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Trump's Assault On the Republic (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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So, now he wants his Freikorps to monitor the polls on election day.

Trump called on his supporters in North Carolina to act as poll watchers, to watch out for "thieving, and stealing and robbing" that he is warning without evidence will taint Election Day. He made his call at a packed rally in Winston-Salem....

Riots on election day will certainly prove our point about trump.

As for the rest of his assault on the Republic...

most shockingly, and in one of the most stunning maneuvers in the modern history of the Department of Justice, government lawyers Tuesday applied to take over the defense of Trump in a defamation lawsuit filed against him by a woman who accused him of rape in the 1990s.

The move will inflame claims that Attorney General William Barr, who misrepresented the Mueller report and has intervened in other highly political cases that are inconvenient to the President, is acting as Trump's personal lawyer and desecrating his department's traditional role.

Well, none of that comes as a surprise. For more, read:

Trump intensifies assault on rule of law as he fights for reelection - CNNPolitics
So...now "poll watchers" are "rioters".

TDS is a terrible affliction. calamity...you have my sympathy.

What are they watching for, exactly? Can you describe the parameters for what it is they need to be on the lookout for?
What are they watching for, exactly? Can you describe the parameters for what it is they need to be on the lookout for?

According to the OP, Trump already did that.

You don't need me to repeat what you should have already read, do you?
So, now he wants his Freikorps to monitor the polls on election day.

Riots on election day will certainly prove our point about trump.

As for the rest of his assault on the Republic...

Well, none of that comes as a surprise. For more, read:

Trump intensifies assault on rule of law as he fights for reelection - CNNPolitics

The great thing about a democracy is the people can choose to be led by a dictator and/or have an autocracy. We can choose to give up the right to vote of ourselves and everyone just as the Trump Cult, perhaps best exemplified by QAnon, have given up reasoning and possession of rational mind.
The great thing about a democracy is the people can choose to be led by a dictator and/or have an autocracy. We can choose to give up the right to vote of ourselves and everyone just as the Trump Cult, perhaps best exemplified by QAnon, have given up reasoning and possession of rational mind.

Why do the folks, like you, demanding that the President abandon his consistent allegiance to the rule of law ignore the FACT that he is acting within the law?
According to the OP, Trump already did that.

You don't need me to repeat what you should have already read, do you?

Fair. Asking a Trump voter anything usually ends in them just blandly repeating something.
Why do the folks, like you, demanding that the President abandon his consistent allegiance to the rule of law ignore the FACT that he is acting within the law?

What law is that?
So...now "poll watchers" are "rioters".

TDS is a terrible affliction. calamity...you have my sympathy.

Unfortunately for Trump, many of his supporters will be disqualified...

County party chairs can designate two observers per polling place and 10 at-large observers who are residents of the county and can observe at any polling place in the county; county party chairs can also appoint a runner to receive voting lists. Observers must be registered voters of the county in which they are appointed and must have “good moral character.” Prohibits candidates from serving as observers or runners.

Poll Watcher Qualifications
Why do the folks, like you, demanding that the President abandon his consistent allegiance to the rule of law ignore the FACT that he is acting within the law?

Is he having problems recruiting the two per polling place? You know, as allowed by North Carolina law?
1 - we are a democracy. 2 - Trump supporters are by and large racist and dumb. And scared. They ain't doing ****.

Nazis were by and large racist and dumb. They caused a lot of damage. I see most Trump supporters as Nazis.
At no point did he call poll watchers rioters. You lie because you have an agenda.

Reading is not a strong suit of those on the Right. It's quite evident.
NC operatives are a good choice for Tweety. They have a recent history of election interference. Maybe they can collect ballots again.
Nazis were by and large racist and dumb. They caused a lot of damage. I see most Trump supporters as Nazis.

They can’t even get on their boats and show support without sinking and needing to be rescued.

The spirit is willing but the flesh is stupid and soft.
1 - we are a democracy. 2 - Trump supporters are by and large racist and dumb. And scared. They ain't doing ****.

Wrong on both accounts. The United States is a republic and it's the communist Left that's burning and looting and murdering. You all are kicking the wrong dog.
Wrong on both accounts. The United States is a republic and it's the communist Left that's burning and looting and murdering. You all are kicking the wrong dog.

I thought the left were fascists? Now they’re back to being commies again?

We’re a democracy, dude. And a republic.

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