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When women join the “fair and balanced” network, they get “Foxified” (1 Viewer)


You don't read too well, which is understandable. The topic is NOT about the educational level of the faux fembots, but at the style they dress, which is sexist and sexually objectifies woman. Try to keep on top topic; if possible

What is sexist about their dress? They are in standard female business attire.:peace

The woman you chose to grace with your post happens to have graduated magna cum laude, earned her JD, had a solid practical career in law and modeled for Victoria's Secret before joining FOX. Sure seems to be a rather well rounded and successful woman. I really can't imagine why someone wouldn't want to emulate her rather than trash her.

Stop waging your war on women Luther, it's embarrassing :roll:
"Give her the box . . . the last color you'll ever dye it."

The only non-blond I recall seeing on Fox is Sarah Palin.

Then you should turn it on between 11:00 am & 1:00 pm every day to see the lady who anchors their news show. Her name is Harris Faulkner.


You don't read too well, which is understandable. The topic is NOT about the educational level of the faux fembots, but at the style they dress, which is sexist and sexually objectifies woman. Try to keep on top topic; if possible

Actually, to be fair, your fixation on their hair and style of dress is what is sexist and objectifying of women - you have no interest in their qualifications or their work product, as you've stated.
There is a war on attractive women, waged by unattractive women.:mrgreen:


I’ll give the devil his due. News reporting on TV used to be a rather somber if not dull affair. It was done as a public service and was never meant to be a revenue center. That was until the corporations and Rupert Murdoch came around.

If your avatar is representative of your actual appearance, then you can be excused the inaccuracy that I've highlighted in the above paragraph. You are young, or you would know that news reporting has always been meant to be a revenue generator...long before Murdoch came around.

Murdoch took is knowledge in the supermarket tabloid business; the lowest common denominator that sex sells, and constructed the #1 TV news organization around it. The male demographics that normally would not watch news, now flock to faux everyday. They may not be more informed but they do get their daily dose of titillation.

Yes, any graduate of marketing will tell you that "sex sells". Murdoch is hardly the first to capitalize on that fact. Now, I don't watch Fox or any other news stations, but I hardly think Fox earned it's #1 rating on sex alone.

Faux has found no shortage of women will to prostitute themselves for what appears to be a hefty pay check. Professional female journalists like Christiane Amanpour, Elenor Cliff, Nancy Dickerson, Katie Couric, Candy Crowley, Connie Chung, Sawyer, Diane, Lesley Stahl, Jessica Savitch, et al: eat your hearts out, the faux femmbots are here.

You...and the author of that article you linked...have just insulted any beautiful woman who has the education...the skill...and the drive to become a highly paid journalist. Good Job!!
With all due forgiveness - you didn't notice the bottle-blond hair?

I'm all for smart, educated women - conservative or otherwise - getting a leg up in news and so forth. But is there a requirement that they all look the same?

Makeup is a standard - even men wear it.
Dressing nice is a standard - though Fox goes to extremes and most women wear the equivalent of the 'black dress' (save for a few).
But the blond hair seems like a demand - which doesn't surface on any other news station in THAT degree.

Of course you'll always find women who bottle-blond, but that many all in one place? It looks like it's a news-station requirement, not a personal decision.

"Give her the box . . . the last color you'll ever dye it."

The only non-blond I recall seeing on Fox is Sarah Palin.

Obviously ignorant of the Fox on-air line-up.:peace
Don't underestimate the benefits of good wood. I don't see anything wrong or sexist about being informed and engorged.


The ignorance of the posted is overwhelming. He goes on an ad homnum attack becuase her does not have the intellectual where with all to stick to the topic and lacks understanding of what the topic is all about.

Part of the faux strategy to attract male viewers over 40, to display all this women as sex objects. Hair, make-up, legs, etc. For the average male faux viewer over 40, we not only gets entertains but can get a nice woody watching faux news....that of course is my opinion.

I've posted picture after picture of the faux fembots, they all the the same. This kind of planning comes from the very top, Roger Ailes, to wit:

"I Can't See Her Legs!": Roger Ailes' Rampant Sexism

New Book Accuses Fox News Chief Roger Ailes Of Sexism, Anti-Semitism

Head of Fox News Roger Ailes Obsessed with Female Hosts' Legs,

Roger Ailes: I hired Sarah Palin 'because she was hot'

The woman you chose to grace with your post happens to have graduated magna cum laude, earned her JD, had a solid practical career in law and modeled for Victoria's Secret before joining FOX. Sure seems to be a rather well rounded and successful woman. I really can't imagine why someone wouldn't want to emulate her rather than trash her.

Well, it's quite obvious that you have never been a woman. Just the mere fact that she may be prettier AND smarter than some women is enough to warrant placing the crosshairs on her. :lol:

You don't read too well, which is understandable. The topic is NOT about the educational level of the faux fembots, but at the style they dress, which is sexist and sexually objectifies woman. Try to keep on top topic; if possible

Specifically, How would you dress them?


Thom Paine
Professional female journalists like Christiane Amanpour, Elenor Cliff, Nancy Dickerson, Katie Couric, Candy Crowley, Connie Chung, Sawyer, Diane, Lesley Stahl, Jessica Savitch, et al: eat your hearts out, the faux femmbots are here.

You mean this primping, on air wine-drinking Sawyer? Oh, and she's blond and didn't work for Fox News.

Well, it's quite obvious that you have never been a woman. Just the mere fact that she may be prettier AND smarter than some women is enough to warrant placing the crosshairs on her. :lol:

Apparently so. It's kind of like me hating Derek Jeter because he's a better shortstop than I am and (according to some) better looking.
Andrea Tanteros
Jedidiah Bila
Harris Faulkner
Kimberly Gillfoyle.

These are all non-blonde women on Fox's top rated shows. They're on everyday. You can't miss them - yet the article in the OP doesn't even picture them.

Did you look for four?
Four non-blondes.

I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself! :D
What is sexist about their dress? They are in standard female business attire.:peace

My guess is that since they are pretty, they aren't supposed to dress in anything which accentuates their beauty, such as a dress which shows a little leg. If they were not pretty women, it would be okay to dress them that way, as it wouldn't change the fact that they are not pleasing to the eye.
What do you want o bet this poster will complain in a year or so that people are commenting on Hillary's clothes instead of listening to what she has to say.
There is a war on attractive women, waged by unattractive women.:mrgreen:

Assuming you're classifying the OP as being among the “unattractive women”, and assuming that her avatar is at all an accurate reflection of her own appearance, then it's a bit more complex than that. Admittedly, it is difficult to truly judge her attractiveness from such a small picture, but Paxaeon's avatar does not appear to me to be a picture of an unattractive woman. Perhaps a woman who has some serious self-esteem issues, and on that basis, perceives herself as unattractive; and in turn has developed a hateful jealousy toward a group of women that she perceives as being more attractive than herself.
Did you look for four?
Four non-blondes.

I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself! :D

Here are a couple of more to add to the list


Jenna Lee, chestnut brown She's on everyday Fox Business


Maria Molina Fox meteorologist on every weekday morning.


Judge Jeanine Pirro. Has a show in primetime weekend slot.

Often the women's haircolor will change from time to time. It isn't the hair color that is the issue here. It's their attractiveness, great legs, fit bodies and chiseled features some women have issue with.
Well, it's quite obvious that you have never been a woman. Just the mere fact that she may be prettier AND smarter than some women is enough to warrant placing the crosshairs on her. :lol:

I don't know that that's universally true of women, but it certainly seems to be the case with the OP.

I certainly have not observed this trait with my wife. My wife will never be a Victoria's Secret model. She does not seem to have any problem with the fact that there are plenty of women who are prettier than she is; and who may, in other ways, surpass her. She's got plenty of very good qualities of her own, and is generally much more about making good use of what she has than of brooding over what she doesn't or being hateful toward those who do have what she doesn't.

I'll even come out and say, based on Paxeon's avatar, and the assumption that that is her own picture, that Paxeon is prettier than my wife; but my wife is more beautiful. There is, as I said before, more to true beauty than just superficial appearance; and a pretty face can never make up for a bad attitude.
I don't know that that's universally true of women, but it certainly seems to be the case with the OP.

I certainly have not observed this trait with my wife. My wife will never be a Victoria's Secret model. She does not seem to have any problem with the fact that there are plenty of women who are prettier than she is; and who may, in other ways, surpass her. She's got plenty of very good qualities of her own, and is generally much more about making good use of what she has than of brooding over what she doesn't or being hateful toward those who do have what she doesn't.

Yeah, much seems to depend on how self-assured the individual woman is. It is something that generally seems to lessen with age, but younger women can be pretty brutal to each other, figuratively speaking, when it comes to jealousy over physical beauty.
Assuming you're classifying the OP as being among the “unattractive women”, and assuming that her avatar is at all an accurate reflection of her own appearance, then it's a bit more complex than that. Admittedly, it is difficult to truly judge her attractiveness from such a small picture, but Paxaeon's avatar does not appear to me to be a picture of an unattractive woman. Perhaps a woman who has some serious self-esteem issues, and on that basis, perceives herself as unattractive; and in turn has developed a hateful jealousy toward a group of women that she perceives as being more attractive than herself.

My post was not a reference to any specific individual.:peace
Faux has found no shortage of women will to prostitute themselves for what appears to be a hefty pay check. Professional female journalists like Christiane Amanpour, Elenor Cliff, Nancy Dickerson, Katie Couric, Candy Crowley, Connie Chung, Sawyer, Diane, Lesley Stahl, Jessica Savitch, et al: eat your hearts out, the faux femmbots are here.
You seriously believe these are "professional female journalists"? :shock: You have got to be joking!

These women are nothing but Main Stream Media Progressive Propagandists!

How could you possibly not know this?! None of them have ever even tried to hide it for christ sake!

Candy Crowley was even Fact-Checking for Obama while Moderating one of his 2012 Romney Debates!

Wow!!! You people are so incredibly disconnected, I'd be amazed if you were able to get your shoes on the right feet!
You seriously believe these are "professional female journalists"? :shock: You have got to be joking!
These women are nothing but Main Stream Media Progressive Propagandists!
How could you possibly not know this?! None of them have ever even tried to hide it for christ sake!
Candy Crowley was even Fact-Checking for Obama while Moderating one of his 2012 Romney Debates!
SIZE=3]Wow!!![/SIZE] You people are so incredibly disconnected, I'd be amazed if you were able to get your shoes on the right feet!



Thank you for your totally useless and ignorant opinions.


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