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What's your attitude toward Islam ? (1 Viewer)

What is your attitude toward Islam ?

  • With

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Against

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Ten things people should know about Islam .

by Deborah Birkett
Here's the condensed list. Please follow this link for the full article.

1. Allah is God.

2. The biggest sin is Islam is shirk: "associating partners with God."

3. Muslims don't believe that Jesus was the son of God.

4. Muslims don't worship the Prophet Muhammad.

5. Translations of the Qur'an are not the Qur'an.

6. Not all Muslims are Arabs; not all Arabs are Muslims.

7. Culture is not religion.

8. Islam is not a monolith.

9. Jihad does not mean "holy war."

10. Islam does not promote, sponsor, condone or encourage terrorism or murder.
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6. Not all Muslims are Arabs; not all Arabs are Muslims. ....
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Aleem, why do you think it is that terrorists do the things they do? Is it mostly the US support for Israel? What other factors, if any, do you think lead to terrorist actions?
I have met quite a few muslims in college and we have spoken at length about or faiths and so quite a few of your points were naturally spoken about Aleem. I went on record as being neutral because honestly, I believe that Islam and Christianity are the same in theory yet different in practice and realize they are both supposed to be based on love and peace. I don't condone twisting any religion to suit means whether it be Islam, Wicca, Christianity, Voodoo, etc. yet fully encourage all to seek peace through some form of spirituality. I also realize that all beliefs have great and lousy people that come to them.
See, I'm an Orthodox Christian ( Slavic ), so I can't support Islam, but I have nothing against it, I dislike Judasium much, much more.
Moderator Gavel


WARNING. Please do not copy complete copywritten articles into Debate Politics per the forum rules.

Moderator Gavel.

Here's the condensed list. Please follow this link for the full article.

1. Allah is God.

2. The biggest sin is Islam is shirk: "associating partners with God."

3. Muslims don't believe that Jesus was the son of God.

4. Muslims don't worship the Prophet Muhammad.

5. Translations of the Qur'an are not the Qur'an.

6. Not all Muslims are Arabs; not all Arabs are Muslims.

7. Culture is not religion.

8. Islam is not a monolith.

9. Jihad does not mean "holy war."

10. Islam does not promote, sponsor, condone or encourage terrorism or murder.
Ask Somolia, or any country in Africa. They take over government or scare government to pay ransoms. They force everyone to believe in Islam, or they will die!
Soviet_Guy said:
Yes they do, not as high as Allah, but it's their founder.
(DISCLAIMER those aren't my points, they belong to the article and presumably the Aleem. DISCLAIMER)
I'm against Islam just as I'm against all religions. They have served their purpose and should now be consigned to the dustbin of history. They were never more than means of social control, and people can surely now think for themselves.
Supreme being? Highly unlikely.
I put neutral. I can't say that I'm "with" Islam, because I'm not a Muslim, but I have no problem with people being Muslim.
Urethra Franklin said:
I'm against Islam just as I'm against all religions. They have served their purpose and should now be consigned to the dustbin of history. They were never more than means of social control, and people can surely now think for themselves.
Supreme being? Highly unlikely.

Lady Urethra, Let's put aside our dispute about "Feminism", Ok ?

I'll talk so neutrally and so sensibly .

I can remember that you said : " The God does not exist ", Ok , Let's talk a little about that .

Regardless Islam, Christianity, Judaism or any other religion .

Can anybody when he sees a car (for example) claim that the car came to the existence spontaneously ? Can anybody say that ?
Can anybody claim that a train was manufactured by nobody ? Or that suddenly and by chance a train on rails existed ?

A chair indicates the presence of a carpenter, Clothes indicate the presence of a tailor, A shoe indicates the presence of a shoe-maker and so on .

Thirsty indicates the presence of water, The sense of injustice indicates the presence of the justice .

Well, I study medicine and i advice you Lady to read the anatomy of human body, I'm sure you'll get stunned .

You'll find yourself in front of a highly-specialized highly-organized highly-complicated systems interacting with one another in an incomparable and matchless harmony and accord to enable the body to see, hear, sense, feel, walk, run, eat, grow, sleep, marry, get pegnant, lactate, cry, laugh, breathe .......................and foremost think and learn .

If the mind does not accept the rough things(as car,train,clothes...) to be self-existent, How can he accept the self-exitence for the human body ?

Not only the body but also those things beyond man's might as animals, plants,mountains, seas, rivers, clouds, the sun, the moon, stars......etc.
The presence of all these things beside human being indicates the presence of the superior creator .

The chance or anything else can not create even a fly, Only the superior creator can do .
Well said my friend.

Chose an oppressive religion before a free economy and encouragement to invent and capitalism and today's problems are what you get.

There should have been Arabs colonizing planets 2400 years ago.
What a waste of time.
As it is now dragging a dead goat around is a national pastime in Afghanistan.
2800 years of sustained conflict due to "religious" differences is enough.
Darn those oppressive religions.
Urethra Franklin said:
I'm against Islam just as I'm against all religions. They have served their purpose and should now be consigned to the dustbin of history. They were never more than means of social control, and people can surely now think for themselves.
Supreme being? Highly unlikely.

I am glad you are so honest Urethra..
It saves me the time and trouble of explaining why
all religions should not be divided.
Most of our institutions are falling one by one; because
of some dogmatic views held by Anarchists of one persuasion
or another.
Whilst religions debate needlessly over who is right
they fail to see what is happening around them.
Look at the quote above ,that is only one vested interest
that wants you to divide.
Be warned their are far more...
I personally would rather trust a religious person no matter
what faith they were for help in times of need,than a politician
I really respect the believers of islam in so far that the five pillars exemplify what we as humans should be. I however, don't think that the false islam that is practiced by extremists is to be admired. One of the pillars involves peace, and they are not for that.
Aleem said:
[10. Islam does not promote, sponsor, condone or encourage terrorism or murder.

Maybe if then those Muslims that claim such (like you) would grab your Muslim brothers by the neck that do terrorism and set them on the straight and narrow then we wouldn't have this whole mess. Then the United States wouldn't have to do it for you. But come to think of it when do you ever see Muslim leaders say that the terrorists are wrong and unworthy of paradise? Talking the talk but not walking the walk don't cut the mustard in this neck of the woods bro. Brass tacks. Simple. It always is.
teacher said:
Maybe if then those Muslims that claim such (like you) would grab your Muslim brothers by the neck that do terrorism and set them on the straight and narrow then we wouldn't have this whole mess. Then the United States wouldn't have to do it for you. But come to think of it when do you ever see Muslim leaders say that the terrorists are wrong and unworthy of paradise? Talking the talk but not walking the walk don't cut the mustard in this neck of the woods bro. Brass tacks. Simple. It always is.

You must taste what you compelled the others to taste :
USA Crusade


You see ? "Iraq" NOT "Saddam" .

See the US War crimes on Iraq with pictures and videos .

Pictures That Bush Does Not Want You To See


An Iraqi Child blown up by USA Army .
What do you expect from this child's relatives as well as all Muslims to do ?

Now you can guess who the real terrorists are .
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teacher said:
But come to think of it when do you ever see Muslim leaders say that the terrorists are wrong and unworthy of paradise?
How much Arabic language media do you partake of regularly? I mean what your basis for noting a lack? If you're like me, I don't speak Arabic and tend to find Arabic language media intensely boring because I don't know what they're talking about. So, for me not to've noticed Muslim leaders saying anything is entirely unremarkable.

So have you conducted some intensive survey of Muslim leaders comments? Or is your argument based merely on ignorance?
Islamists and the Muslim are two seperate things in the Middle East.

In the decaying Arab world, Islam is the problem—because of the way bitter old men interpret and deform its more humane precepts while embracing its cruelest injunctions. Baghdad fell, to the collective shame of those Islamists in power who prefer homegrown despots to Western-inspired democracy. The Islamist revenge is to slaughter their own innocent civillians. Millions of Muslims find such atrocities inspiring. Millions more view such cruelty as just. This is Islam in the Middle East. The Muslim majority are powerless to do anything but act as victim to their own leadership, as they listen to clerek sanctioned hate speech, which blames all of their troubles on America. The House of Saud are to blame for all of the religious perversion that has run amok in the Middle East and are guilty of every murder inflicted by Islamist extremists. These crimes are not just simply the act of a cluster of terrorists, but a reflection of the failure of the entire Middle Eastern Islamist world.

When an entire civilization embraces such butchers, both the civilization and the religion are in trouble.
Simon W. Moon said:
How much Arabic language media do you partake of regularly? I mean what your basis for noting a lack? If you're like me, I don't speak Arabic and tend to find Arabic language media intensely boring because I don't know what they're talking about. So, for me not to've noticed Muslim leaders saying anything is entirely unremarkable.

So have you conducted some intensive survey of Muslim leaders comments? Or is your argument based merely on ignorance?

I'll bite.
Quick survey.

Muslim leader's rape comments under fire
A victim of rape every minute somewhere in the world. Why? No-one to blame but herself. She displayed her beauty to the entire world ...," Sheik Mohamed

Gambian Muslim Leader: Female Genital Mutilation "An Honor"
“FGM is a recommendation of the hadiths of the Prophet. It is an honour for a lady to undergo the practice of FGM,’’ Drammeh said.
Muslim cleric says raid to save Aust hostage 'irresponsible'
The Muslim cleric who travelled to Iraq on a mercy mission to save Australian hostage Douglas Wood, has described last week's rescue raid as irresponsible.

Mr Wood, 63, was rescued during the raid on a Baghdad house after being held for 47 days by Iraqi insurgents.

Canadian Muslim Leader Promotes Suicide Bombings

Elmrasy said, on The Michael Coren Show, that all adult Israelis of military age, including women, are legitimate targets for suicide bombers, since they are eligible for military service.

“They are part of the Israeli army, even if they have civilian clothes,” he said. “The same if they are women in the army…anybody above 18 is a part of the Israeli army.”

Police probe Muslim leader at Vancouver center

“We must remind ourselves of that which Allah has reminded us of so often in the Qur’an, that we are dealing with a people as we said, the brothers of the monkeys and the swines, a people whose treachery is well known,” Kathrada says.

And from the most famous muslim leader of all.
Tabari IX:113 “Allah permits you to shut them in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain, they have the right to food and clothing. Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Qur’an.”
Tabari I:280 “Allah said, ‘It is My obligation to make Eve bleed once every month as she made this tree bleed. I must also make Eve stupid, although I created her intelligent.’ Because Allah afflicted Eve, all of the women of this world menstruate and are stupid.”
Qur’an 9:29 “Fight those who do not believe in Allah or the Last Day, who do not forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, or acknowledge the Religion of Truth (Islam), (even if they are) People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizyah tribute tax in submission, feeling themselves subdued and brought low.” [Another translation says:] “pay the tax in acknowledgment of our superiority and their state of subjection.”
Qur’an 9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”
Qur’an 8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.”
Qur’an 48:22 “If the unbelieving infidels fight against you, they will retreat. (Such has been) the practice (approved) of Allah in the past: no change will you find in the ways of Allah.”
Muslim:B20N4678 “Before the battle of Uhud a Muslim asked, ‘Messenger, where shall I be if I am killed?’ He replied: ‘In Paradise.’ The man fought until he was killed.”

And on and on and on. Kill, maim, rape, destroy, believe.
All in the name of religious freedom.
All this is just an expression of religious freedom right?

To quote a person I often disagee with "Free to be insane!"

According to the the Koran they are just being good muslims expressing their religious freedoms. So whats the problem?
akyron said:
I'll bite...problem?
So what percentage of Msulims advocate the things you posted about here? Or is this a selective sampling?

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