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What will be your reaction if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency? (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
I will have a lower opinion of America in general, and perhaps consider moving to another country.
For some reason I read this as 'What will be your erection'........

....anyway, my reaction will be a casual shrug and go on about my daily business.
Continue to live my life. I enjoy debating politics and complaining about politicians but in my real, everyday existence, the person sitting in the Oval Office has a negligible impact on my life.
I will have a lower opinion of America in general, and perhaps consider moving to another country.

I will be very glad indeed that we have someone who has a clue about real diplomacy in the White House, and who has a real clue about what it takes to govern a nation (as opposed to a certain other individual who doesn't know the difference between "governing" and "owning").
Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst (Mentally, I don't have the money to doomsday prep).
Disappointment and then it's onto the stages of grief.
It will be depressing in that Bernie, his dream, and mine - will have died. :(
It will be depressing in that Bernie, his dream, and mine - will have died. :(

Yeah, you know I've been wanting this to be between Trump and Bernie since the beginning. I don't feel the Bern, but it would be a good election where America really does decide.
I'll be grateful that this election cycle will be over.
Eat, ****, sleep, repeat.

Anyone who is surprised by the impending Hillary inauguration probably hasn't been paying very much attention.
Continue to live my life. I enjoy debating politics and complaining about politicians but in my real, everyday existence, the person sitting in the Oval Office has a negligible impact on my life.

I'm not really sure how that could be true. Politicians have a prodigious impact on our lives.
well, as the President isn't integral part of my life at all... I'll roll my eyes then go on living my life as I always do.

I'll tune in to watch her rabid sycophants become overjoyed at her election though.... dumb people are always good for a little entertainment.
My reaction will be to hope the republican party gets a clue.

and figure on at least 4 more years of political gridlock.

which is a good thing considering the ideas that the politicians have come up with lately.
Yeah, you know I've been wanting this to be between Trump and Bernie since the beginning. I don't feel the Bern, but it would be a good election where America really does decide.
I'd have liked to see all 4:

- Socialist
- Dem
- Repub
- Capitalist

Something for everyone, and real choice!
I'll buy stock In grey goose vodka and let her pad my retirement.
It will be depressing in that Bernie, his dream, and mine - will have died. :(

No it won't. If people think that millions of Americans finding out that they are part of other millions of Americans who are intensely dissatisfied with Washington DC, then they have another thing coming to them. Occupy Wall Street was a some one hundred thousand odd people. Bernie Sanders has pulled 22 million voters who agree with him (and counting). Americans are catching on. We didn't get it this time, but we nearly toppled a multi-billion dollar empire (The Clintons and the DNC). There will be a next time. Can the establishment contain it next time? If they do, will they be able to contain the one after that? At this point, I expect the next major OWS-like protest, and perhaps riots, to start happening after the first year of Hillary in office. If it's Trump, I don't think there will stop being riots and protests.
I will have a lower opinion of America in general, and perhaps consider moving to another country.

I'll be happy. Sorry you want to leave, but enjoy your trip!
not our day to day lives.....local politicians have an impact on our day to day lives, DC yahoos don't.

I would consider "Has your job been outsourced?" and "How much are you paying for goods and services?" to be pretty relevant to one's daily life. DC controls our monetary, fiscal, and trade policies. All of those definitely have a daily impact on your life.
I would consider "Has your job been outsourced?" and "How much are you paying for goods and services?" to be pretty relevant to one's daily life. DC controls our monetary, fiscal, and trade policies. All of those definitely have a daily impact on your life.

ok... so you consider the federal government to be integral to you day to day life... good for you, I guess.....I don't see it that way though.
nobody is saying they have NO impact, btw... so I'm not sure why you're butt-hurt over people not living their lives with the federal government constantly and continually in mind.

outsourcing jobs isnt' a factor in my day to day life whatsoever ( or even my year to year life), and the federal government is but one factor of many in determining prices of goods and services.... i's not even one of the primary factors.

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