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Twitter adopts 'poison pill' to prevent Elon Musk takeover (1 Viewer)


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OH Noes, a big sad for at least a year!

The plan, which will expire on April 14, 2023, does not prevent Twitter's board from engaging with parties or accepting an acquisition proposal if they believe it is in the best interest of the company and its shareholders.

Hell yeah!! Only free speech for liberals!!!
Will be amusing watching Musk dump his shares and Twitter stock get cut in half.
I guess certain famous people who got banned from Twitter for violating ToS will have to keep posting on truth instead. Or start posting on truth.
Hell yeah!! Only free speech for liberals!!!
Twitter has become censored for the sake of liberal politics and social order. Free speech for all simply doesn't exist. Conservatives who are serious about their political beliefs should all stop using it.
They kick an ex President off but allow dictators to remain on. That's arbitrary and capricious as they say, and BS as the rest of us say.
Twitter has become censored for the sake of liberal politics and social order. Free speech for all simply doesn't exist. Conservatives who are serious about their political beliefs should all stop using it.
They kick an ex President off but allow dictators to remain on. That's arbitrary and capricious as they say, and BS as the rest of us say.
What is sad is that dictators and war criminals have more self control than the leader of the Republican Party. Twitter has a TOS which — if violated — causes one to be ejected from the platform.

Should rules, if applied equality, not apply to Republicans?
The exchange of ideas even with those you disagree with.
So some generic definition that has no legal value whatsoever, merely your opinion, most likely only applying to this situation and with plenty of exceptions for speech you are fine with someone limiting.

Legally and socially, free speech applies to the public. Publicly, you can say most things, even things others don't agree with, without legal consequences. It has never meant you can say things anywhere you want and/or without any sort of consequences for saying those things.
Explain what free speech is.
Explain what TOS rules Trump violated that's stated here.

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Hell yeah!! Only free speech for liberals!!!
That of course, is a very stupid comment, since there are plenty of very conservative users of Twitter. Not allowing hate speech and lies is entirely different that the poltical lean of someone. What you are doing, of course, is admitting that the majority of hate speech and lies are coming from the right wing.
Publicly, you can say most things, even things others don't agree with, without legal consequences. It has never meant you can say things anywhere you want and/or without any sort of consequences for saying those things.
He never claimed or implied that "you can say things anywhere you want and/or without any sort of consequences for saying those things."
That of course, is a very stupid comment, since there are plenty of very conservative users of Twitter. Not allowing hate speech and lies is entirely different that the poltical lean of someone. What you are doing, of course, is admitting that the majority of hate speech and lies are coming from the right wing.
Well yes, when hate speech and lies are defined by the left.
Twitter has become censored for the sake of liberal politics and social order. Free speech for all simply doesn't exist. Conservatives who are serious about their political beliefs should all stop using it.
They kick an ex President off but allow dictators to remain on. That's arbitrary and capricious as they say, and BS as the rest of us say.

Show me where dictators violate the TOS repeatedly, after several warnings and suspensions, and still get to stay.
OH Noes, a big sad for at least a year!

The plan, which will expire on April 14, 2023, does not prevent Twitter's board from engaging with parties or accepting an acquisition proposal if they believe it is in the best interest of the company and its shareholders.


Musk is a sick puppy.
Wonder what Musk's next move is.
Since most of his assets are tied up in Tesla stock, and a large portion of that is tied up in loans, he will have to try to get investors for the other 35B he would need. If he can't get that backing, he'll dump the amount he does own
Well yes, when hate speech and lies are defined by the left.
The thing is, it's not defined by the left. It's defined by 'what causes violence'., and 'what has the potential for liability when someone gets hurt or killed'
He never claimed or implied that "you can say things anywhere you want and/or without any sort of consequences for saying those things."
Twitter is private. This is about a private company saying that you cannot say certain things on their platform. It was absolutely implied that Twitter currently does not abide by free speech. They do, within their guidelines, as a private company. Those guidelines may change, but it would still be within free speech, as it is their company.

It was implied by the first post I responded to that "free speech" is only for "liberals". Since this thread is about Twitter, that implies also that the comment was in reference to Twitter. If it wasn't, then it is a dishonest irrelevant post.
That of course, is a very stupid comment, since there are plenty of very conservative users of Twitter. Not allowing hate speech and lies is entirely different that the poltical lean of someone. What you are doing, of course, is admitting that the majority of hate speech and lies are coming from the right wing.

The Hunter Biden laptop story, Wuhan lab leak and numerous other stories have been suppressed for no other reason than to hurt conservatives.

Maybe you can explain why Twitter just suspended libsoftiktok for simply quoting liberals?
Explain what TOS rules Trump violated that's stated here.
It's already been posted by Twitter. Why are you acting like you are asking legitimate questions when this has already been answered by Twitter? You aren't fooling anyone. And you didn't even get the policy quote correct. That's right wingers for you, you know. Leave it to liberals to correct you and show you the truth...right?

After assessing the language in these Tweets against our Glorification of Violence policy, we have determined that these Tweets are in violation of the Glorification of Violence Policy and the user @realDonaldTrump should be immediately permanently suspended from the service.
As such, our determination is that the two Tweets above are likely to inspire others to replicate the violent acts that took place on January 6, 2021, and that there are multiple indicators that they are being received and understood as encouragement to do so.
The Hunter Biden laptop story, Wuhan lab leak and numerous other stories have been surpressed for no other reason than to hurt conservatives.
It's because they are stupid and largely unfounded and/or irrelevant. To watch stupid unfounded/irrelevant stuff that right wingers like, yes indeed, tune into Fox or OAN.

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