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What SHOULD be done with caravan migrants? (1 Viewer)

I think I understand Trump's / right position that they should not be allowed to enter the US just because they got here. Some would get asylum / refugee status. Others won't. Somehow someone decides this based on what they believe about the arriving person standing in front of them.

What is the left position on what to do with people approaching US borders with intent or desire to settle in the US?

According to this page there is an annual ceiling on number of accepted refugees. For 2018, they (President?) set it to 1500 for those from Latin America for example. What is supposed to be done with the rest?

What should be done and what (legally) can be done are too different things.

What should be done is self-evident.

First, anyone knowingly entering the US illegally should be arrested and sent to border work camps - breaking rocks in orange jump suits and helping build the wall. After two years of hard labor, they should then be deported. Any minors caught with their parents should be deported back to their country of origin. Anyone caught giving sanctuary to illegals should also be arrested and sent to the labor camps.

Second, asylum applications should only be accepted for submission from outside the borders of the US, through mail. Applications from captured illegals should be rejected until after their time is served and they are deported.

Third, illegals from any country (not just Mexico) should be subject to immediate arrest and/or deportation without hearings or other obstructionist proceedings.

Four, asylum should be reserved for those with "clear and convincing evidence" of their security or ability to support themselves is being denied by authorities because of their race, ethnicity, democratic political opposition or Christian religion.

Finally, anyone fleeing arrest, advancing against border officers or soldiers, or ignoring warning shots should be stopped using lethal force.

A robust and stern enforcement would put an end to these caravans.
The ONLY legal route for these people is to arrive at a LEGAL port of entry and claim asylum. That is how they should be processed. Now it is entirely possible for said asylum claim to be rejected, in which case they will be deported.

The other routes, currently, are to apply at any American embassy or cross the border illegally and then ask for asylum (which freezes deportation).
I'd support preventing them from entering. I'm sorry, I feel for them, but we can't just let that many people in without vetting them first. If they want to get into the US, then they need to go the legal route.

Totally agree.
I think I understand Trump's / right position that they should not be allowed to enter the US just because they got here. Some would get asylum / refugee status. Others won't. Somehow someone decides this based on what they believe about the arriving person standing in front of them.

What is the left position on what to do with people approaching US borders with intent or desire to settle in the US?

According to this page there is an annual ceiling on number of accepted refugees. For 2018, they (President?) set it to 1500 for those from Latin America for example. What is supposed to be done with the rest?

America has contributed to this problem because of its demand for illegal drugs.

So the solution would be to take them in for now make drugs legal and help those countries rebuild their Nations so the inhabitants there can live without wanting to flee to America. There's no short-term solution we have to deal with it on the long-term or we'll never get solved. When you consider that America has some 350 million people 7,000 people is really not that much I'm not seeing a problem here. The only ones who see a problem have xenophobia in their hearts
The ONLY legal route for these people is to arrive at a LEGAL port of entry and claim asylum. That is how they should be processed. Now it is entirely possible for said asylum claim to be rejected, in which case they will be deported.

You mean like a US Consulate? There's about 15 of them on their way to the US border. ;)

Good. Then let Mexico deal with it.

Nothing to deal with. That many people pass undocumented into the US every week. It's not a significant percentage of migrants. Nothingburger. Stop pushing it around like it's not an empty plate.
Nothing to deal with. That many people pass undocumented into the US every week. It's not a significant percentage of migrants. Nothingburger. Stop pushing it around like it's not an empty plate.

So, you're saying that since 3,000 people illegally enter the US daily then what's another 3,000?
America has contributed to this problem because of its demand for illegal drugs.

So the solution would be to take them in for now make drugs legal and help those countries rebuild their Nations so the inhabitants there can live without wanting to flee to America. There's no short-term solution we have to deal with it on the long-term or we'll never get solved. When you consider that America has some 350 million people 7,000 people is really not that much I'm not seeing a problem here. The only ones who see a problem have xenophobia in their hearts

All forms of encouragement for illegal migration and entry under false pretenses is a problem, one that is compounded once the host nation signals to tens of millions of others that it is going to look the other way and accept entry. For years there has been numerous "cutouts" for potential voting blocks, to pump up already bloated legal immigration numbers. All of which has, and will continue to, create a decline in the quality of life (especially for the states on the front line, like California).

This is the mid-range projection from the census bureau.

population projection US census.jpg

It's not a question of whether or not yet another exception should be made, its a question of why should we encourage harm to the well being of ourselves or our posterity?

We shouldn't.
So, you're saying that since 3,000 people illegally enter the US daily then what's another 3,000?

I'm saying Mexico definately doesn't give a **** at all, whatever we do. They don't need to deal with anything. Your nothingburger is apparent to them.
So, you're saying that since 3,000 people illegally enter the US daily then what's another 3,000?

By the time they get here, in about 60 days, there won't even be 300. Republicans fall for the stupidest ****.
All forms of encouragement for illegal migration and entry under false pretenses is a problem, one that is compounded once the host nation signals to tens of millions of others that it is going to look the other way and accept entry. For years there has been numerous "cutouts" for potential voting blocks, to pump up already bloated legal immigration numbers. All of which has, and will continue to, create a decline in the quality of life (especially for the states on the front line, like California).

This is the mid-range projection from the census bureau.

View attachment 67243290

It's not a question of whether or not yet another exception should be made, its a question of why should we encourage harm to the well being of ourselves or our posterity?

We shouldn't.

You do realize that countries need people. Right?

Maybe not.
I'm saying Mexico definately doesn't give a **** at all, whatever we do. They don't need to deal with anything. Your nothingburger is apparent to them.

Then I say again, good, let Mexico deal with them. And you wonder why Mexico is a sh!thole country.
By the time they get here, in about 60 days, there won't even be 300. Republicans fall for the stupidest ****.

Well, thanks for finally admitting that Trump is doing a good thing in scaring them off so that only about 300 will be left by the time the caravan gets here. It's about time you gave Trump credit for something.
You do realize that countries need people. Right?

Maybe not.

Countries do not "need" endless exponential growth of their populations unless they are committed to following disastrous domestic policies and don't care about pollution, over-crowding, unaffordable housing, congestion, or the simple pleasures of elbow room (which, by the way, is one reason Japanese tourists find the US so intriguing - elbow room being unaffordable in Japan).

California didn't "need" to expand from 18 million (1968) to near 40 million. It didn't need to see housing become unaffordable, most of its small working class towns urbanized OR turned into enclaves for the rich, or its parks spaces rationed because there are too many people. At least the population has stabilized because for two or more decades residents have fled as new hordes pour in...making other locations far less affordable (e.g. Oregon).
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Then I say again, good, let Mexico deal with them. And you wonder why Mexico is a sh!thole country.

There's nothing for Mexico to deal with. Stop pretending.
I think I understand Trump's / right position that they should not be allowed to enter the US just because they got here. Some would get asylum / refugee status. Others won't. Somehow someone decides this based on what they believe about the arriving person standing in front of them.

What is the left position on what to do with people approaching US borders with intent or desire to settle in the US?

According to this page there is an annual ceiling on number of accepted refugees. For 2018, they (President?) set it to 1500 for those from Latin America for example. What is supposed to be done with the rest?

Let them stay in Mexico, help them return to their home countries as safely as possible, or put them in contact with NGO's that are willing to help them, bring them to other countries that are willing to accept them and that they are willing to go to.
Trumpers have been played.


The Trump administration was informed that “only a small percentage” of Central American migrants traveling with several “caravans” headed toward the U.S. will likely make it to the border. The information was received before the administration moved ahead with plans to deploy more than 5,200 troops to the border, according to operational documents obtained by Newsweek.

The Pentagon announced Monday that it would send around 5,200 troops to the border ahead of the arrival of as many as four migrant caravans making their way to the U.S.-Mexico border. But a Defense Department official with knowledge of the deployment told Newsweek that “the units deployed right now are of actual strength between 5,000 and 7,000. With another 7,000 on standby, who can deploy with 24-hour notice.”

Operational documents sent to Newsweek by a Pentagon official outlining the deployment, dubbed Operation Faithful Patriot...

"Operation Faithful Patriot"? :lamo
Undocumented immigration is not a crime in Mexico. Nothing to deal with.

7000 or more new people presumably with no means of support is not nothing.
7000 or more new people presumably with no means of support is not nothing.

Same means of support as everyone else. An insignificant number on any scale. Meaningless.
7000 or more new people presumably with no means of support is not nothing.

7000 people? Do you honestly believe that trope?

There won't even be 300 by the time they get to the US border.
Let them stay in Mexico, help them return to their home countries as safely as possible, or put them in contact with NGO's that are willing to help them, bring them to other countries that are willing to accept them and that they are willing to go to.

They don't want to stay in Mexico.
They don't want to return home.
They don't want NGO's to help them anywhere but the land of the free stuff.
They don't want to go to other countries. Even if other countries will take them.

That's not all that difficult to understand.
Then Mexico shouldn't have a problem dealing with them.

They don't. Mexico doesn't care what happens. It makes absolutely no difference to them. A meaningless number.

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