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[W:247] If Kamala Harris becomes vice president, what happens to her Senate seat? (1 Viewer)


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Feb 25, 2018
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My money would be on London Breed, Karen Bass or Barbara Lee. A Dem governor can't replace a woman of of color by anyone except another woman of color. They're interchangeable, y'know.

Whoever gets the nod, she'll pretty much have a lifetime gig. California doesn't get much turnover in Senate seats.

If Kamala Harris becomes vice president, what happens to her Senate seat?

By Eric Ting, SFGATE Updated 10:41 pm PDT, Tuesday, August 11, 2020

If former Vice President Joe Biden wins the presidency in November and California Sen. Kamala Harris becomes vice president, her Senate seat will suddenly need to be filled.

According to a 2018 report from the Congressional Research Service, California is one of 36 states where if a vacancy occurs, a new senator will be appointed by the state's governor, with the interim senator serving until whichever comes first between the end of that Senate seat's term or the next statewide general election.

In this particular case, Harris' seat comes up for re-election in 2022, which is also the date of the next statewide general election. So whomever Gov. Gavin Newsom appoints will not face the voters until the 2022 midterms, when Newsom himself will be up for re-election.

Sen. Dianne Feinsten's seat is up for re-election in 2024, and given the fact that she will be 91 by then, it is entirely possible that California will have the chance to elect two new senators within just two years.

It is way too early to make any sort of educated guess on who could fill Harris' seat after a Newsom appointment, but here are a handful of Democratic politicians who have been considered by some to be potential candidates for higher office:

Rep. Adam Schiff

Rep. Ted Lieu

Rep. Katie Porter

Rep. Eric Swalwell

Rep. Barbara Lee

Rep. Karen Bass

Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis

Former Calif. State Sen. Kevin de Leon

San Francisco Mayor London Breed

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti

If Kamala Harris becomes vice president, what happens to her Senate seat? - SFGate
My money would be on London Breed, Karen Bass or Barbara Lee. A Dem governor can't replace a woman of of color by anyone except another woman of color. They're interchangeable, y'know.

This seems to be an excessive amount of butthurt.
My money would be on London Breed, Karen Bass or Barbara Lee. A Dem governor can't replace a woman of of color by anyone except another woman of color. They're interchangeable, y'know.

Whoever gets the nod, she'll pretty much have a lifetime gig. California doesn't get much turnover in Senate seats.

Gov Newsom will sell it to the highest bidder thats how it went with Obama’s seat
Gov Newsom will sell it to the highest bidder thats how it went with Obama’s seat

Why do you suppose Trump commuted Blago's sentence for that?
This seems to be an excessive amount of butthurt.

Back atcha. Reality is a bitch and the chances Newsom picks someone on merit and not race and gender are minimal.
Back atcha. Reality is a bitch and the chances Newsom picks someone on merit and not race and gender are minimal.

"Elections have consequences," right?
Why do you suppose Trump commuted Blago's sentence for that?

My money would be on London Breed, Karen Bass or Barbara Lee. A Dem governor can't replace a woman of of color by anyone except another woman of color. They're interchangeable, y'know.

Wow! There is so much irony here. :roll:
I have no idea why black folks don't vote Republican.
Wow! There is so much irony here. :roll:

It's sarcasm, but not without a grain of truth. Dems care more about checking the right AA race and gender boxes than choosing the best candidate based on merit.
My money would be on London Breed, Karen Bass or Barbara Lee. A Dem governor can't replace a woman of of color by anyone except another woman of color. They're interchangeable, y'know.

Whoever gets the nod, she'll pretty much have a lifetime gig. California doesn't get much turnover in Senate seats.

Man conservatives are so hung up about race when they bitch about others being hung up on race.
It's sarcasm, but not without a grain of truth. Dems care more about checking the right AA race and gender boxes than choosing the best candidate based on merit.

And you seem to automatically equate merit with "white".
Man conservatives are so hung up about race when they bitch about others being hung up on race.

Conservatives get chastised for unfairly calling out what Democrats do.

If A) Biden wins and B) Newsom picks a woman of color to fill Harris' seat, you may expect a huge "I told you so!" :2wave:
Conservatives get chastised for unfairly calling out what Democrats do.

If A) Biden wins and B) Newsom picks a woman of color to fill Harris' seat, you may expect a huge "I told you so!" :2wave:

When Biden wins and Newsom picks a woman of color to fill Harris' seat, I will be laughing in your face with pleasure.
My money would be on London Breed, Karen Bass or Barbara Lee. A Dem governor can't replace a woman of of color by anyone except another woman of color. They're interchangeable, y'know.

Whoever gets the nod, she'll pretty much have a lifetime gig. California doesn't get much turnover in Senate seats.

a dem appointed
Daryll Issa?:lamo
When Biden wins and Newsom picks a woman of color to fill Harris' seat, I will be laughing in your face with pleasure.

Sure why not. Because Newsom proving my point about Dems' obsession with racial and gender politics is a good thing I guess.
Back atcha. Reality is a bitch and the chances Newsom picks someone on merit and not race and gender are minimal.

Newsom must announce that he only plans on appointing a straight white Christian male. It's the only way to be assured that he isn't picking anybody based on their race, faith, sexual preference or gender.
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Newsom must announce that he only plans on appointing a straight white Christian male. It's the only way to be assured that he isn't picking anybody based on their race, faith, sexual preference or gender.


Basically the argument he's making.

Basically the argument he's making.

I'm not. I want Newsom to pick the best person for the job, regardless of race or gender.

Google the word 'meritocracy', then google "identity politics" if you want to understand my argument.
It's sarcasm, but not without a grain of truth. Dems care more about checking the right AA race and gender boxes than choosing the best candidate based on merit.

Why isnt an african american woman the presidential nomination?

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