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Veterans Administration Busted For Non Qualified Doctors Diagnosing TBI's (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 13, 2016
Reaction score
Norfolk Virginia area.
Political Leaning
Finally...Finally...........the Hampton Virginia VA has been busted for screwing veterans for years who have had traumatic brain injuries and other serious conditions.

My local VA has been busted for lying about doctors credentials and other investigations are finding this same problem throughout the country.

Veterans Affairs Caught Falsifying Doctors’ Certifications
Finally...Finally...........the Hampton Virginia VA has been busted for screwing veterans for years who have had traumatic brain injuries and other serious conditions.

My local VA has been busted for lying about doctors credentials and other investigations are finding this same problem throughout the country.

Veterans Affairs Caught Falsifying Doctors’ Certifications
I'm a single-payer proponent, but not a government provider proponent at all. I think the time may have come where the VA should allow vets to use private providers under VA insurance.

What says you?
Finally...Finally...........the Hampton Virginia VA has been busted for screwing veterans for years who have had traumatic brain injuries and other serious conditions.

My local VA has been busted for lying about doctors credentials and other investigations are finding this same problem throughout the country.

Veterans Affairs Caught Falsifying Doctors’ Certifications

I'm a single-payer proponent, but not a government provider proponent at all. I think the time may have come where the VA should allow vets to use private providers under VA insurance.

What says you?

I think it's time for both of you to calm down and think about this for a moment.

First off, do you really think that the people at the VA are going to get together and agree to claim that this or that doctor was a specialist in a certain area, when they already knew that he was not a specialist in that area? Or is it more likely that the doctor himself claimed to have that specialty, and the VA failed to verify it? Don't get me wrong - the VA is and should be still responsible...but it's flat wrong to accuse the VA of lying or falsifying information. Why is it wrong? Because "lying" and "falsifying information" requires that they KNEW that what they were saying was false...and I see no indication anywhere that this is the case.

If you'll both check, doctors making false claims about credentials is not uncommon in the civilian community...and because it does happen often in the civilian community, it should be expected that some would try to pull the same crap when applying to work with the government. The government IS still responsible - they SHOULD have verified the doctors' credentials just as any health care organization should...but it appears they didn't, just as is the case with many civilian health care organizations nationwide - the HR department's so doggone busy and some clerk decides to save time by not digging a little further to see if the application by some doctor is as accurate as it seems.

I would caution both of you to remember that people are people, whether they work for the government or in the civilian world, and that before we make assumptions that they are telling lies and falsifying information, let's check first to see if maybe, just maybe they just skipped certain time-consuming elements of proper procedure and are getting (properly) burned for it.

One last thing - as I've posted before, the government-run health care that I and my family have...we're very happy with it indeed. It's saved my life, my wife's life, and my youngest son's life. Part of the reason why we're so happy with it is that when we go to the doctor, there's no quibbling over "well, let's see if that's covered by your insurance" or "that's a procedure we don't cover" or "we don't provide that kind of equipment". We get what we need...and the doctors are not hindered by questions over insurance or ability to pay for procedures. IMO this is how single-payer should work...because it allows us to get what we need, and to recover as quickly as we can, so that we can get back to work and our livelihoods as soon as we can.
I think it's time for both of you to calm down and think about this for a moment.

First off, do you really think that the people at the VA are going to get together and agree to claim that this or that doctor was a specialist in a certain area, when they already knew that he was not a specialist in that area? Or is it more likely that the doctor himself claimed to have that specialty, and the VA failed to verify it? Don't get me wrong - the VA is and should be still responsible...but it's flat wrong to accuse the VA of lying or falsifying information. Why is it wrong? Because "lying" and "falsifying information" requires that they KNEW that what they were saying was false...and I see no indication anywhere that this is the case.

If you'll both check, doctors making false claims about credentials is not uncommon in the civilian community...and because it does happen often in the civilian community, it should be expected that some would try to pull the same crap when applying to work with the government. The government IS still responsible - they SHOULD have verified the doctors' credentials just as any health care organization should...but it appears they didn't, just as is the case with many civilian health care organizations nationwide - the HR department's so doggone busy and some clerk decides to save time by not digging a little further to see if the application by some doctor is as accurate as it seems.

I would caution both of you to remember that people are people, whether they work for the government or in the civilian world, and that before we make assumptions that they are telling lies and falsifying information, let's check first to see if maybe, just maybe they just skipped certain time-consuming elements of proper procedure and are getting (properly) burned for it.

One last thing - as I've posted before, the government-run health care that I and my family have...we're very happy with it indeed. It's saved my life, my wife's life, and my youngest son's life. Part of the reason why we're so happy with it is that when we go to the doctor, there's no quibbling over "well, let's see if that's covered by your insurance" or "that's a procedure we don't cover" or "we don't provide that kind of equipment". We get what we need...and the doctors are not hindered by questions over insurance or ability to pay for procedures. IMO this is how single-payer should work...because it allows us to get what we need, and to recover as quickly as we can, so that we can get back to work and our livelihoods as soon as we can.
Just to clarify:

I am a proponent of single-payer/private provider healthcare for all (Medicare/MedicAid), but not a fan of single-payer/government-provider systems (VA/British Healthcare). I refer to only the latter as "government run healthcare", not the former. I indeed would be very happy to see a MediCare or MedicAid expansion for all.

So I hope there was no misunderstanding.

And I very much agree with getting private for-profit insurance companies out of healthcare.

But what I am trying to find-out, is whether vets would prefer to have VA insurance allow vets to receive treatment via private providers, rather than at the VA? It's my understanding this is already happening in some instances.
I think it's time for both of you to calm down and think about this for a moment.

First off, do you really think that the people at the VA are going to get together and agree to claim that this or that doctor was a specialist in a certain area, when they already knew that he was not a specialist in that area? Or is it more likely that the doctor himself claimed to have that specialty, and the VA failed to verify it? Don't get me wrong - the VA is and should be still responsible...but it's flat wrong to accuse the VA of lying or falsifying information. Why is it wrong? Because "lying" and "falsifying information" requires that they KNEW that what they were saying was false...and I see no indication anywhere that this is the case.

If you'll both check, doctors making false claims about credentials is not uncommon in the civilian community...and because it does happen often in the civilian community, it should be expected that some would try to pull the same crap when applying to work with the government. The government IS still responsible - they SHOULD have verified the doctors' credentials just as any health care organization should...but it appears they didn't, just as is the case with many civilian health care organizations nationwide - the HR department's so doggone busy and some clerk decides to save time by not digging a little further to see if the application by some doctor is as accurate as it seems.

I would caution both of you to remember that people are people, whether they work for the government or in the civilian world, and that before we make assumptions that they are telling lies and falsifying information, let's check first to see if maybe, just maybe they just skipped certain time-consuming elements of proper procedure and are getting (properly) burned for it.

One last thing - as I've posted before, the government-run health care that I and my family have...we're very happy with it indeed. It's saved my life, my wife's life, and my youngest son's life. Part of the reason why we're so happy with it is that when we go to the doctor, there's no quibbling over "well, let's see if that's covered by your insurance" or "that's a procedure we don't cover" or "we don't provide that kind of equipment". We get what we need...and the doctors are not hindered by questions over insurance or ability to pay for procedures. IMO this is how single-payer should work...because it allows us to get what we need, and to recover as quickly as we can, so that we can get back to work and our livelihoods as soon as we can.

The government run VA sites boasted the certifications of many doctors, and now they are off the sites altogether Glen.
The government run VA sites boasted the certifications of many doctors, and now they are off the sites altogether Glen.

Like I said, it looks a heck of a lot more to me like the VA simply took the doctors' words for their qualifications instead of doing due diligence and verifying their backgrounds. I cannot see the higher-ups in the VA getting together and saying, "We know these doctors don't have these specialties, but let's claim that they do anyway." I can't see that happening.

I say the stupidity - the lack of verification - is a heck of a lot more likely than deliberate false claims that would meet the definition of a conspiracy.
Just to clarify:

I am a proponent of single-payer/private provider healthcare for all (Medicare/MedicAid), but not a fan of single-payer/government-provider systems (VA/British Healthcare). I refer to only the latter as "government run healthcare", not the former. I indeed would be very happy to see a MediCare or MedicAid expansion for all.

So I hope there was no misunderstanding.

And I very much agree with getting private for-profit insurance companies out of healthcare.

But what I am trying to find-out, is whether vets would prefer to have VA insurance allow vets to receive treatment via private providers, rather than at the VA? It's my understanding this is already happening in some instances.

Yes, the VA does allow vets to receive treatment via private providers. That said, I prefer TriCare over the VA...especially since I am covered by TriCare in most other nations I would ever go to.
I'm a single-payer proponent, but not a government provider proponent at all. I think the time may have come where the VA should allow vets to use private providers under VA insurance.

What says you?
The VA started a plan a few years ago that allows vets greater than 35 miles from a facility to use private providers.

One of the biggest problems is that the VA is not now what it was formed to be. The VA was established to consolidate existing private and state services to veterans with service connected disabilities not covered under military retiree insurance. What they have become is simply unmanageable. The service is simply overwhelmed.
The VA started a plan a few years ago that allows vets greater than 35 miles from a facility to use private providers.

One of the biggest problems is that the VA is not now what it was formed to be. The VA was established to consolidate existing private and state services to veterans with service connected disabilities not covered under military retiree insurance. What they have become is simply unmanageable. The service is simply overwhelmed.
Thanks for the reply.

The reason I'm asking this is:

Our country has perhaps the best private healthcare provider system in the world (if one can afford it or otherwise access it fully).

Vets, by nature of what they've done (served the country by putting themselves in harms way), undoubtedly deserve the best after-service care available.

So are they better served in a state-of-the-art private system, or in a government system specifically tailored to them and perhaps their unique circumstance and needs?

Mine is an open-ended question without preconception. I was hopping some vets would respond to this specifically.
Thanks for the reply.

The reason I'm asking this is:

Our country has perhaps the best private healthcare provider system in the world (if one can afford it or otherwise access it fully).

Vets, by nature of what they've done (served the country by putting themselves in harms way), undoubtedly deserve the best after-service care available.

So are they better served in a state-of-the-art private system, or in a government system specifically tailored to them and perhaps their unique circumstance and needs?

Mine is an open-ended question without preconception. I was hopping some vets would respond to this specifically.
As a veteran rated with 80% disability, I have an opinion about the VA. I dont need the VA. I have 2 other forms of insurance. I use the VA services if fr no other reason than to stay connected to the VA because I never know what tomorrow is going to bring. I have an exceptional primary care provider at the VA as well as a private primary care provider. I only see my VA PC once a year for annual checkups and updates. Ive had surgery twice at the VA. Never again.

OK...this may not be a popular position with other vets...but you know...I volunteered to serve. I have deployed 7 times into combat zones. I did my job. I chose my job. I am grateful for the opportunities my service earned. I think everyone deserves the medical care they pay for or in the case of veterans, earned/sacrificed for. And in many ways the VA IS a great medical care resource. I see the value in having a veteran specific VA. I dont think because of my service I deserve anything special...just what I earned. The VA was not meant as a service to cover ALL vets. It was meant as a service to cover those disabled vets with special needs.

MOST veterans do not need the VA. MOST veterans do not have service connected disabilities. MOST veterans that retire have Tricare and Tricare provides good medical insurance. I really believe that the biggest problem the VA system faces is that it is overburdened by services NOT originally intended. Some of that is from service members. Some of it is systemic. Some of it is political. Heck...I think the BIGGEST problem in the VA system began when they started the concurrent disability pay system.

Not sure if I am answering your question. The VA is a good system...its just overwhelmed/overburdened.
Finally...Finally...........the Hampton Virginia VA has been busted for screwing veterans for years who have had traumatic brain injuries and other serious conditions.

My local VA has been busted for lying about doctors credentials and other investigations are finding this same problem throughout the country.

Veterans Affairs Caught Falsifying Doctors’ Certifications

This government mismanagement just gets worse and worse, and unfortunately it's our veterans, to whom we owe much, who have to take the brunt of it.

Can anyone, any administration, make this system work properly?
Finally...Finally...........the Hampton Virginia VA has been busted for screwing veterans for years who have had traumatic brain injuries and other serious conditions.

My local VA has been busted for lying about doctors credentials and other investigations are finding this same problem throughout the country.

Veterans Affairs Caught Falsifying Doctors’ Certifications

Predictable, the nation does not have enough doctors, and the VA is about the last place any doctor wants to work at.
This government mismanagement just gets worse and worse, and unfortunately it's our veterans, to whom we owe much, who have to take the brunt of it.

Can anyone, any administration, make this system work properly?

I will go with that so long as we take it all the way back to blaming the government for not insuring that we have set up a medical system that draws the citizens into wanting to be doctors. We have known for at least 20 years that we are headed to a bad place on this, just as the White House and Congress have known for at least three years that TSA was going wrong on having the staff level needed to get people on their planes ontime, they simply refused make any effort to head off the crisis. They also refused to tell the citizens that the crisis was gathering. The modus operandi in Washington now is to wait for the crisis to become full blown, start screaming about it, then start trying to fix the problem at least enough to get it off the crisis list....actually usually JUST enough to get it off the crisis list.
I will go with that so long as we take it all the way back to blaming the government for not insuring that we have set up a medical system that draws the citizens into wanting to be doctors. We have known for at least 20 years that we are headed to a bad place on this, just as the White House and Congress have known for at least three years that TSA was going wrong on having the staff level needed to get people on their planes ontime, they simply refused make any effort to head off the crisis. They also refused to tell the citizens that the crisis was gathering. The modus operandi in Washington now is to wait for the crisis to become full blown, start screaming about it, then start trying to fix the problem at least enough to get it off the crisis list....actually usually JUST enough to get it off the crisis list.

Indeed. Just barely off of crisis condition.

You do realize that congress siphoned off TSA budget and allocated it to other programs, right?

Yeah, more stupid pointless research into how a shrimp runs on a treadmill. :roll:

Just another example of how crooked the congress has become.
Indeed. Just barely off of crisis condition.

You do realize that congress siphoned off TSA budget and allocated it to other programs, right?

Yeah, more stupid pointless research into how a shrimp runs on a treadmill. :roll:

Just another example of how crooked the congress has become.

It is more complicated than that, they kept expecting to be able to replace humans with machines, they have plowed a ton of money into this effort, but they have not been able to get ur done. Now maybe this is like the IRS computer system or the air traffic control system or the ObamaCare website where the product is crap fully because of DC incompetence, or maybe tech is not ready to do the job, this is not currently clear to me.
I'm a single-payer proponent, but not a government provider proponent at all. I think the time may have come where the VA should allow vets to use private providers under VA insurance.

What says you?

I say I agree.

I am retired military so I can use the VA. But I don't because I can afford better alternatives. Not all veterans can.
Like I said, it looks a heck of a lot more to me like the VA simply took the doctors' words for their qualifications instead of doing due diligence and verifying their backgrounds. I cannot see the higher-ups in the VA getting together and saying, "We know these doctors don't have these specialties, but let's claim that they do anyway." I can't see that happening.

I say the stupidity - the lack of verification - is a heck of a lot more likely than deliberate false claims that would meet the definition of a conspiracy.

Two guys riding down the highway, speeding.
Cop pulls them over. After smelling liquor on the driver's breath, he pulls them out and ultimately searches their vehicle.
He finds cocaine under one of the seats.

Who's is it?
Doesn't matter. If they don't come clean in a believable way, they both risk being charged.


If a teacher walks in on another teacher molesting a student and fails to report the incident to the police, he can ultimately be found responsible for enabling child abuse to take place. (Sandusky).


See the point? Time and time again the law does not distinguish much - if at all - between 'actually having committed the crime' and 'enabling the crime to be committed'.

If you are A HOSPITAL you thereby employ doctors or at least take responsibility when you refer claimant patients TO a doctor. That's part of the whole kit and kaboodle.

YOU seem to want to say they're not responsible for any of this? That's not how it works. The VA doesn't get a walk just because 'they might have taken someone else's WORD for it' . . . THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO ****ING KNOW.


Having to deal with the VA ALL THE TIME (injured husband) and especially dealing with TBI issues all the time - I'm glad this came to light and I'm glad the floor is being swept when it comes to the VA and their inane bull****.

We're supposed to be one of the most advanced medical care system nations in the WORLD - and our military care is piss poor embarrassing. NO EXCUSES.

EXCUSES are exactly why it's such a **** mess!

We're supposed to be one of the most advanced medical care system nations in the WORLD - and our military care is piss poor embarrassing. NO EXCUSES.

EXCUSES are exactly why it's such a **** mess!

OH ya that is what you are always told, but it has been clear from the evidence over at least the last 20 years that it is not the truth. If you did not know the truth then that is your fault.

We pay a ton for crap. We do this in our education system as well. We mostly do with with transit as well. Our systems tend to be inefficient and also produce a poor quality product. The American people have mostly been as OK with that as are the elite class who decide these sorts of things, where resources are put, and how the the systems work.

Thus the rise of Trump.
OH ya that is what you are always told, but it has been clear from the evidence over at least the last 20 years that it is not the truth. If you did not know the truth then that is your fault.

We pay a ton for crap. We do this in our education system as well. We mostly do with with transit as well. Our systems tend to be inefficient and also produce a poor quality product. The American people have mostly been as OK with that as are the elite class who decide these sorts of things, where resources are put, and how the the systems work.

Thus the rise of Trump.

So we can't ask for better care and continuous improvements? VA or Civi . . . I'd like to know why YOU don't demand more from YOUR care providers.

Just because you're willing to accept sub-standard treatment doesn't mean I am.
So we can't ask for better care and continuous improvements? VA or Civi . . . I'd like to know why YOU don't demand more from YOUR care providers.

Just because you're willing to accept sub-standard treatment doesn't mean I am.

How do you fix the VA with our big already and getting worse fast with no effort to fix the problem doctor shoertage.....when the VA is about the last place any doctor wants to work? I dont see the path, we have to fix the doctor shortage first, and that will require the medical system reforms that Obama should have done but so far has not ever admitted that he understood, or understand now. Going back to this now is going to be hard, it took over 20 years to get winning to consider reforms, we just did what was advertised as reforms (actually it was an exercise in making the problems worse jsyk), and we have a ton of other serious problems on our plate.

Obama either lying to us or not understanding his signature problem is a good candidate for being the biggest failure in is legacy, of which he has many. Others are

1) not attempting to fix the economy

2) not trying to fix the increasing social dysfunction of the nation

3) complete failure of his idiotic ME policy

4) complete failure of his idiotic Russia policy

5) Not getting ready for the China threat

6) not making any attempt to run good quality government, even as he fought hard to expand the government. as well as it powers...see the VA for illustration, but there are oh so many more! Best get a big drink before we get into all that.

7) making almost no effort to work with those who dont agree with him which is his constant mocking of those who don't agree with him for allegedly not being as smart as he is

8) being a world class prick.
Last edited:
How do you fix the VA with our big already and getting worse fast with no effort to fix the problem doctor shoertage.....when the VA is about the last place any doctor wants to work? I dont see the path, we have to fix the doctor shortage first, and that will require the medical system reforms that Obama should have done but so far has not ever admitted that he understood, or understand now. Going back to this now is going to be hard, it took over 20 years to get winning to consider reforms, we just did what was advertised as reforms (actually it was an exercise in making the problems worse jsyk), and we have a ton of other serious problems on our plate.

Obama either lying to us or not understanding his signature problem is a good candidate for being the biggest failure in is legacy, of which he has many. Others are

1) not attempting to fix the economy

2) not trying to fix the increasing social dysfunction of the nation

3) complete failure of his idiotic ME policy

4) complete failure of his idiotic Russia policy

5) Not getting ready for the China threat

6) not making any attempt to run good quality government, even as he fought hard to expand the government. as well as it powers...see the VA for illustration, but there are oh so many more! Best get a big drink before we get into all that.

7) making almost no effort to work with those who dont agree with him which is his constant mocking of those who don't agree with him for allegedly not being as smart as he is

8) being a world class prick.

Obstructionism not seen at this level since The Civil War has nothing to do with any of the above, right?
Obstructionism not seen at this level since The Civil War has nothing to do with any of the above, right?

Washington being broken has a ton to do with this, but there is a lot more going on. Obama either did not believe in his platform of 08, or else he was too lazy to do the work. My money is on laziness. I dont let "but the work was so hard!" work when someone is giving me an excuse for not trying, for being a prick as they failed to do the work, and finally for claiming that they were great when they sucked.
How do you fix the VA with our big already and getting worse fast with no effort to fix the problem doctor shoertage.....when the VA is about the last place any doctor wants to work? I dont see the path, we have to fix the doctor shortage first, and that will require the medical system reforms that Obama should have done but so far has not ever admitted that he understood, or understand now. Going back to this now is going to be hard, it took over 20 years to get winning to consider reforms, we just did what was advertised as reforms (actually it was an exercise in making the problems worse jsyk), and we have a ton of other serious problems on our plate.

Obama either lying to us or not understanding his signature problem is a good candidate for being the biggest failure in is legacy, of which he has many. Others are

1) not attempting to fix the economy

2) not trying to fix the increasing social dysfunction of the nation

3) complete failure of his idiotic ME policy

4) complete failure of his idiotic Russia policy

5) Not getting ready for the China threat

6) not making any attempt to run good quality government, even as he fought hard to expand the government. as well as it powers...see the VA for illustration, but there are oh so many more! Best get a big drink before we get into all that.

7) making almost no effort to work with those who dont agree with him which is his constant mocking of those who don't agree with him for allegedly not being as smart as he is

8) being a world class prick.

This really has nothing to do with Obama. who cares what he's said or done? He doesn't matter, here. VA problems have grown over the course of decades. Obama's just the current president. Meh.

Just because it's complicated doesn't mean it doesn't NEED to get done.
This really has nothing to do with Obama. who cares what he's said or done? He doesn't matter, here. VA problems have grown over the course of decades. Obama's just the current president. Meh.

Just because it's complicated doesn't mean it doesn't NEED to get done.

Dont delude yourself, yes Washington moves slow, but 7 years as the boss has an impact, even in Washington.
Washington being broken has a ton to do with this, but there is a lot more going on. Obama either did not believe in his platform of 08, or else he was too lazy to do the work. My money is on laziness. I dont let "but the work was so hard!" work when someone is giving me an excuse for not trying, for being a prick as they failed to do the work, and finally for claiming that they were great when they sucked.

This is about more than just the usual "Washington is Broken" narrative.

veterans bills blocked by gop 2015 - Google Search

veterans bills blocked by gop 2014 - Google Search

veterans bills blocked by gop 2013 - Google Search

That's just the last three years.
I'll be very happy to furnish you with every single year he's been in office if you really like.
The President does not, contrary to popular belief, have a set of magic levers on his desk, and even if he did, were he to try to use them, the hue and cry about how he has "overstepped his Constitutional authority" would be even more deafening than it already is.


Not only that, but the VA has been a political football for decades.
There's a discretionary portion of the VA budget and a non-discretionary portion.
You would THINK that the portion having to do with the actual health care budget would fall into the latter category, because that would be the sacred part of the budget. Surprise, it's part of the discretionary budget, meaning congress critters, who enjoy guaranteed Cadillac health care, get to hold the fate of disabled veterans and their care in their hands every year.

My wife, a 100 percent service connected disabled vet with a SCI (spinal cord injury/disease - she has MS) needs to see a neurologist pretty regularly when she visits the SCI unit at the Long Beach VA, but the Long Beach VA SCI unit has been WITHOUT a staff neurologist for two and a half years due to "budget concerns" discussed in Congress. A spinal cord injury unit without a staff neurologist would seem unthinkable to most people.
It's kind of like running a snowmobile on asphalt. You sort of NEED SNOW in order for it to work, yes?
Surprise, thanks to continuing pressure, Congress FINALLY authorized additional budget for the SCI to get a neurologist again.
It only took two and a half years.

You would think that the CHILDREN of a 100 percent service connected disabled vet would be guaranteed the basic protections of the ACA, where they could stay on the vet's health plan till age 26, right. After all, CIVILIAN children get to stay on their parent's plans till 26.
Surprise, a congressional loophole left open by Republicans has left those kids out in the weeds and they get kicked off at age 18, in direct contradiction to the law.
Republicans have refused year after year to close the loophole. Ask Senator Inouye, he's brought it up year in and year out.

I know it's convenient for you to blame Obama for everything...."THANKS, OBAMA!!"...it's part and parcel of your decision to support a textbook fascist who intends to close down the VA altogether.
Just remember, the Bonus Marchers might return, and this time they will be very well armed and they're not going away.

You might think you're doing this country a favor voting for Trump.
But you're on the wrong side of history.

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