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Well, I did it. Who's ready to join me? (1 Viewer)

The police will be around to take your guns in a while, I'm sure, along with everyone else's guns. The Bible is fine as long as you never speak of it in public, especially in terms of making any moral claims. And you might want to cop to being gay just to gain the attendant advantages with that organization, otherwise you might find yourself constantly being shat on.

That's from the parallel universe in which the right wing rant radio hosts are right.
I saw the Libertarian debate and Austin petersen was out of his depth. Gary Johnson flip flopped a little bit. McAffee gave the best answers on substance but he seemed to be tweaking or was at least, very twitchy. I'd give the edge to Johnson during that debate.

I'm listening now - McAffee and Johnson both seem to be thoroughly, sadly, uninformed when it comes to terrorism, though Johnson can credibly talk about governing experience. But I'm not seeing Austin out of his depth anywhere yet.
The police will never be able to take away anyone's guns. And you can speak about the Bible in public as loud as you please, just look at all the crazy street preachers everywhere.

Not if you want to be in good standing with the Democratic Party.
After having been a registered Republican since 1980, I've changed my party affiliation to Democratic.

I won't be associated with the party running a fraud and con man as their presidential candidate.

Who will join me?


But seriously, you changed parties because the Republicans were running a fraud and a con man? Have you not paid any attention to who the Democrats are running?
After having been a registered Republican since 1980, I've changed my party affiliation to Democratic.

I won't be associated with the party running a fraud and con man as their presidential candidate.

Who will join me?

So instead, you support the lying, conniving, criminal bitch the Democrats have nominated?

How principled of you.
That's from the parallel universe in which the right wing rant radio hosts are right.

They do seem to whip the weak minded into a frenzy don't they. There is nothing more pitiful than white men who feel they don't get treated fairly in America.
The police will be around to take your guns in a while, I'm sure, along with everyone else's guns. The Bible is fine as long as you never speak of it in public, especially in terms of making any moral claims. And you might want to cop to being gay just to gain the attendant advantages with that organization, otherwise you might find yourself constantly being shat on.

Put the Kool-Aid Down!
So instead, you support the lying, conniving, criminal bitch the Democrats have nominated?

How principled of you.

Being that you support the Donald you might want to avoid the word "principled".:roll:

You're an unfinformed person who has a temper tantrum and switches parties. Good for you, you belong with the Democrats. You should contact move-on to find out when they're going to have their next violent protest. You'll fit right in with them.
But that was during Hurricane Katrina. That's a entirely different situation than just the police simply coming over and seizing people's guns from house to house.
But that was during Hurricane Katrina. That's a entirely different situation than just the police simply coming over and seizing people's guns from house to house.
No it's not. It's a textbook example of why guns are needed. OMG, you and Dittohead belong together. When a situation is violent and out of control that is precisely the circumstances that people need guns. Furthermore some of those police were involved with the looting. And to heighten the absurdity private mercenaries were allowed to keep their guns which means that the government seized guns from private individuals and allowed literal private armies to do what they wanted. It's a good thing that the private armies turned out to be more well behaved then those dirty assed cops and that's no excuse for Dittohead to pretend that it never happened to begin with.

Ditto is a textbook example of a RINO.
So you think it's better to associate yourself with the party of an inept fraudulent unindicted felon con women.

Go for it.

I have zero doubt he'll be a good soldier for Hillary.
But that was during Hurricane Katrina. That's a entirely different situation than just the police simply coming over and seizing people's guns from house to house.

How is that different? Illegally disarming citizens is just that, especially at a time when folks needed to be able to rely on themselves. That deserves nothing but condemnation, not justification.
After having been a registered Republican since 1980, I've changed my party affiliation to Democratic.

I won't be associated with the party running a fraud and con man as their presidential candidate.

Who will join me?

I just changed to Green. But good on you for getting away from either ruling party.
No it's not. It's a textbook example of why guns are needed. OMG, you and Dittohead belong together. When a situation is violent and out of control that is precisely the circumstances that people need guns. Furthermore some of those police were involved with the looting. And to heighten the absurdity private mercenaries were allowed to keep their guns which means that the government seized guns from private individuals and allowed literal private armies to do what they wanted. It's a good thing that the private armies turned out to be more well behaved then those dirty assed cops and that's no excuse for Dittohead to pretend that it never happened to begin with.

Ditto is a textbook example of a RINO.

I don't know how true any of that is to begin with, so I don't know if what you're saying is completely accurate or not.

And I'm not anti-gun BTW. But I think that in a situation as catastrophic as Katrina, guns would just make things go out of control even more, IMO.
Right, because Dems are not one of the "ruling parties". :lol:

Nah, Power Rob suggested it and I like the idea. I'm voting for Bernie. But in Arizona, which is totally controlled by Teapublicans, I was required to change my party affiliation from Independent to Democrat so that I could vote in the state primary.

If Bernie doesn't get the nomination, and he may get it, then I'll vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party or I'll write in Bernie. PowerRob suggested that I register Green to help them get on the ballot. I changed last night.
Nah, Power Rob suggested it and I like the idea. I'm voting for Bernie. But in Arizona, which is totally controlled by Teapublicans, I was required to change my party affiliation from Independent to Democrat so that I could vote in the state primary.

If Bernie doesn't get the nomination, and he may get it, then I'll vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party or I'll write in Bernie. PowerRob suggested that I register Green to help them get on the ballot. I changed last night.

Wasn't talking about you, at all, Risky. You congratulated Ditto on not being a part of a ruling party when he said he joined the Dem party. I'm just curious since when Dems are not one of the "ruling" parties.
I don't know how true any of that is to begin with, so I don't know if what you're saying is completely accurate or not.

And I'm not anti-gun BTW. But I think that in a situation as catastrophic as Katrina, guns would just make things go out of control even more, IMO.

Police did take guns from civilians during Katrina. Depending who and which day you ask, the number was between 552 and 1200.

NRA to settle suit over Katrina gun seizures - USATODAY.com

There is no record of criminals losing their guns.

Protecting yourself in crisis situations like Katrina are one of the reasons to possess weapons. Another is protecting yourself from a government attempting to confiscate your means of protection.
Police did take guns from civilians during Katrina. Depending who and which day you ask, the number was between 552 and 1200.

NRA to settle suit over Katrina gun seizures - USATODAY.com

There is no record of criminals losing their guns.

Protecting yourself in crisis situations like Katrina are one of the reasons to possess weapons. Another is protecting yourself from a government attempting to confiscate your means of protection.
I'm not saying that I agree with the confiscations or anything.
Wasn't talking about you, at all, Risky. You congratulated Ditto on not being a part of a ruling party when he said he joined the Dem party. I'm just curious since when Dems are not one of the "ruling" parties.

Sorry, mate. Slow start for Risky. I'm just sitting down to breakfast. It's one of those mornings that you know isn't going to work as planned. Last night was my wife's birthday dinner. Home late after having eaten desert which I rarely ever do. Breakfast protein will kick in soon and the world will right itself.
Sorry, mate. Slow start for Risky. I'm just sitting down to breakfast. It's one of those mornings that you know isn't going to work as planned. Last night was my wife's birthday dinner. Home late after having eating desert which I rarely ever do. Breakfast protein will kick in soon and the world will right itself.

Well and add to all that that you're a Bernie supporter....:2razz:

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