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Trump's action committee spent $375,000 on an unused office (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 18, 2020
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Political Leaning
And guess who was the landlord? The former grifter-in-chief and now just a grifter. The office was located in Trump Tower. Also, in addition to the PAC, TFG's campaign office rented office space there that was not used (it was located in Alexandria, VA).

How can anyone support this liar/grifter/conman?
And guess who was the landlord? The former grifter-in-chief and now just a grifter. The office was located in Trump Tower. Also, in addition to the PAC, TFG's campaign office rented office space there that was not used (it was located in Alexandria, VA).

How can anyone support this liar/grifter/conman?
Fools. Everyone who supports this liar/grifter/conman is a fool.
This is the way liberal media fabricates lies.

While it may be true that Trump PAC's rented space in his building, which is not illegal, notice that there are no named persons confirming the offices were empty. They simply make that part up, attribute no sources, and they dare you to prove them wrong.

Watch the posts that pile up here of people gobbling the entire lie whole.
This is the way liberal media fabricates lies.

While it may be true that Trump PAC's rented space in his building, which is not illegal, notice that there are no named persons confirming the offices were empty. They simply make that part up, attribute no sources, and they dare you to prove them wrong.

Watch the posts that pile up here of people gobbling the entire lie whole.

"The ex-aide's assertion was confirmed by a Trump Tower employee who screens traffic to offices above the floors that are open to visitors," HuffPost reported. "When asked for permission to visit Trump's political office recently, the employee told HuffPost that Save America and its related entities did not have offices there. 'It's all being run out of Florida,' he said, declining to give his name."

Please provide proof that the office was occupied by the Trump PAC. Thanks.
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"The ex-aide's assertion was confirmed by a Trump Tower employee who screens traffic to offices above the floors that are open to visitors," HuffPost reported. "When asked for permission to visit Trump's political office recently, the employee told HuffPost that Save America and its related entities did not have offices there. 'It's all being run out of Florida,' he said, declining to give his name."

Please provide proof that the office was occupied by the Trump PAC. Thanks.

Please provide proof the unnamed ex-aide from this article exists.

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We have bigger issues to be concerned about where Trump is concerned.
The aid in the article exposed the scam

Nope. You obviously didn't follow Salon's link to the original story:

"A HuffPost analysis of Federal Election Commission filings shows that Trump’s Make America Great Again PAC spent $37,541.67 in each of 10 months last year renting office space at Trump Tower, the former president’s 57-story mixed-use building near Central Park."

and the Trump building employee confirmed that there were no PAC offices there. Did you not read the story and the links?

There are no names or sources. You can't prove these people even exist, much less have credible knowledge of anything.

As far as we know, Huffpo took a line item expense and made up a story about empty offices.

And here you are gobbling it down whole.
Nope. You obviously didn't follow Salon's link to the original story:

"A HuffPost analysis of Federal Election Commission filings shows that Trump’s Make America Great Again PAC spent $37,541.67 in each of 10 months last year renting office space at Trump Tower, the former president’s 57-story mixed-use building near Central Park."

There are no names or sources. You can't prove these people even exist, much less have credible knowledge of anything.

As far as we know, Huffpo took a line item expense and made up a story about empty offices.

And here you are gobbling it down whole.

Creative editing of my comment noted.

Feel free to provide evidence that disproves the linked story in the OP or the older linked WaPo story about the same issue.
This is the way liberal media fabricates lies.

While it may be true that Trump PAC's rented space in his building, which is not illegal, notice that there are no named persons confirming the offices were empty. They simply make that part up, attribute no sources, and they dare you to prove them wrong.

Watch the posts that pile up here of people gobbling the entire lie whole.
Lie? It's a lie just because you say It's a lie?
That bolded part just reeks of irony.
And guess who was the landlord? The former grifter-in-chief and now just a grifter. The office was located in Trump Tower. Also, in addition to the PAC, TFG's campaign office rented office space there that was not used (it was located in Alexandria, VA).

How can anyone support this liar/grifter/conman?
The last paragraph...

"HuffPost noted "the $375,417 Trump spent for the unused office space is more than the $350,500 that his Save America committee donated last year to Republican candidates running for office, which is ostensibly Trump's purpose for raising money for his committees."
The aid in the article exposed the scam and the Trump building employee confirmed that there were no PAC offices there. Did you not read the story and the links?

Here is an older story about the same issue.

This jumped out at me from your link...

"The leased floors serve as part of the collateral for one of Trump’s biggest outstanding debts, a $100 million loan with the full amount due next year, according to data kept by the real estate analysis firm Trepp."

And the report lists the huge rent defaults on the part of high-end tenants going belly-up.
This is the way liberal media fabricates lies.

While it may be true that Trump PAC's rented space in his building, which is not illegal, notice that there are no named persons confirming the offices were empty. They simply make that part up, attribute no sources, and they dare you to prove them wrong.

Watch the posts that pile up here of people gobbling the entire lie whole.

You mean he might be giving the space to someone for free? Lol!

Either way, his supporters are footing the bill.
This is the way liberal media fabricates lies.

While it may be true that Trump PAC's rented space in his building, which is not illegal, notice that there are no named persons confirming the offices were empty. They simply make that part up, attribute no sources, and they dare you to prove them wrong.

Watch the posts that pile up here of people gobbling the entire lie whole.

This is the same guy who made the secret service stay at his hotels and charged full price.
How's that for ****ing gratitude.
He couldn't even let them stay at cost as they were guarding him.
So much whining about a story that can't even be corroborated.

Some people will believe anything, even propaganda.

Even worse, they'll defend it to the death.
This jumped out at me from your link...

"The leased floors serve as part of the collateral for one of Trump’s biggest outstanding debts, a $100 million loan with the full amount due next year, according to data kept by the real estate analysis firm Trepp."

And the report lists the huge rent defaults on the part of high-end tenants going belly-up.
It's apparently not against the law but it's certainly not defensible. Imagine if the Clintons or Obama did the same.
So much whining about a story that can't even be corroborated.

Some people will believe anything, even propaganda.

Even worse, they'll defend it to the death.

And you will be here to defend Trump against any accusation.
This story is well within the bounds of what we all know about Trump and his personality of screwing everyone over.

He's been like it his entire life and it's well documented.
This is the same guy who made the secret service stay at his hotels and charged full price.
How's that for ****ing gratitude.
He couldn't even let them stay at cost as they were guarding him.

And? Business is business.

You believe gov't employees pay for their own travel, rooms, and per diem?

Do you think Biden should reach in his pocket and pick up tabs for gov't employees because "gratitude"?
It's apparently not against the law but it's certainly not defensible. Imagine if the Clintons or Obama did the same.
That's where the bar has been since Trumps inauguration. "Is it illegal? Indictable? No? Then It's acceptable."
It's apparently not against the law but it's certainly not defensible. Imagine if the Clintons or Obama did the same.

That's all you can do is imagine; fabrication and conjecture are soon to follow.
That's all you can do is imagine; fabrication and conjecture are soon to follow.
Still waiting for the evidence that the news stories are untrue.

And this thread is not about me.
That's where the bar has been since Trumps inauguration. "Is it illegal? Indictable? No? Then It's acceptable."

Is that what Obama said to Holder when he approved the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme?
It's apparently not against the law but it's certainly not defensible. Imagine if the Clintons or Obama did the same.
All I say is every dollar sent to trump is money that they could have been sending to the RNC for their candidates they won't be sending there. Good.
Still waiting for the evidence that the news story is untrue.

And this thread is not about me.

LOL! You can't prove the quotes came from actual people. It's not a story, it's a hit piece.

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