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What happened to tazers? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 3, 2015
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Ohio Police

Starts at about the 4 min mark i believe. Just wondering in this situation, could not a tazer have solved all the problems here instead of an actual gun? Cop was not charged, rightfully so imo. Still though, no one thought just taz the dude. :confused:
Watched it a couple of times looking for really any other conclusion or factor, seems like a clean shoot to me.

Ohio Police

Starts at about the 4 min mark i believe. Just wondering in this situation, could not a tazer have solved all the problems here instead of an actual gun? Cop was not charged, rightfully so imo. Still though, no one thought just taz the dude. :confused:

Tazers are a waste of time and place the cop in unnecessary jeopardy.

Ohio Police

Starts at about the 4 min mark i believe. Just wondering in this situation, could not a tazer have solved all the problems here instead of an actual gun? Cop was not charged, rightfully so imo. Still though, no one thought just taz the dude. :confused:

Tazers have limited range. IIRC about 15'.

Police policy is a knife weilder is shootable at 25' if moving forward. This policy was emplaced after a alot of cops got killed or critically wounded by knifers they underestimated.

Tazers are custodial tools, not intended for reliance when under life and death threats.
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Short version: suicide by cop. EDP.
If you were in that same situation, what would YOU have done?

Tazed the dude, or shot the mother****er?

I would have shot him.
It's hard to say what I would do, no one really knows until it actually happens to them, but I feel that I would use whatever tool I had available that gave me the best chance to survive by stopping the guy from attacking me - that would more than likely mean using a firearm as the officer involved chose to do.

I don't think that I would have done anything differently than what the officer did, which was to react with the least amount of force possible to save my own life. The officer could have emptied his weapon into the man, but he didn't. He could have shot him again, numerous times, as the guy kept approaching him and the officer kept backing up and almost getting cornered against cars in the road, but he didn't. He could have killed him immediately, but he didn't. What he did do, was beg the man to stop, beg the man to put the knife down, and beg the man to allow the officer to help him all the time backing, and backing, and backing up even further. I really thought I could hear both fear and compassion in the officers voice. I think he also demonstrated both. Police officers are not required by law or by ethics or even by moral standards to allow themselves to be harmed or killed in the line of duty - police officers have every right to defend themselves with whatever means is available and has a reasonable chance of succeeding.

I'm glad to have seen above that the man survived, but one thing we seem to not think about when discussing these type events, and that is wondering how the officer is doing after being put into such a traumatic and emotionally devastating event.

Ohio Police

Starts at about the 4 min mark i believe. Just wondering in this situation, could not a tazer have solved all the problems here instead of an actual gun? Cop was not charged, rightfully so imo. Still though, no one thought just taz the dude. :confused:

a tazer is not a proper response to an adversary deploying a lethal weapon. Its more like pepper spray. a knife within 20 feet is considered a lethal weapon-even when the opposition has a pistol. Proper use of the firearm
If you were in that same situation, what would YOU have done?

Tazed the dude, or shot the mother****er?

I would have shot him.

I mean the cops had numbers, i can understand if it was one on one. I feel like a Tazer would have dropped the dude and disarm him at the same time.

You don't think a Tazer would have worked better than continuously yelling "STOP"...just taz the bastard.
Tazers have limited range. IIRC about 15'.

Police policy is a knife weilder is shootable at 25' if moving forward. This policy was emplaced after a alot of cops got killed or critically wounded by knifers they underestimated.

Tazers are custodial tools, not intended for reliance when under life and death threats.

I did not know the range was that short. Even so there were multiple cops within that range. I think the officers handled the situation well but they could have done it much quicker with tazer and less talking.
What happened to tazers?

What do you mean what happened to tasers?

The immediate response to such a threat is to go to lethal force, not a taser which may not be effective for a few reasons.

So while the initial response was accurate and gave the Officer time to get more distance between him and the assailant, you should have noted in the video that two Officers had their tasers drawn.
Not sure, but it may be the reason he eventually went down after not listening to the commands.

It's strange. Many conservatives are the first people to tell you that they love the constitution, rights, and freedoms, meanwhile despising a government that throws its weight around to oppress the people. Yet they also tend to be the first to say cops shouldn't bother with attempting to use anything other than deadly force.

Ohio Police

Starts at about the 4 min mark i believe. Just wondering in this situation, could not a tazer have solved all the problems here instead of an actual gun? Cop was not charged, rightfully so imo. Still though, no one thought just taz the dude. :confused:

Not reliable enough for someone that close to you with a knife.
It's strange. Many conservatives are the first people to tell you that they love the constitution, rights, and freedoms, meanwhile despising a government that throws its weight around to oppress the people. Yet they also tend to be the first to say cops shouldn't bother with attempting to use anything other than deadly force.

as opposed to many liberals who think only cops should have legal access to handguns or select fire rifles yet they go ballistic on any close call where I cop shoot (usually a black) a citizen

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