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Trump v. Cruz's Wife: This may do in the Donald (2 Viewers)

good reporting:
"do you have first-hand knowledge of his marriage" directed at carley

In what states did these events take place? Adultery is currently illegal in 16 States.

Adultery Laws - Where Is Cheating Illegal

When did Ted start cheating? In the past 15 years, several states have changed their laws. Could Cruz be prosecuted under currently revoked laws, that were in force at the time of his indiscretions?

Christonacracker, you really needed to explain that. I wish there was a minimum IQ to post on here so we don't have to waste our time.

"Real men don't attack women," says nothing about candidates running for office.

Either Cruz does not consider himself a real man, or he's a hypocrite.
I can see you have no idea how to interact with humans.

It is easy for any casual observer to read your insulting posts, one after another, and then see where you foolishly think you can sit down at the table and have a polite discussion with those you have just insulted.

That is not how it works.

I could go back and recite post numbers for you, but it would do no good. You already feel you do not own your mistakes....and YES, insulting people (Trump supporters) from the very beginning is a MISTAKE, and shuts down any meaningful discussion from that point on.

I have already wasted two more posts than I should have on your most perfect and infallible self.

You have the last word, make it good and cut me to the knees with it. Afterall, I AM a reviled and hated "Trump supporter". So all pretexts of civility do not have to be adhered to, according to your bosses.

Now show me the love you have for others that do not think like you. Mend those bridges with your kindness and understanding Hillary & Bernie ask their supporters to do.

Any time you feel like addressing the question at hand, instead of complaining about your hurt feelings, I'll be happy to add to that bridge. (At least with understanding if not kindness.)
Trump v. Cruz's Wife: This may do in the Donald
Maybe not.

According to Reuters, Trump has been on the upswing while Cruz has been on the downswing since the 28th.


Reuters Polling
Not really.

That is an extrapolation from what he said and is wrong.

What he actually said was the following.
"The bottom line is Roger Stone is as much tied to this campaign as the super PAC that leaked that is tied to the Cruz campaign."

Start listening @03:14, the above quote comes @03:46.

A connection to the campaign or a lack thereof, is not the same as a connection to the person of the candidate.

As for a connection between Cruz and the PAC that ran the AD against Trump's wife, we can see from the below information that a connection exists through Fiorina who is connected to the PAC and Cruz.

The ad comes from Liz Mair's anti-Trump Super-PAC of Make America Awesome.
What most folks are not aware of is that Super-PAC has the same address of Carly Fiorina’s Super-PAC (Carly for America), and she is connected to Cruz.

Images of the contact information for both which are linked above.
They clearly show the same address.


"Real men don't attack women," says nothing about candidates running for office.

Either Cruz does not consider himself a real man, or he's a hypocrite.

Are you forgetting the entire leftwing attacking Sarah Palin in the 2008 race?
Freudian slip. Maybe the plain comment would be too sexist, haymarket?

Its that damn autocross program--- er auto correct program. Gets me repeatedly in trouble.

And for what its worth - I do not think Sarah Palin is Plain. She has a certain slutty librarian appeal that works on a certain level.
Its that damn autocross program--- er auto correct program. Gets me repeatedly in trouble.

And for what its worth - I do not think Sarah Palin is Plain. She has a certain slutty librarian appeal that works on a certain level.
Nah. You aren't concerned with being PC.
Are you forgetting the entire leftwing attacking Sarah Palin in the 2008 race?

An attack which might make sene if i ever expressed or endorsed a misogynist platitude like "real men don't attack women."
An attack which might make sene if i ever expressed or endorsed a misogynist platitude like "real men don't attack women."

To be fair 'Real Men' don't attack anybody, they defend others.
Sarah Palin was not attacked because she's a woman.

The same goes with Hillary. The point is, that most of you charge conservatives of sexism or racism simply over the act of criticizing Hillary or Obama.
I am truly amazed at the sheer number of lies told in this thread. No matter how many times you tell them this is not a Cruz Super PAC, they stick their fingers in their ears and their heads in the sand, and keep ignoring what is an easily proven fact.

As depressing as this election cycle already is, the ignorance of the American people is making it even worse.

Isn't it the same as when the media takes what Donald said out of context you guys put something in your ears also.
I'm a uneducated Trump supporter, but I still listen to all candidates themselves not the biased media, you would think educated voters would do the same. The media is picking the next president, thanks educated folks.
Isn't it the same as when the media takes what Donald said out of context you guys put something in your ears also.
I'm a uneducated Trump supporter, but I still listen to all candidates themselves not the biased media, you would think educated voters would do the same. The media is picking the next president, thanks educated folks.

I've heard Trump's words from his own mouth. And they are idiotic and offensive. The media didn't put words in his mouth.
Isn't it the same as when the media takes what Donald said out of context you guys put something in your ears also.
I'm a uneducated Trump supporter, but I still listen to all candidates themselves not the biased media, you would think educated voters would do the same. The media is picking the next president, thanks educated folks.

What is out of context with "punch him in the face, I'll cover you're legal costs.

Sorry my friend, but as having been a journalist for over 20 years I can tell you that NOTHING about Trump has been taken out of context. In fact other than the shameless self promotion there hasn't been anything to take out of context. "I will build a wall and make Mexico pay for it" is un-ambiguous, as are most of the blatherings pie hole.

You didn't need to tell us you were uneducated. And what you're on about is trying to get educated people to think like you. Have you ever wondered if you life might come out better if you do what educated people do?
What is out of context with "punch him in the face, I'll cover you're legal costs.

For starters what you half quoted isn't correct. Kinda funny how being journalist for over twenty years seems to support spinning what was actually.

"So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of 'em, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise."

Out of context would be claiming it is a general call to violence rather than a call to defend.
Out of context would be saying that
covering those legal costs​
applied to another event when it didn't.
For starters what you half quoted isn't correct. Kinda funny how being journalist for over twenty years seems to support spinning what was actually.

"So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of 'em, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise."

Out of context would be claiming it is a general call to violence rather than a call to defend.
Out of context would be saying that
covering those legal costs​
applied to another event when it didn't.

Thanks for seing the entire statement. Are you uneducated like me.
The last post shows me that Trump is telling the truth, the media are such liers.

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