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Volodymyr Zelenskiy, what's his deal? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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Political Leaning
He has clearly emboldened the Ukrainian people, however, does he or anyone really believe he can "win" this battle?

He and his family could have fled the country, Ukraine could have peacefully surrendered and limited bloodshed but he is on the streets equipping civilians with rifles? Do people really think this is a good idea?

A few years ago he was playing the piano with his penis. The guy is a former comedian. He doesn't have any military experience. He's leading his men against a former KGB Agent.

What's his deal? Is he trying to go out as a martyr? This isn't a movie or a skit, it's real life.

Zelenskiy was mired in controversy before the invasion. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. His administration is made up of unqualified yes men.
He has clearly emboldened the Ukrainian people, however, does he or anyone really believe he can "win" this battle?

He and his family could have fled the country, Ukraine could have peacefully surrendered and limited bloodshed but he is on the streets equipping civilians with rifles? Do people really think this is a good idea?

A few years ago he was playing the piano with his penis. The guy is a former comedian. He doesn't have any military experience. He's leading his men against a former KGB Agent.

What's his deal? Is he trying to go out as a martyr? This isn't a movie or a skit, it's real life.

Zelenskiy was mired in controversy before the invasion. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. His administration is made up of unqualified yes men.

What good does fleeing the country do?

If I were in his spot, I'd be doing exactly the same.... and if it came to it, I'd make sure I took at least one of those pricks with me.

The only way this ends is if enough Russian mothers get their boys back in bags.
What good does fleeing the country do?

If I were in his spot, I'd be doing exactly the same.... and if it came to it, I'd make sure I took at least one of those pricks with me.

The only way this ends is if enough Russian mothers get their boys back in bags.

That's not going to happen though! You flee and you live another day.

He's treating this like a reality TV show. But sadly, helping arm citizens to kill trained professionals.... honestly, is that going to end well?
That's not going to happen though! You flee and you live another day.

He's treating this like a reality TV show. But sadly, helping arm citizens to kill trained professionals.... honestly, is that going to end well?

Everybody dies sooner or later .... the only choice the Ukrainians have now is whether it's on the feet or their knees.

What would you do if they rolled into your street? Roll over and give up? Screw that.
He has clearly emboldened the Ukrainian people, however, does he or anyone really believe he can "win" this battle?

He and his family could have fled the country, Ukraine could have peacefully surrendered and limited bloodshed but he is on the streets equipping civilians with rifles? Do people really think this is a good idea?
Protecting democracy has never been a bloodless endeavor.

If Revolutionary War time colonists all thought like you, we’d still be subjects of the crown.
He doesn't have any military experience. He's leading his men against a former KGB Agent.
Military experience isn’t a requirement to be a great leader. Never has been.
What's his deal? Is he trying to go out as a martyr? This isn't a movie or a skit, it's real life.
No shit, it’s real life. In real life, patriotic leaders don’t, don’t bend over or run away.
That's not going to happen though! You flee and you live another day.
Horse shit.

Name some foreign leaders in contemporary times that have fled their countries, and later returned/resumed their position.
Horse shit.

Name some foreign leaders in contemporary times that have fled their countries, and later returned/resumed their position.
All the heads of state in Nazi occupied Europe in WW2 did just that.
All the heads of state in Nazi occupied Europe in WW2 did just that.

And we mock the French and Belgians for dropping their guns and surrendering. Maybe we should be mocking their leaders instead.
He has clearly emboldened the Ukrainian people, however, does he or anyone really believe he can "win" this battle?

He and his family could have fled the country, Ukraine could have peacefully surrendered and limited bloodshed but he is on the streets equipping civilians with rifles? Do people really think this is a good idea?

A few years ago he was playing the piano with his penis. The guy is a former comedian. He doesn't have any military experience. He's leading his men against a former KGB Agent.

What's his deal? Is he trying to go out as a martyr? This isn't a movie or a skit, it's real life.

Zelenskiy was mired in controversy before the invasion. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. His administration is made up of unqualified yes men.
All the heads of state in Nazi occupied Europe in WW2 did just that.

Yes, we are well aware that most American conservatives are cowards who wouldn't even attempt to defend their country from foreign invaders and would immediately surrender without a fight. We know this and it's one of the many reasons we don't respect you guys when you try to chest beat.
Yes, we are well aware that most American conservatives are cowards who wouldn't even attempt to defend their country from foreign invaders and would immediately surrender without a fight. We know this and it's one of the many reasons we don't respect you guys when you try to chest beat.
Im not conservative.

And instead of being a keyboard commando, why dont you head over there and fight the Russians instead of just talking about it then.

And we mock the French and Belgians for dropping their guns and surrendering. Maybe we should be mocking their leaders instead.

Where did the king of Norway go when the Nazis invaded in WW2?
Im not conservative.

And instead of being a keyboard commando, why dont you head over there and fight the Russians instead of just talking about it then.

Where did the king of Norway go when the Nazis invaded in WW2?
You're neither conservative nor a libertarian, you're a Trump cultist who ceded his ability to think to others. I've actually served my country in combat because I'm not a coward. Seeing you guys cower and talk about how quickly you'd roll over and give up is not at all surprising.
You're neither conservative nor a libertarian, you're a Trump cultist who ceded his ability to think to others. I've actually served my country in combat because I'm not a coward. Seeing you guys cower and talk about how quickly you'd roll over and give up is not at all surprising.

You dont get to decide who I am. Go on to Ukraine and prove how tough you really are already, we're waiting.
Where did the king of Norway go when the Nazis invaded in WW2?

There's only one good place for royalty, it's handing from their own palace gates, dead.
You're neither conservative nor a libertarian, you're a Trump cultist who ceded his ability to think to others. I've actually served my country in combat because I'm not a coward. Seeing you guys cower and talk about how quickly you'd roll over and give up is not at all surprising.

I respect your service, even if PoS doesn't.
Or how about Philippe Petain? He stayed and the Nazis let him keep part of France because he was 100% a collaborator.

If Zelensky was a traitor, that's probably what he'd do.

Pétain was a Convenient and politically naive figurehead - Pierre Laval was the true Fifth Columnist and had been since the early 1930's.

There are a lot of parallels between the French right and their activities during the 1930's and the US right today.

Every country had it's traitors waiting in the wings.... The UK had Edward VIII and Lord Halifax. The US had Charles Lindbergh and "America First".

The way I figure it, Zelensky's choice is to run and hope someone brings him back to power.... stay and fight and hope that the Ukrainians can win on their own... which they can, if they send enough Russians back in body bags.
I respect your service, even if PoS doesn't.
Why should I respect anyone who namecalls me? I was talking about what leaders during WW2 were doing. Libs like to personally attack others because theyre always angry.
Yes, we are well aware that most American conservatives are cowards who wouldn't even attempt to defend their country from foreign invaders and would immediately surrender without a fight. We know this and it's one of the many reasons we don't respect you guys when you try to chest beat.

Thankfully, we have people like yourself.
You dont get to decide who I am. Go on to Ukraine and prove how tough you really are already, we're waiting.

Oh STFU.... anyone who isn't pissed off at what's happening in the Ukraine - whether they're in a position to do something about it or not - isn't someone who is worth a damn anyway.

Alpaca I know would die on his feet if push came to shove.... You? You're a knees man through and through. Don't act like you've got an edge on him.
Oh STFU.... anyone who isn't pissed off at what's happening in the Ukraine - whether they're in a position to do something about it or not - isn't someone who is worth a damn anyway.

Alpaca I know would die on his feet if push came to shove.... You? You're a knees man through and through. Don't act like you've got an edge on him.
Look, I was talking about what leaders were doing during WW2 and I get attacked personally. If you want to take his side by namecalling me too, then that says a lot about you.
Look, I was talking about what leaders were doing during WW2 and I get attacked personally. If you want to take his side by namecalling me too, then that says a lot about you.

What I have an issue with is your trolling. I am pissed as hell at what is going on in the Ukraine right now.... Alpaca is pissed as hell as well.

We're allowed to express that anger without having the likes of you come in here and tell us to go there if we're so angry.

If you want to support America's neo-Quisling and his praising of Putin, that's on you.... but you deserve every insult you get for it.
What I have an issue with is your trolling. I am pissed as hell at what is going on in the Ukraine right now.... Alpaca is pissed as hell as well.

We're allowed to express that anger without having the likes of you come in here and tell us to go there if we're so angry.

If you want to support America's neo-Quisling and his praising of Putin, that's on you.... but you deserve every insult you get for it.
So talking about history is "trolling" to you? Well if this is how you debate others by throwing insults at them, go right ahead.
You dont get to decide who I am. Go on to Ukraine and prove how tough you really are already, we're waiting.
Ukraines's not my country. I'd defend my country from invaders, unlike the cowards in this thread claiming they should just give up.

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