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What exactly IS TDS? (1 Viewer)

Checkerboard Strangler

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Aug 8, 2005
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Title says it all, what exactly IS "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

There are actually issues Trump brings up that I agree with him on.
For instance, when he talks about China ripping off our R&D intellectual property, I'm right there with him!
Trouble is, he won't ACTUALLY do anything about it, or if he does, it's a trade war, which will damage us, not them.
We will be hurt more by his stupid trade war, they can always go back to being the China of the Mao era, and incinerate any and all who disagree with it, because if it's one thing China can afford to do, and do well, it's repression, and they can afford to lose a few hundred million people. There is no shortage of Chinese.

So while I agree with him on some issues, my so called "derangement" has strictly to do with HIS derangement and his incompetence. He's deranged, not me. I'm just sick of his nonsense and his lies, and I am sick of people who can't distinguish a reality TV host from a leader.
There is no reality in reality TV.
Title says it all, what exactly IS "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

There are actually issues Trump brings up that I agree with him on.
For instance, when he talks about China ripping off our R&D intellectual property, I'm right there with him!
Trouble is, he won't ACTUALLY do anything about it, or if he does, it's a trade war, which will damage us, not them.
We will be hurt more by his stupid trade war, they can always go back to being the China of the Mao era, and incinerate any and all who disagree with it, because if it's one thing China can afford to do, and do well, it's repression, and they can afford to lose a few hundred million people. There is no shortage of Chinese.

So while I agree with him on some issues, my so called "derangement" has strictly to do with HIS derangement and his incompetence. He's deranged, not me. I'm just sick of his nonsense and his lies, and I am sick of people who can't distinguish a reality TV host from a leader.
There is no reality in reality TV.

TDS is obviously what the cultists who believe anything this moron pretending to be president says.
Title says it all, what exactly IS "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

There are actually issues Trump brings up that I agree with him on.
For instance, when he talks about China ripping off our R&D intellectual property, I'm right there with him!
Trouble is, he won't ACTUALLY do anything about it, or if he does, it's a trade war, which will damage us, not them.
We will be hurt more by his stupid trade war, they can always go back to being the China of the Mao era, and incinerate any and all who disagree with it, because if it's one thing China can afford to do, and do well, it's repression, and they can afford to lose a few hundred million people. There is no shortage of Chinese.

So while I agree with him on some issues, my so called "derangement" has strictly to do with HIS derangement and his incompetence. He's deranged, not me. I'm just sick of his nonsense and his lies, and I am sick of people who can't distinguish a reality TV host from a leader.
There is no reality in reality TV.

Taking DickofOrange Slowly.

But seriously, trump's tariff policies have already affected my business. One of my suppliers had to raise prices on me this year due to the increase in the price of steel brought on by trump's protectionist policies. I'm not lying about this, guys!
Title says it all, what exactly IS "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

There are actually issues Trump brings up that I agree with him on.
For instance, when he talks about China ripping off our R&D intellectual property, I'm right there with him!
Trouble is, he won't ACTUALLY do anything about it, or if he does, it's a trade war, which will damage us, not them.
We will be hurt more by his stupid trade war, they can always go back to being the China of the Mao era, and incinerate any and all who disagree with it, because if it's one thing China can afford to do, and do well, it's repression, and they can afford to lose a few hundred million people. There is no shortage of Chinese.

So while I agree with him on some issues, my so called "derangement" has strictly to do with HIS derangement and his incompetence. He's deranged, not me. I'm just sick of his nonsense and his lies, and I am sick of people who can't distinguish a reality TV host from a leader.
There is no reality in reality TV.

A clearly demonstrated hate of President Trump and most any who dont condemn him along with a willingness to blame the President for as many things that are wrong with America as possible which makes for a nearly complete inability to see America clearly as it is.......it is a form a will driven mental illness.
All this nonsense about "Trump Derangement Syndrome" reminds me of the courtroom scene in John Grisham's "The Rainmaker".

A clearly demonstrated hate of President Trump and most any who dont condemn him along with a willingness to blame the President for as many things that are wrong with America as possible which makes for a nearly complete inability to see America clearly as it is.......it is a form a will driven mental illness.

Quick question: Do you agree that Trump has a pathological lying problem? Remember, I said "PATHOLOGICAL".
TDS is obviously what the cultists who believe anything this moron pretending to be president says.
^^^That's TDS!! :lamo
Title says it all, what exactly IS "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

There are actually issues Trump brings up that I agree with him on.
For instance, when he talks about China ripping off our R&D intellectual property, I'm right there with him!
Trouble is, he won't ACTUALLY do anything about it, or if he does, it's a trade war, which will damage us, not them.
We will be hurt more by his stupid trade war, they can always go back to being the China of the Mao era, and incinerate any and all who disagree with it, because if it's one thing China can afford to do, and do well, it's repression, and they can afford to lose a few hundred million people. There is no shortage of Chinese.

So while I agree with him on some issues, my so called "derangement" has strictly to do with HIS derangement and his incompetence. He's deranged, not me. I'm just sick of his nonsense and his lies, and I am sick of people who can't distinguish a reality TV host from a leader.
There is no reality in reality TV.

Honestly, it just means the person using it is a low grade moron. Same as ODS and BDS.

^^^excellent timing!!!
Title says it all, what exactly IS "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

There are actually issues Trump brings up that I agree with him on.
For instance, when he talks about China ripping off our R&D intellectual property, I'm right there with him!
Trouble is, he won't ACTUALLY do anything about it, or if he does, it's a trade war, which will damage us, not them.
We will be hurt more by his stupid trade war, they can always go back to being the China of the Mao era, and incinerate any and all who disagree with it, because if it's one thing China can afford to do, and do well, it's repression, and they can afford to lose a few hundred million people. There is no shortage of Chinese.

So while I agree with him on some issues, my so called "derangement" has strictly to do with HIS derangement and his incompetence. He's deranged, not me. I'm just sick of his nonsense and his lies, and I am sick of people who can't distinguish a reality TV host from a leader.
There is no reality in reality TV.

Accusing others of having TDS is a coping mechanism for Trumpsters who know their dear leader is a loon, but are unwilling to acknowledge it.

* I don’t think you’re deranged, but your bunny scares the s**t out of me!
TDS is the last refuge of a Trump supporter, when they have been utterly beaten with the facts, in their hour of need they will begin wailing that it is the TDS, not the facts of the matter, but, the TDS.
A clearly demonstrated hate of President Trump and most any who dont condemn him along with a willingness to blame the President for as many things that are wrong with America as possible which makes for a nearly complete inability to see America clearly as it is.......it is a form a will driven mental illness.
That and ascribing all sorts of ulterior and dishonest motives without any proof, e.g. "we ALL know Trump is only in this for himself" and the like. Look at some of CS's comments on the "A question for Trump wall supports" thread. particularly in the last hour or two. Classic, old style, downhome TDS.
A clearly demonstrated hate of President Trump and most any who dont condemn him along with a willingness to blame the President for as many things that are wrong with America as possible which makes for a nearly complete inability to see America clearly as it is.......it is a form a will driven mental illness.

Ok, only half the things wrong with America are Trump’s fault. The other half, as he told us tonight, are illegal immigrants’ fault.
Accusing others of having TDS is a coping mechanism for Trumpsters who know their dear leader is a loon, but are unwilling to acknowledge it.

* I don’t think you’re deranged, but your bunny scares the s**t out of me!
And yet another practical demonstration of TDS
Title says it all, what exactly IS "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

There are actually issues Trump brings up that I agree with him on.
For instance, when he talks about China ripping off our R&D intellectual property, I'm right there with him!
Trouble is, he won't ACTUALLY do anything about it, or if he does, it's a trade war, which will damage us, not them.
We will be hurt more by his stupid trade war, they can always go back to being the China of the Mao era, and incinerate any and all who disagree with it, because if it's one thing China can afford to do, and do well, it's repression, and they can afford to lose a few hundred million people. There is no shortage of Chinese.

So while I agree with him on some issues, my so called "derangement" has strictly to do with HIS derangement and his incompetence. He's deranged, not me. I'm just sick of his nonsense and his lies, and I am sick of people who can't distinguish a reality TV host from a leader.
There is no reality in reality TV.

Well, post #2 is one kind of example. The one where just because someone disagrees with allegations Trump is evil then they are supporting an evil person and it can only be because they are "cultists."

IMO TDS is demonstrated by several symptoms:

One is where the sufferer can see absolutely nothing good occurring under the Trump Administration, either claiming it was actually started/done by his predecessor or someone else, or it was never a good thing in the first place.

Another is where the sufferer translates the loss of the 2016 election to cheating via "nefarious undermining of the electoral process," either by Trump's campaign alone or in a conspiracy with a foreign power. That it could not have been a fair election, and thus he is not really a legitimate President. This allows for active "resistance" by any means necessary.

One more is where the sufferer sees Trump as literally a "Folk Devil," i.e. ultimate evil elected by evil persons who represent all the worst things about society; as in Nazis, racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, etc., etc.. That it is therefore a morally righteous cause to drive him from power and to scourge his followers from society as well.

Those are some general symptoms. But lets look at some other sources:

nitiatives by President Trump concerning issues of great moment and fraught with serious consequences being dismissed out of hand by his political adversaries without substantive debate and sober reflection...TDS has become the embodiment of “The Resistance” for Democratic officialdom and the general media. Anything that bears the Trump imprint is presumptively illegitimate.

In December 2016, Justin Raimondo divided the "syndrome" into three stages; in the first, those who "lose all sense of proportion"; next, they experience "a profound effect on ... vocabulary" and begin to "speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole"' and, in the final stage, the afflicted "lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality." Jonathan S. Tobin defines it as "disgust at his manner and his tweets such that all distinctions between him and genuine villains is lost." In April 2017, Fareed Zakaria defined the syndrome as "hatred of President Trump so intense that it impairs people’s judgment."
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Accusing others of having TDS is a coping mechanism for Trumpsters who know their dear leader is a loon, but are unwilling to acknowledge it...

Trump Denial Syndrome...
~ Immaturity, adult adolescence, arrested development. All different titles for the same disorder. Huff and puff and scream like the world is ending because your way and whims are not catered to. The costumes , vigaina hats, wearing hoods & cloaks during president's union address, picketing, protesters blocking conservative speakers at universities, etc...
Before Trump is was someone/ something else. After Trump the same ...
Title says it all, what exactly IS "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

There are actually issues Trump brings up that I agree with him on.
For instance, when he talks about China ripping off our R&D intellectual property, I'm right there with him!
Trouble is, he won't ACTUALLY do anything about it, or if he does, it's a trade war, which will damage us, not them.
We will be hurt more by his stupid trade war, they can always go back to being the China of the Mao era, and incinerate any and all who disagree with it, because if it's one thing China can afford to do, and do well, it's repression, and they can afford to lose a few hundred million people. There is no shortage of Chinese.

So while I agree with him on some issues, my so called "derangement" has strictly to do with HIS derangement and his incompetence. He's deranged, not me. I'm just sick of his nonsense and his lies, and I am sick of people who can't distinguish a reality TV host from a leader.
There is no reality in reality TV.

IMO, TDS, or in the case of Obama, ODS, IMO, is when you leave policy and politics and go to character with the stated goal of “removal by any means possible”. At that point you have entered a faulty logic area that is dangerous to a democracy. The very nature of democracy is compromise. The real tragedy here is that if it were just those people howling at the moon, fine. Let them howl, they’re harmless. But when you a significant part of the news media is taking sides and howling to millions of people at a time, we begin to lose faith in our own beliefs.

This is how disinformation campaigns work in third world countries, and is taking hold here. Before the internet you had to be motivated to find the story, now you are faced with a dozen conflicting accounts leaving no reliable facts on which to anchor an opinion.
TDS is a generic term used by both pro and anti Trump people as a slur. Usally attributing successes or failures , depending on who uses it, that are totally out of his control.
Honestly, it just means the person using it is a low grade moron. Same as ODS and BDS.

^^^excellent timing!!!

I actually agree with this, although not sure I'd go down to the level of moron. Anytime I see any "DS" (derangement syndrome/defense syndrome) by anyone it immediately causes me to make a mental note the person using it probably isn't up to actual debate. And it doesn't matter what side, to me it's just filler to end or derail the present conversation.
I thought it was a syndrome that makes you as deranged as Trump, hence the name. Right?
Well, post #2 is one kind of example. The one where just because someone disagrees with allegations Trump is evil then they are supporting an evil person and it can only be because they are "cultists."

IMO TDS is demonstrated by several symptoms:

One is where the sufferer can see absolutely nothing good occurring under the Trump Administration, either claiming it was actually started/done by his predecessor or someone else, or it was never a good thing in the first place.

If Trump would actually make an attempt at being honest, just once, and working with actual facts instead of what his own administration termed "alternative facts" I would be able to make an attempt at respecting him and the office he occupies.
I despised Bush, however when he kicked off fifteen billion dollars in aid for African nations I cheered.
When he succeeded in removing the Taliban from power in Afghanistan, it was a sound response to 9/11.
It made me feel that despite his clumsiness, he might have his heart in the right place and, maybe I was being too hard on him.
I even supported his stances on immigration. He was actually fairly moderate on that issue. Unfortunately he wasn't able to sign his signature immigration bill into law because his right wing peers attacked it as "amnesty".

I see none of the above from Trump, zero. Show me something.

Another is where the sufferer translates the loss of the 2016 the election to cheating via "nefarious undermining of the electoral process," either by Trump's campaign alone or in a conspiracy with a foreign power. That it could not have been a fair election, and thus he is not really a legitimate President. This allows for active "resistance" by any means necessary.

Well, that isn't me at all because I blame my own peers for the loss of 2016. Hillary was an awful candidate, the worst I can remember in the last fifty years. And the thing is, she does make for an EXCELLENT policy wonk on some issues.
Doesn't change the fact that she acted as if she had already been "coronated". She was the height of arrogance and deserved to be beaten. And all the extreme Left "Hillary is worse than Trump!" purity ponies made sure that she did, by staying home and pouting, or voting for Jill Stein, or writing in "Bernie" when he was no longer in the running, or actually voting FOR Trump "to teach us all a lesson".

One more is where the sufferer sees Trump as literally a "Folk Devil," i.e. ultimate evil elected by evil persons who represent all the worst things about society; as in Nazis, racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, etc., etc..

Nope, not me either. Trump isn't the problem, he is the SYMPTOM. It's the "Nazis, racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes" who elected him who are the problem. And there might even be more Trumps in our future if we're not careful.
Ok, only half the things wrong with America are Trump’s fault. The other half, as he told us tonight, are illegal immigrants’ fault.

He never said that, but maybe you should check the reason you needed to lie about this.
Nope, not me either. Trump isn't the problem, he is the SYMPTOM. It's the "Nazis, racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes" who elected him who are the problem. And there might even be more Trumps in our future if we're not careful.


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