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What Common Food Have You Never Eaten? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2007
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Political Leaning
Listening to two radio jocks the other day somehow the subject of foods they have never eaten came up. One said he has never eaten rice! Others were a mango, an avocado, shrimp, etc. I think I have tied everything just because it was drilled in my head to at least try it so you know if you like or not. Offer up a food item you have never tried.
I've never eaten Squash before, but I don't think I want to.
squid ink.

chicken gizzards

To be honest, I've eaten almost every goddamn thing you can think of that people eat. Certainly, I think every major and most minor foods in America.

I've never eaten Squash before, but I don't think I want to.

It's pretty repellent, I don't advise it. There's many kinds though, I'm told some kinds are good. But all of the kinds I've tried... Nope. Well, I take that back, my brother makes a decent squash soup, and I've tried tiny bits of squash that are fried. They're okay.
I am a beef girl but I have never eaten tripe and it is never going to happen


and kippers (gag me)

I was a beef girl. Now I just stick to Salmon, y'know, being a Pescetarian and all.

But I do miss me some beef. :(
Willing to try almost anything edible at least once.

I guess I'll have to wait to see what other people post to say if I've tried it or not yet.

Note, the OP said "common food." Problem is common here in the USA is not common everywhere. :shrug:
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I've tried most everything from escargot, gator tail to frog legs but have no interest in chocolate ants. Bugs aren't my thang.
Nope. I might try some Pumpkin Pie sometime in the future, though.

You gotta' get out more! :2razz:

[pumkin pie is one of my favs - make sure to top it with whipped cream, and make sure the baker didn't skimp on the nutmeg!]
Asparagus and okra. The smell is awful and I sure don't plan to put it in my mouth.

You gotta' get out more! :2razz:

[pumkin pie is one of my favs - make sure to top it with whipped cream, and make sure the baker didn't skimp on the nutmeg!]

Oooh, I love me some whipped cream. But I tend to just eat it all straight from the can, rather than actually use it as a topping. :lamo
Asparagus and okra. The smell is awful and I sure don't plan to put it in my mouth.

Grilled asparagus is a classic and great accompaniment to steak, and okra is pretty good as a breaded & fried snack. It's a staple in gumbo.

I'd say you're missing out here ...
veggies :

i've never tried okra.

meats :

first that comes to mind : raw oysters. also, game meats.
I was a beef girl. Now I just stick to Salmon, y'know, being a Pescetarian and all.

But I do miss me some beef. :(
I wish wish wish I liked fish but just the smell can put me off...I hate salmon, the best I can do is tuna but one has to be so careful buying tuna because of the dolphins being caught in the nets

talapia is okay and cod and haddock

my uncle owned a fish store and I can't eat it....go figure... :(
I wish wish wish I liked fish but just the smell can put me off...I hate salmon, the best I can do is tuna but one has to be so careful buying tuna because of the dolphins being caught in the nets

talapia is okay and cod and haddock

my uncle owned a fish store and I can't eat it....go figure... :(

How about Crawfish or Crab? Do you like that?

Grilled asparagus is a classic and great accompaniment to steak, and okra is pretty good as a breaded & fried snack. It's a staple in gumbo.

I'd say you're missing out here ...

My moms gumbo is my favorite food. I could eat that stuff everyday for every meal for the rest of my life no doubt. I haven't had it years now though. :(

As for the question, what is considered common food? Would lamb be considered common food? If so, I have never had it.
crab stuffed mushrooms are great... :mrgreen:

never had crawfish, but it might be okay if it is mild

my problem with fish is that in order to consume it I have to cover it with bad stuff so it kind of defeats the purpose...
Agreed - but not as good as crab-stuffed shrimp! ;)
Pork... and believe it or not... COFFEE.

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