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What SHOULD be done with caravan migrants? (1 Viewer)

7000 people? Do you honestly believe that trope?

There won't even be 300 by the time they get to the US border.

That's the number from MSM. You got a better source, spit it out.

300 or 300,000, they're still all illegals.
They don't. Mexico doesn't care what happens. It makes absolutely no difference to them. A meaningless number.

Then problem solved. As long as they don't cross our border, not our problem either.
Then problem solved. As long as they don't cross our border, not our problem either.

There's no problem. Everything is legal and the number of people is so small it's meaningless.
Same means of support as everyone else. An insignificant number on any scale. Meaningless.

Surely you joke. They will be totally dependent on welfare for support.
Mexico is a borderline failed state, making it almost as bad as some of the places they are fleeing. Asylum means jack ****.

Look, another poster that doesn't know what he is talking about.

The Mexican government works just fine.
Surely you joke. They will be totally dependent on welfare for support.

They can work as well as the next person. It's not even .0000000001% of Mexico's population. Undocumented immigration is not a crime in Mexico. No worries.
They can work as well as the next person. It's not even .0000000001% of Mexico's population. Undocumented immigration is not a crime in Mexico. No worries.

Fine. Let Mexico deal with them.
Fine. Let Mexico deal with them.

There's no dealing. They're like everyone else. Their number is insignificant. Meaningless. Nothing to deal with. No law broken.

They can apply for asylum like everyone else. It's only an average week's worth of people. Nothing. No law broken.
They can work as well as the next person. It's not even .0000000001% of Mexico's population. Undocumented immigration is not a crime in Mexico. No worries.

If they wish to work in Mexico, and Mexico needs workers, great.
If they wish to work in Mexico, and Mexico needs workers, great.

There's no issue in Mexico. Undocumented immigration is not a crime. These people haven't broken any law anywhere, and they can work fine. If and when they apply for asylum, it will only be an extra week's worth of processing. Long lines are probably common around Christmas, but the temperature is nice. Nothing for you to worry about regarding Mexico or the US. No law breaking goin' on.
Let them come to America. With the women and children, accept them. With the men, a case by case judgment.
I think I understand Trump's / right position that they should not be allowed to enter the US just because they got here. Some would get asylum / refugee status. Others won't. Somehow someone decides this based on what they believe about the arriving person standing in front of them.

What is the left position on what to do with people approaching US borders with intent or desire to settle in the US?

According to this page there is an annual ceiling on number of accepted refugees. For 2018, they (President?) set it to 1500 for those from Latin America for example. What is supposed to be done with the rest?

send one up to me, I have work around the house I need done and @$35 an hour I can't get any help
I think I understand Trump's / right position that they should not be allowed to enter the US just because they got here. Some would get asylum / refugee status. Others won't. Somehow someone decides this based on what they believe about the arriving person standing in front of them.

What is the left position on what to do with people approaching US borders with intent or desire to settle in the US?

According to this page there is an annual ceiling on number of accepted refugees. For 2018, they (President?) set it to 1500 for those from Latin America for example. What is supposed to be done with the rest?

Take those that truly fit the asylum qualifications. Give the rest back to Mexico where they have been offered asylum already.
They don't want to stay in Mexico.
They don't want to return home.
They don't want NGO's to help them anywhere but the land of the free stuff.
They don't want to go to other countries. Even if other countries will take them.

That's not all that difficult to understand.

That's too bad for them.
Excellent. Then they won't be breaking any laws if they stay in Mexico.

They didn't break any laws. Anywhere. Everything is completely legal. It's an insignificant number of people, literally.

So, an insignificant number of people have broken no laws. Their plan is to apply for asylum. They are only one week's worth of people. No problem. It's like one day at Disney World, a few lines.

What's the issue? Why are a handful of people that have broken no law of any country, and have no plans to break any law in the US, being described as an invading army? They've literally done nothing wrong and have no plans to do anything wrong. Why "invading army"?
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They should be processed through, although most will be rejected

Second, asylum applications should only be accepted for submission from outside the borders of the US, through mail. Applications from captured illegals should be rejected until after their time is served and they are deported.

Third, illegals from any country (not just Mexico) should be subject to immediate arrest and/or deportation without hearings or other obstructionist proceedings.

Four, asylum should be reserved for those with "clear and convincing evidence" of their security or ability to support themselves is being denied by authorities because of their race, ethnicity, democratic political opposition or Christian religion.

Finally, anyone fleeing arrest, advancing against border officers or soldiers, or ignoring warning shots should be stopped using lethal force.

Current law requires that applicants for asylum be present in the US.

Application for asylum is a process, & currently that process overrides deportation proceedings. The law can be changed, of course.

Unauthorized foreigners in the US aren't captured nor arrested. They're detained.

Deportation is also a process, & a hearing is part of that process. & the current crisis isn't about Mexican foreigners, the caravan members are mostly from Honduras - according to what I've read.

The use of lethal force against foreign immigrants is strictly controlled, much as domestic police aren't allowed to use lethal force on a whim. Warning shots aren't used, either, TMK. & US military are observers @ the border, I'm not sure they even carry sidearms, let alone their standard carbine & ammo.

A fair percentage of US Border Patrol, ICE, National Guard units & regular military are Hispanic by descent. It would put a lot of strain on service personnel to order them to fire on civilians, outside of self defense or defending others against deadly force.
They didn't break any laws. Anywhere. Everything is completely legal. It's an insignificant number of people, literally.

So, an insignificant number of people have broken no laws. Their plan is to apply for asylum. They are only one week's worth of people. No problem. It's like one day at Disney World, a few lines.

What's the issue? Why are a handful of people that have broken no law of any country, and have no plans to break any law in the US, being described as an invading army? They've literally done nothing wrong and have no plans to do anything wrong. Why "invading army"?

They have broken no laws yet.

Remember the hue and cry when folks were caught at the border illegally entering rather then wait to be processed for amnesty?
They have broken no laws yet.

Remember the hue and cry when folks were caught at the border illegally entering rather then wait to be processed for amnesty?

No laws broken. They're legally in Mexico. No plan to break laws. An absolutely insignificant number of people.

A true nothingburger.
So why is it news?


Do the math. It's one week's worth of people. They've broken no laws. They've no plan to break laws. Objective evaluation: nothingburger.

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