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Was it really necessary? (1 Viewer)


Farts in Elevators
DP Veteran
Sep 7, 2010
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Political Leaning
'Lesbian Obesity Study' Significance, Outcome Divides Media Outlets

(note: they recently got an additional $600K+ to bring the total to 2.2 million)

seriously? did they really need to spend that kind of money?

I can tell you why 75% of lesbians are over-weight and why gay dudes are 1/2 as likely to be over-weight than straights.

women, in general, lead more sedentary lifestyles. which is why nearly 1/2 of US women are over-weight. Couple that with the emotional baggage that many lesbians carry (leading to greater consumption of "comfort foods". Chasity (now Chaz) Bono anyone?) and there you have it.

now for the men:

There are more women than men, so straight dudes have a larger pool to pick from than gay dudes. A straight dude can be fat as hell and as long as he has a decent job and isn't a complete douchebag he can find a mate. And, couple that with the aforementioned fact that 1/2 of all women are fat as well.... much less incentive for straight guys to stay slim and trim.

Gay dudes, on the otherhand, have a much smaller pool or prospective partners to pick from and therefore must keep to a higher standard to find partners (chubby chasers not withstanding)

and there you have it. and it didn't take me 3 years to figure it out. they could've cut me a check for $500K and saved the govt 1.7 million dollars
'Lesbian Obesity Study' Significance, Outcome Divides Media Outlets

(note: they recently got an additional $600K+ to bring the total to 2.2 million)

seriously? did they really need to spend that kind of money?

I can tell you why 75% of lesbians are over-weight and why gay dudes are 1/2 as likely to be over-weight than straights.

women, in general, lead more sedentary lifestyles. which is why nearly 1/2 of US women are over-weight. Couple that with the emotional baggage that many lesbians carry (leading to greater consumption of "comfort foods". Chasity (now Chaz) Bono anyone?) and there you have it.

now for the men:

There are more women than men, so straight dudes have a larger pool to pick from than gay dudes. A straight dude can be fat as hell and as long as he has a decent job and isn't a complete douchebag he can find a mate. And, couple that with the aforementioned fact that 1/2 of all women are fat as well.... much less incentive for straight guys to stay slim and trim.

Gay dudes, on the otherhand, have a much smaller pool or prospective partners to pick from and therefore must keep to a higher standard to find partners (chubby chasers not withstanding)

and there you have it. and it didn't take me 3 years to figure it out. they could've cut me a check for $500K and saved the govt 1.7 million dollars

Is this a joke? Please tell me this is a joke.....please
Is this a joke? Please tell me this is a joke.....please

sadly... the govt wasting 2.2 million on this study is no joke.

even worse...this is planned to be a 5 year study. given current spending it could top out at around 3.5 million dollars

even worse worse, they are in year 3 of this study and this is what they have to say about it

“It will be impossible to develop evidence-based preventive interventions unless we first answer basic questions about causal pathways, as we plan to do,” they said. “Our study has high potential for public health impact not only for sexual minorities but also for heterosexuals, as we seek to uncover how processes of gender socialization may exacerbate obesity risk in both sexual minority females and heterosexual males.”
- See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/fed...udy-why-lesbians-are-fat#sthash.ieQdhZm4.dpuf

so over 2 years and 2 million dollars in and they still don't know jack ****. only that they "plan to" do something and "seek to uncover" something else.
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Govt like sto fund silly studies
sadly... the govt wasting 2.2 million on this study is no joke.
even worse...this is planned to be a 5 year study. given current spending it could top out at around 3.5 million dollars
even worse worse, they are in year 3 of this study and this is what they have to say about it
so over 2 years and 2 million dollars in and they still don't know jack ****. only that they "plan to" do something and "seek to uncover" something else.

I'm referring to what you added regarding women leading sedentary lifes etc.
No really, we need more taxes. We're having a budget crisis because the rich aren't giving up enough. It has nothing to do with our spending.
There are more women than men, so straight dudes have a larger pool to pick from ...... A straight dude can be fat as hell and as long as he has a decent job and isn't a complete douchebag he can find a mate. .
When we get older, and are speaking of widows, I think I read that the gap is even larger, and that there are somewhere around 3 or 4 women per men, since men tend to die at a younger age. It's pretty slim pickens out here for widows who are straight. That being said, some of us are not interested in a big fat dude no matter what his income or personality characteristics.

As to the question in the OP: it's probably easier to get government funding for projects regarding special interest groups, and straight people just aren't special enough. ;)
I'm referring to what you added regarding women leading sedentary lifes etc.

i said "more sedentary". FFS, most americans live more sedentary lifestyles than our global counterparts. no need to get touchy about it
When we get older, and are speaking of widows, I think I read that the gap is even larger, and that there are somewhere around 3 or 4 women per men, since men tend to die at a younger age. It's pretty slim pickens out here for widows who are straight. That being said, some of us are not interested in a big fat dude no matter what his income or personality characteristics.

Sigh there goes all hope for me :(
'Lesbian Obesity Study' Significance, Outcome Divides Media Outlets

(note: they recently got an additional $600K+ to bring the total to 2.2 million)

seriously? did they really need to spend that kind of money?

I can tell you why 75% of lesbians are over-weight and why gay dudes are 1/2 as likely to be over-weight than straights.

women, in general, lead more sedentary lifestyles. which is why nearly 1/2 of US women are over-weight. Couple that with the emotional baggage that many lesbians carry (leading to greater consumption of "comfort foods". Chasity (now Chaz) Bono anyone?) and there you have it.

now for the men:

There are more women than men, so straight dudes have a larger pool to pick from than gay dudes. A straight dude can be fat as hell and as long as he has a decent job and isn't a complete douchebag he can find a mate. And, couple that with the aforementioned fact that 1/2 of all women are fat as well.... much less incentive for straight guys to stay slim and trim.

Gay dudes, on the otherhand, have a much smaller pool or prospective partners to pick from and therefore must keep to a higher standard to find partners (chubby chasers not withstanding)

and there you have it. and it didn't take me 3 years to figure it out. they could've cut me a check for $500K and saved the govt 1.7 million dollars

Government, I want my almost $.01 back...seriously.
Sigh there goes all hope for me :(

Well, I'm sure there are women who don't mind, but obese people tend to have more serious health issues than those of average or less-than-average weight. A little overweight is no problem, but serious obesity brings a lot of baggage with it.
When we get older, and are speaking of widows, I think I read that the gap is even larger, and that there are somewhere around 3 or 4 women per men, since men tend to die at a younger age. It's pretty slim pickens out here for widows who are straight. That being said, some of us are not interested in a big fat dude no matter what his income or personality characteristics.

I'm not fat, but neither am I a slim jim. I'm not rich. I'm not particularly good looking. And (in case you haven't noticed) I can be a bit of an asshole. I am also 50 and married but I still have single ladies flirting with me on a regular basis. A couple have even made outright "offers" just in case anything ever happens and I find myself single again. It is definitely a "man's market" out there and it only gets better, for men, as you get older.

I routinely see very attractive women out with complete and total slobs.
Well, I'm sure there are women who don't mind, but obese people tend to have more serious health issues than those of average or less-than-average weight. A little overweight is no problem, but serious obesity brings a lot of baggage with it.

So your saying even though Im a broke douchebag being fat will not necessarily cause me to grow old alone and miserable?
Government, I want my almost $.01 back...seriously.

seriously....this is only one of hundreds of such studies. it adds up
So your saying even though Im a broke douchebag being fat will not necessarily cause me to grow old alone and miserable?

It's the broke and douchebag part that will get you. Unless you can hide it somehow.
So being lesbian is an added health risk for women, and being gay helps the health of men? We must spend millions more (of other people's money) to investigate this facinating subject. ;)
It's the broke and douchebag part that will get you.

exactly. you can be fat or you can be broke or you can be a douche bag. but you can't combine them.
I'm not fat, but neither am I a slim jim. I'm not rich. I'm not particularly good looking. And (in case you haven't noticed) I can be a bit of an asshole. I am also 50 and married but I still have single ladies flirting with me on a regular basis. A couple have even made outright "offers" just in case anything ever happens and I find myself single again. It is definitely a "man's market" out there and it only gets better, for men, as you get older.

Yeah, my husband was the same way, except that he wasn't an asshole. :lol:
(btw, I don't view you as such :))

He could have had virtually his pick of just about any woman he knew, who wasn't already married or otherwise seriously involved.
So being lesbian is an added health risk for women, and being gay helps the health of men? We must spend millions more (of other people's money) to investigate this facinating subject. ;)

warning: crude joke ahead. if you are easily offended...don't scroll down. and remember...it's just a ****ing joke.


you wanna know why lesbians are fat? ask Rosie O'Donnell. I'm sure she can tell you for less than 2 million dollars.

you wanna know why gay dudes are not as fat as straight dudes? people with HIV don't tend to be fat.

let the flaming begin
I think you could probably order them with Numbero Uno being Broke. They won't stand for that. Then it's a toss up between being fat or a douchebag. Probably if you're a decent guy, they could excuse being fat.
Yeah, my husband was the same way, except that he wasn't an asshole. :lol:
(btw, I don't view you as such :))

He could have had virtually his pick of just about any woman he knew, who wasn't already married or otherwise seriously involved.

yeah... I keep asking myself, "where the hell were all these women when I was single and looking?" :lamo
So your saying even though Im a broke douchebag being fat will not necessarily cause me to grow old alone and miserable?

Not at all. Try again, and include my initial post. "Some of us" aren't all of us. It takes all kinds and some women don't mind at all.
I think you could probably order them with Numbero Uno being Broke. They won't stand for that. Then it's a toss up between being fat or a douchebag. Probably if you're a decent guy, they could excuse being fat.

it's like rock, paper, scissors........
Not at all. Try again, and include my initial post. "Some of us" aren't all of us. It takes all kinds and some women don't mind at all.

You give me hope :)
Actually I am happily married to the most beautiful woman in the world so am not in any way looking for someone but who knows what the future will bring

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