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Voting For Third-Party Candidates - POTUS (1 Viewer)

Will you, would you vote Third-Party in 2016?

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Running a RINO in 2008 didn't work. Running a uber RINO in 2012 didn't work either. So logic would dictate that running a RINO in 2016 won't work either.

I keep telling you my answer and you keep ignoring it.
"I would rather vote for the guy I want to win and lose, then vote for someone I despise and win".

Trump and Cruz are both "RINO"s too.

Trump is literally just a republican in name only...

And Cruz is a mouth breathing Jesus freak that comes across as fake as ****.
Imagine this...........

It's November 2016. The GOP had a brokered convention. Trump, with the highest delegates and vote count, but just shy of 1237 delegates, got snubbed on the second ballot and Cruz got the nod. Trump declares that the GOP did not treat him "fairly." Trump decides to run independently.

Over on the democrat side of the fence, the nation is feeling the Bern coast to coast. Sanders late showing still has him down in delagate count even though his support has drawn many earlier supporters of Clinton. Bernie has become a cult of personality and a YUGE part of the nation is clamoring for his presidency. Hillary's "super-delagates" puts the nomination out of reach for Sanders to get the democrat party nod. So, Sanders, feeling he is getting dealt a bad deal, decides to run independently too.

So, your ballot options are:


How do think that would turn out? Is that even possible, at all?
Trump and Cruz are both "RINO"s too.

Trump is literally just a republican in name only...

I know Trump is a RINO, he Mitt Romney 2.0. Instead of people calling him etch-a-sketch they say he is telling it like it is,I am not sure how flip floppig a dozen times or so in a short amount of time is telling it like it is.

Cruz is more conservative than Kasich,Trump,and many former republican candidates.

And Cruz is a mouth breathing Jesus freak that comes across as fake as ****.

Cruz's father is a pastor. So it makes sense that he would share some of his father's mannerism and beliefs.

When you say he comes across as fake as **** is that due to some anti-Cruz bias?
I know Trump is a RINO, he Mitt Romney 2.0. Instead of people calling him etch-a-sketch they say he is telling it like it is,I am not sure how flip floppig a dozen times or so in a short amount of time is telling it like it is.

Cruz is more conservative than Kasich,Trump,and many former republican candidates.

Cruz's father is a pastor. So it makes sense that he would share some of his father's mannerism and beliefs.

When you say he comes across as fake as **** is that due to some anti-Cruz bias?

I think it is more his mannerisms, (although came by honestly as you suggested.)

Cruz creeps a lot of ladie's out. He comes across like a mortician. He tries to make the simplest of statements sound as dramatic as the Gettysburg Address.

I think Cruz is a very talented and intelligent guy. Not my candidate but I ain't gonna pile on him. His image is terrible. To way too many American voters, image is everything. Substance takes a back-seat to image.
Mitt Romney had some serious flaws. Just because you stand for nothing doesn't mean that's the way everyone feels.

I stand for getting things done in a bi-partisan way. Not the gridlock that we currently have. What good is gridlock that accomplishes nothing? Do you know how much money is spent on government to do nothing? Might as well just have a president and skip the House and the Senate.
I disagree with the "...for decades to come..." part, because they will find a way to eff up their new-gained advantage (they're an ego-driven political party, it's in their blood), but I agree with your overall point that the extreme Reps are their own worst enemy right now.

If lefties get appointed to the Supreme Court for lifetime terms, it will screw up conservative values for decades. That's not something you can easily change.
Running a RINO in 2008 didn't work. Running a uber RINO in 2012 didn't work either. So logic would dictate that running a RINO in 2016 won't work either.

I keep telling you my answer and you keep ignoring it.
"I would rather vote for the guy I want to win and lose, then vote for someone I despise and win".

But you just said that we ran a RINO in 2008 and it didn't work and we ran a RINO in 2012 and it didn't work. So, if Cruz (a true conservative) gets nominated and loses in the general because the voters would rather have a lying, dishonest crook as president than Cruz, what happens next? I'm not talking about your vote, I'm talking about your thoughts of where the Republican party is if it can't win with RINO's and it can't win with true conservatives either. If Cruz does lose to Clinton then that puts the kibosh on the theory that we lost the last two elections because of RINO's. So, again, what happens in 2020? Does Trump get even more popular because we can't win with RINO's and we can't win with true conservatives either?
Whether you want to believe it or not, you guys are destroying the Republican party and handing it over to the Democrats for decades to come. I hope you're proud of that. You still keep avoiding my question of what happens if Cruz wins the nomination but loses to Hillary. What happens then? Is life over?
I disagree with the "...for decades to come..." part, because they will find a way to eff up their new-gained advantage (they're an ego-driven political party, it's in their blood), but I agree with your overall point that the extreme Reps are their own worst enemy right now.
If lefties get appointed to the Supreme Court for lifetime terms, it will screw up conservative values for decades. That's not something you can easily change.

When you said "...handing it over..." I thought by "it" you meant the elected positions of government, House, Senate, President, etc.
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But you just said that we ran a RINO in 2008 and it didn't work and we ran a RINO in 2012 and it didn't work. So, if Cruz (a true conservative) gets nominated and loses in the general because the voters would rather have a lying, dishonest crook as president than Cruz, what happens next? I'm not talking about your vote, I'm talking about your thoughts of where the Republican party is if it can't win with RINO's and it can't win with true conservatives either. If Cruz does lose to Clinton then that puts the kibosh on the theory that we lost the last two elections because of RINO's. So, again, what happens in 2020? Does Trump get even more popular because we can't win with RINO's and we can't win with true conservatives either?
If 2016 and 2020 result in a conservative losing the general then it would put the kibosh on the theory that republicans lost because of propping up RINOs. Until then you can't claim that republicans need a moderate IE a RINO to win the general election.
If 2016 and 2020 result in a conservative losing the general then it would put the kibosh on the theory that republicans lost because of propping up RINOs. Until then you can't claim that republicans need a moderate IE a RINO to win the general election.

Again, you dodged the question.
I know Trump is a RINO, he Mitt Romney 2.0. Instead of people calling him etch-a-sketch they say he is telling it like it is,I am not sure how flip floppig a dozen times or so in a short amount of time is telling it like it is.

Cruz is more conservative than Kasich,Trump,and many former republican candidates.

Cruz's father is a pastor. So it makes sense that he would share some of his father's mannerism and beliefs.

When you say he comes across as fake as **** is that due to some anti-Cruz bias?

Its mostly due to his public displays of religion.

It appears to me that he goes out of his way to show us just how "Christian" he is.

I don't need a pastor running the country. I need a guy who can keep his religion private.

Jesus said:
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Its mostly due to his public displays of religion.

It appears to me that he goes out of his way to show us just how "Christian" he is.

I don't need a pastor running the country. I need a guy who can keep his religion private.
So you want a guy who is religious in name only? Most people would call that being a phony.
So you want a guy who is religious in name only? Most people would call that being a phony.

I don't want Cruz preaching down to me and making me follow his religion and nobody else does either.
I don't want Cruz preaching down to me and making me follow his religion and nobody else does either.

I do not see Cruz mandating that people convert to and follow his religion.
I do not see Cruz mandating that people convert to and follow his religion.

He will thrust his values on them the same way that Obama issues executive orders now. Cruz would also appoint the farthest right judges to the Supreme Court, which would, in effect, be forcing his values on everyone.
He will thrust his values on them the same way that Obama issues executive orders now. Cruz would also appoint the farthest right judges to the Supreme Court, which would, in effect, be forcing his values on everyone.
Cruz would appoint conservatives who will uphold the Constitution to the supreme court not far right judges and I seriously doubt Cruz would use executive orders the same way Obama does to create law.
i have voted third party in the past. this time around? ****, i don't even want to think about that choice right now. what a **** show this election is. i think i'll enjoy the nice spring weather for a minute instead of thinking about that. we have a late primary, so i'll deal with that first.
Cruz would appoint conservatives who will uphold the Constitution to the supreme court not far right judges and I seriously doubt Cruz would use executive orders the same way Obama does to create law.

Ye are as blind as a bat. That is exactly what Cruz wants. I can see him issuing an executive order now banning dildos.
Voting for a third party candidate is pointless; they can not win.
I don't want Cruz preaching down to me and making me follow his religion and nobody else does either.
Agreed, but I also don't want him (or anyone else) to lie to me (lie by omission) and pretend they're something they're not. We have too much of that, already.
Ye are as blind as a bat. That is exactly what Cruz wants. I can see him issuing an executive order now banning dildos.
Nothing but anti-Cruz nonsense.

Ted Cruz Opposed Self-Pleasuring Activities and Devices : snopes.com
Mostly False

WHAT'S TRUE: While Ted Cruz was serving as solicitor general of Texas, his office defended an existing law banning the sale of "obscene devices."

WHAT'S FALSE: Ted Cruz banned (or attempted to ban) the sale of dildoes in Texas, or personally supported a law that enforced such a ban.
I haven't voted Republicrat since the 80's...

Vote strictly Libertarian now... if there isn't a Libertarian on the ballot, I may occasionally vote for a Republican. I'm as likely to not vote for an office, or write someone in, than vote for a Republican though.

Of course no informed person would vote for a Democrat/Socialist... Dems/Socialists depend on dumbed down, completely ignorant voters, which, unfortunately there are literally scores of millions.

I hold no illusions - in terms of liberty? our nation is doomed. Liberty cannot suffer such fools as are Amerikans circa 2016. It's sad to watch a once free nation die like this right before our eyes.
Nothing but anti-Cruz nonsense.

Ted Cruz Opposed Self-Pleasuring Activities and Devices : snopes.com
Mostly False

WHAT'S TRUE: While Ted Cruz was serving as solicitor general of Texas, his office defended an existing law banning the sale of "obscene devices."

WHAT'S FALSE: Ted Cruz banned (or attempted to ban) the sale of dildoes in Texas, or personally supported a law that enforced such a ban.

That was kind of a joke in that I don't think you could issue an executive order for something like that. But, it doesn't change the fact that he wants to shove his religious morals down everyone's throats. Being fiscally conservative is one thing but forcing his values on others is completely different.
Ye are as blind as a bat. That is exactly what Cruz wants. I can see him issuing an executive order now banning dildos.

You are worried about losing the use of your dildo? I guess the best way to handle that is to stock up early....
So you want a guy who is religious in name only? Most people would call that being a phony.

You don't need to run around preaching on the street corners to be religious........

Religion is between you and God. Jesus taught us that.

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