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Was America too slow to free the slaves or is the record pretty good given the plant's history? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 26, 2016
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Was America too slow to free the slaves or is the record pretty good given the plant's history? Does the evil of slavery taint our county more or less than others?
Was America too slow to free the slaves or is the record pretty good given the plant's history? Does the evil of slavery taint our county more or less than others?

Was America too slow to free the slaves or is the record pretty good given the plant's history? Does the evil of slavery taint our county more or less than others?

I would imagine that for the 4 generations kept in slavery after the formation of the "all men are cretaed equal" USA it seemed like a long time. It must also be remembered that times didn't immediately get all rosy for blacks in the US after 1865. Slavery, coupled with decades of continued racism, certainly counts as a taint.
Was America too slow to free the slaves or is the record pretty good given the plant's history? Does the evil of slavery taint our county more or less than others?

What plant are you talking about?

And considering that America banned slavery long after most European states did even in their colonies--- and was second to last in the Western Hemisphere--- and was the only country which fought a massive civil war over it......

given the plants history , I think America never had a grip on the conditions that caused servitude to start with. but from heretofor the bandwidth has been broadened and those living in darkness have seen a great gig in the sky
given the plants history , i think america never had a grip on the conditions that caused servitude to start with. But from heretofor the bandwidth has been broadened and those living in darkness have seen a great gig in the sky

I would imagine that for the 4 generations kept in slavery after the formation of the "all men are cretaed equal" USA it seemed like a long time. It must also be remembered that times didn't immediately get all rosy for blacks in the US after 1865. Slavery, coupled with decades of continued racism, certainly counts as a taint.
There were anti-slave and abolitionist movements almost from the beginning of the union.
I'm sure that was comforting for a few but did little for most.
Not the point. I was pointing out that from early on there were influences working to do away with slavery; we didn't just wake up in 1861 and say "Hey, let's go kick on those slave owners butts and free their slaves".
I'm sure that was comforting for a few but did little for most.

it sure as hell comforted me! it comforted the **** out of me! i was comforted from comfort to comfort, i have been comforted i am being comforted an i will be comfortable. comfy comfort us with your comfort if i wasnt comfortable ,.,.. i would be looking for ways to become comfortable. comfort my people.
What plant are you talking about?

And considering that America banned slavery long after most European states did even in their colonies--- and was second to last in the Western Hemisphere--- and was the only country which fought a massive civil war over it......
Third to last, Peru and Brazil remained slave states after the US.
Was America too slow to free the slaves or is the record pretty good given the plant's history? Does the evil of slavery taint our county more or less than others?

I think our recent history of FREEING people from slavery has more than made up for our 150 year old past.
Was America too slow to free the slaves or is the record pretty good given the plant's history? Does the evil of slavery taint our county more or less than others?

The speed of ending slavery was dependant on nations who used slaves. The problem was american slavery was both too late ei after the civil and too early ie after the civil war. The slavery issue revolved around economics more than anything. The south had grown reliant on factory style plantations which relied on slave labor, such an economic system could have been removed many years before the civil war by a transition away from it, rather than pushing for an abrupt end that would have economically destroyed the south.

After the civil war the south was reliant on trade and slave labor as it's main economic pillars, which caused an economic collapse far greater than the war did. Lincoln actually did not want the slaves freed right away after the war, he wanted a over time forced buyback of slaves to ensure an economic transition for the south, rather than yanking their entire economy from under it's feet.
I would imagine that for the 4 generations kept in slavery after the formation of the "all men are cretaed equal" USA it seemed like a long time. It must also be remembered that times didn't immediately get all rosy for blacks in the US after 1865. Slavery, coupled with decades of continued racism, certainly counts as a taint.

Inter-racial marriage was illegal until 1967. Something about gods will...
Inter-racial marriage was illegal until 1967. Something about gods will...

Not just illegal, but frowned upon...by both sides. Trust me, I know.
There were anti-slave and abolitionist movements almost from the beginning of the union.

Most of which were criminalized in the South, and their promoters jailed, bankrupted and worse, some of them were put to death.
Not just illegal, but frowned upon...by both sides. Trust me, I know.

Even my liberal parents were not totally on board at the beginning. It works out.

I was bombarded from grandparents on both sides. They claimed I looked like them. Love prevailed, as it should, but it took a few strange paths.

If its any comfort, Jews are no better. We visited my grandmother in a nursing home when my son was a baby and "very white". Her first words upon seeing him were "you took a chance?". Unbelievable. I guess it was apropos that she was forced to rely on primarily black care givers later in life. What to do.
If its any comfort, Jews are no better. We visited my grandmother in a nursing home when my son was a baby and "very white". Her first words upon seeing him were "you took a chance?". Unbelievable. I guess it was apropos that she was forced to rely on primarily black care givers later in life. What to do.

We have to have coffee. Btw, I am the favorite, because I look "more like us". A claim by both sides. Oh the burden.

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