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Trump v. Cruz's Wife: This may do in the Donald (3 Viewers)

I agree that it lowers Trump further.

The problem with assuming that crude behavior and boorishness will harm Donald, however, is that his campaign is based on crude behavior and boorishness. It's what his supporters want. Observe:

The problem is not that we have a presidential candidate basically making the argument that "your wife is ugly and mine is hot, ergo, I win". The problem is that we now have a significant chunk of the populace who accepts that as a legitimate argument.

Rush is saying that this matters and that it goes against Trump.

He tends to be right about these sorts of things.
Rush is saying that this matters and that it goes against Trump.

He tends to be right about these sorts of things.

:shrug: we'll see, but I doubt it. If you are the kind of person who is put off by crude and boorish attacks against women, you've already joined the majority of the country who isn't willing to side with Trump.
Bull****. Unless you're not counting Cruz as a presidential candidate. Yes, your excuse that his SuperPAC isn't controlled by him fails miserably.

:lol: your claim that it's his SuperPAC fails miserably. :) It's not a pro-Cruz SuperPAC. The woman running it is actually a former Walker staffer. It's just an anti-Trump PAC. :)

Even if you suppose there is no communication between the SP and the candidate, he sure as hell knew about the ad and knew why Trump made the comment he did in reaction.

No, communications of that nature between the Campaign and the PACs are felonies. So, if it were his PAC, he would not have. Only one candidate in this race has done so, to my knowledge.
he allowed that nudie ad to stand, uncontested, unobjected to, while it was in a position to hurt his opponent

It was an internet meme, FFS. It wasn't an ad on TV, or in print. Incidentally, the person who put it out there wasn't Cruz, or his PAC, or even the anti-Trump PAC. It was a shoot for GQ, that the Trumps willingly did on his own plane.

if cruz truly had character, he would have come out immediately and condemned the PAC's actions. he did not. and his silence implied his consent


The internet made fun of Hillary's Arf Arfing. A female dog is called a Bitch. The internet is calling Hillary a Bitch. Since Sanders did not rush to the camera's to denounce the internet making fun of the Arf Arf video, clearly Sanders is cool with calling his female opponent a Bitch, and is morally unfit to be President.
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The glaring difference between then and now - those conversations took place in small venues and there was no internet, no camera phones. Heck the only national platform for the average Joe or Jane to comment upon such matters were the editorial columns of the newspapers - and they were strictly edited.

So...... no, then.
Sure. I'm not sure if that's the full meaning of the first ad, but I could see it being taken that way.

Only one of those arguments, however, was made by a Presidential candidate.

Yes, i am aware that Ted Cruz lets his minions do the dirty work.
Both of those links will give it to you :roll:

Neither link uses Ted Cruz' own words.

Ted Cruz did use his own words- to lie to the American public, or perhaps to state that he's not a real man, when he said "real men don't attack women."

Or maybe he thinks Hillary Clinton isn't a woman ? I didn't think he was that stupid but i've given people too much credit before.
Neither link uses Ted Cruz' own words.

Ted Cruz did use his own words- to lie to the American public, or perhaps to state that he's not a real man, when he said "real men don't attack women."

Or maybe he thinks Hillary Clinton isn't a woman ? I didn't think he was that stupid but i've given people too much credit before.

:roll: Ted Cruz has attacked Clinton's record, not her looks.
It was an internet meme, FFS. It wasn't an ad on TV, or in print. Incidentally, the person who put it out there wasn't Cruz, or his PAC, or even the anti-Trump PAC. It was a shoot for GQ, that the Trumps willingly did on his own plane.


The internet made fun of Hillary's Arf Arfing. A female dog is called a Bitch. The internet is calling Hillary a Bitch. Since Sanders did not rush to the camera's to denounce the internet making fun of the Arf Arf video, clearly Sanders is cool with calling his female opponent a Bitch, and is morally unfit to be President.

Did Sanders directly address the Arf Arf video without openly condemning it the way Cruz did about the implication that Trump's wife is a slut ?
As a man I don't really know when another man is attractive or not. My wife thinks sam Elliot is hot. I wouldn't have guessed that.
I will go out on a limb here and say that Donald is probably unfortunate looking. But fortunately he has a fortune and hot wife that his kind of money can buy. My opinion of Mr and mrs trump isn't a nice one.

Does anyone think the words "for richer or poorer" were to be found anywhere in her wedding vows to Donald?
:shrug: we'll see, but I doubt it. If you are the kind of person who is put off by crude and boorish attacks against women, you've already joined the majority of the country who isn't willing to side with Trump.

It all seems kind of frumpy considering that we have had Presidents using interns as humidors for their expensive cigars, but one can never say for certain what women will care about. Also, there are a lot of cuck men out there who have been trained to put their brains into error mode when they hear a guy say something negative about another guy's wife, true or not.

We shall see.
It is a worthless diversion, but all the more evidence we need that this campaign season has found the deep end... and yet keeps looking for worse.

Between Trump and Cruz engaging in nonsense like this, they are pretty much assuring Hillary a landslide win.

It is all pitiful, every damn bit of it.

I'd vote for Hilary before either of those morons.
It all seems kind of frumpy considering that we have had Presidents using interns as humidors for their expensive cigars, but one can never say for certain what women will care about. Also, there are a lot of cuck men out there who have been trained to put their brains into error mode when they hear a guy say something negative about another guy's wife, true or not.

We shall see.
Thinking that one man attacking another man's wife is wrong makes one a cuck....

I would like to thank you for continuing to reinforce my opinion of core Trump supporters.
Cruz should have immediately apologized for the ad whether he know about it or not. It was done in his name and that's all that really matters.

Trump should have taken the high road and said something like "I love my wife and am very proud of her."

Neither looks like a statesman. Both look like fools.
It was an internet meme, FFS. It wasn't an ad on TV, or in print. Incidentally, the person who put it out there wasn't Cruz, or his PAC, or even the anti-Trump PAC. It was a shoot for GQ, that the Trumps willingly did on his own plane.


The internet made fun of Hillary's Arf Arfing. A female dog is called a Bitch. The internet is calling Hillary a Bitch. Since Sanders did not rush to the camera's to denounce the internet making fun of the Arf Arf video, clearly Sanders is cool with calling his female opponent a Bitch, and is morally unfit to be President.

Hillary is not Sanders wife. There's a difference.
Cruz should have immediately apologized for the ad whether he know about it or not. It was done in his name and that's all that really matters.

It wasn't. It's not a Cruz PAC.
Thinking that one man attacking another man's wife is wrong makes one a cuck....

I would like to thank you for continuing to reinforce my opinion of core Trump supporters.

A wife who is taking how long of a leave of absence from her job to be part of her husbands campaign? They are a team they say, and Trump did not say anything about her till today when his people talked about her political work.

Alleged victims need to show injury, there was none, this is much ado about very little in my opinion and it should blow over like everything else does.

Rush does not agree.

He might be right.
It wasn't. It's not a Cruz PAC.

Too bad we will not know for months if that is true, because it takes that long for us to find out who is behind this group, who is funding it.

We all learned in Watergate to follow the money, correct?
A wife who is taking how long of a leave of absence from her job to be part of her husbands campaign? They are a team they say, and Trump did not say anything about her till today when his people talked about her political work.

Alleged victims need to show injury, there was none, this is much ado about very little in my opinion and it should blow over like everything else does.

Rush does not agree.

He might be right.
Drumpf threatened, and then attacked, Cruz's wife. It's not nothing, it's just another indication of his low character.
Still they are his supporters and attacking a guy's wife is a pretty low blow. He should have dealt with it.
No, they aren't. They are not a Cruz SuperPAC. They are just an anti-Trump SuperPAC.
Neither link uses Ted Cruz' own words.

Ted Cruz did use his own words- to lie to the American public, or perhaps to state that he's not a real man, when he said "real men don't attack women."

Or maybe he thinks Hillary Clinton isn't a woman ? I didn't think he was that stupid but i've given people too much credit before.

Let me see if I understand you correctly.

Cruz is responsible for an ad that does not quote him, but Cruz is not responsible for what his hand-picked spokesperson says because there is no Cruz quote?

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