crowley, Connie Chung, Sawyer, Diane, Lesley Stahl, Jessica Savitch, et al: eat your hearts out, the faux femmbots are here.

do you honestly believe people like Katie Couric or many other alleged Professional news people got the job because of her education and expertise? news anchors big time or small market tend to be far more photogenic than average people.
I have a BA in Journalism and when I was in college and faux was a standard joke among us underclassmen. But the reality sunk in come graduation...you need a job. A few people I know went to work for News Corp and Fox. Ideology does not put food on the table. One female in particular I knew was very attractive and got a job hosting the weather at a Fox affiliate. She didn't know jack **** about weather or climatology and they couldn't have cared less that she had a journalism degree with an emphasis on editorials. She looked good. That's the reality I know....however, men are not hired by the same standard and that's what I'm against..

The mere fact that Fox news is treated as a joke in underclass journalism education I think is more an indictment of how deep the liberal / progressive ideological indoctrination is in higher education, and in higher journalism education in particular.

By what grounds were Fox news is treated as a joke? Perhaps the answer to this question would be most revealing.
Poll the North Koreans who is the most trusted person on the planet and they'll tell you Kim Jong-un.

Talk about an apples vs. oranges comparison.
Poll the North Koreans who is the most trusted person on the planet and they'll tell you Kim Jong-un.

Talk about an apples vs. oranges comparison.

Yet the point remains that just because something is popular, doesn't mean its good.

Your comparison of North Korean state controlled and brutally enforced adoration of their leader to Fox news is absurd. Fox news is most definitely not in a state controlled media market.

Is this in comparison to the present popularity of Obama vs the popularity of Fox news? That too is an absurd comparison.

The only conclusion I can draw from your post is that you believe that the popularity of Fox news is akin to the popularity of a brutally enforced totalitarian dictatorship. On which basis do you make this conclusion? That Fox news brutally enforces its popularity of their viewers such as the popularity of Kim Jong Un in North Korea? That too is absurd.
As the saying goes... "That's Entertainment".

It's hard to get your face in front of a TV audience if it's butt-ugly. You ever see what Ellen Degeneres looks like without her TV face on? If she worked for Fox, I couldn't imagine the outrage you would have for her having to look like a lipstick lesbian, but she doesn't work for Fox. That's just reality. I'll bet if Rosie makes it back to the View, she'll be wearing lipstick again, too. In your private life, you can make yourself as loathesome looking as you'd like but if you're going to go for a career on TV or in the Movies, you might as well get used to good grooming and being "dressed up" because no one wants to stare at an eyesore while they're watching the tube.

All people on camera wear a lot of make-up, even men. Blow up a good HD video, and you'll see it. They have to, or they'll look like ghosts. That's not the issue.

The issue is that it's actually NOT hard for a less attractive man to get a position at Fox, especially in the higher tiers. Are you going to try to tell me O'Reilly, Baier, and Beck are studmuffins? They're not. And it doesn't matter. No one cares, and no one should.

Why is it that women can't get a job at Fox if they're anything less than a 9 on the Stereotypical Southern Attractiveness Scale? Why do they not only have to be highly attractive, but only ONE kind of attractive, whereas it doesn't seem to matter at all when they're hiring men?

It's a perfectly valid question: why do sub-9 men have no problem getting hired at Fox, and sub-9 women are completely excluded?
Men don't care what men look like. Women don't care what men look like. Men and women care what women look like. This isn't just fox news this is all news and mostly all of television.

All people on camera wear a lot of make-up, even men. Blow up a good HD video, and you'll see it. They have to, or they'll look like ghosts. That's not the issue.

The issue is that it's actually NOT hard for a less attractive man to get a position at Fox, especially in the higher tiers. Are you going to try to tell me O'Reilly, Baier, and Beck are studmuffins? They're not. And it doesn't matter. No one cares, and no one should.

Why is it that women can't get a job at Fox if they're anything less than a 9 on the Stereotypical Southern Attractiveness Scale? Why do they not only have to be highly attractive, but only ONE kind of attractive, whereas it doesn't seem to matter at all when they're hiring men?

It's a perfectly valid question: why do sub-9 men have no problem getting hired at Fox, and sub-9 women are completely excluded?
Your comparison of North Korean state controlled and brutally enforced adoration of their leader to Fox news is absurd. Fox news is most definitely not in a state controlled media market.

Is this in comparison to the present popularity of Obama vs the popularity of Fox news? That too is an absurd comparison.

The only conclusion I can draw from your post is that you believe that the popularity of Fox news is akin to the popularity of a brutally enforced totalitarian dictatorship. On which basis do you make this conclusion? That Fox news brutally enforces its popularity of their viewers such as the popularity of Kim Jong Un in North Korea? That too is absurd.

What's all this wild association outrage? The point still remains that just because something is popular or widely believed, it doesn't necessarily mean it is good or should be trusted.

Many of the religious believe their own god is the true god, the real one.

Many people of various political associations believe their ideology is the right one.

Many of the people of Germany trusted the Nazi regime.

Many believed slavery was good and righteous in the south.

Many in North Korea believe their leader is something of a god.

Is this not the truth? I'm using these examples because they are egregious and obvious. I think Fox news is absolutely ridiculous and not to be trusted at all. Their motto is "fair and balanced". They're conspicuously attempting to promote the rationale their views are normal and centrist though they are so blatantly not. Sounds like brainwashing to me... isn't all media these days?
What's all this wild association outrage? The point still remains that just because something is popular or widely believed, it doesn't necessarily mean it is good or should be trusted.

Many of the religious believe their own god is the true god, the real one.

Many people of various political associations believe their ideology is the right one.

Many of the people of Germany trusted the Nazi regime.

Many believed slavery was good and righteous in the south.

Many in North Korea believe their leader is something of a god.

Is this not the truth? I'm using these examples because they are egregious and obvious. I think Fox news is absolutely ridiculous and not to be trusted at all. Their motto is "fair and balanced". They're conspicuously attempting to promote the rationale their views are normal and centrist though they are so blatantly not. Sounds like brainwashing to me... isn't all media these days?
Many of the religious believe their own god is the true god, the real one.

You mean to tell me that there are people that worship a God they don't believe is the real God?

"Well, Yahweh's great and all, and I am loyal to him entirely, but I can't help but feel like that Horus fellah everyone keeps going on about might be the real deal!":lamo
Men don't care what men look like. Women don't care what men look like. Men and women care what women look like. This isn't just fox news this is all news and mostly all of television.

Not as much as it used to be. Especially in the higher tiers of reporting, you will see older women, or women who are not as classically "attractive."

And yet, not at Fox. Fox is happy to hold onto the double standard, rather than push merit above looks.

You're proposing it's ok simply because they are currently doing it that way. It's not.

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