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Trump v. Cruz's Wife: This may do in the Donald (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2013
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Dallas, TX
Political Leaning
In the latest, after someone posts a racy photo shoot of Trump's wife (a real photo shoot the babe did once) in a support ad for Cruz, Trump comes out and tweets an unflattering pic of Cruz's wife, next to one of those fakey glamour shots of the Trump wife (just a head shot).

Cruz is mad, points his finger, and tells Trump not to mess with his wife, Heidi. Cruz further says that the reason Trump has a problem with Meagan Kelly of Fox is that Trump doesn't like strong women and feels threatened by them.

Point: Cruz. Trump lost this.

Attacking the opponent's family is off base. Way off base. Trump sank to a new low. And, as in the past, it centers around WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. To Trump, there is simply nothing else important about women.

Point: Let's give Cruz two points. He comes out ahead because of how pitiful Trump acted.
In the latest, after someone posts a racy photo shoot of Trump's wife (a real photo shoot the babe did once) in a support ad for Cruz, Trump comes out and tweets an unflattering pic of Cruz's wife, next to one of those fakey glamour shots of the Trump wife (just a head shot).

Cruz is mad, points his finger, and tells Trump not to mess with his wife, Heidi. Cruz further says that the reason Trump has a problem with Meagan Kelly of Fox is that Trump doesn't like strong women and feels threatened by them.

Point: Cruz. Trump lost this.

Attacking the opponent's family is off base. Way off base. Trump sank to a new low. And, as in the past, it centers around WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. To Trump, there is simply nothing else important about women.

Point: Let's give Cruz two points. He comes out ahead because of how pitiful Trump acted.

This is as nice as a soap opera.
Trump has the much much better wife, he won.

Attacking the opponent's family is off base. Way off base. Trump sank to a new low. And, as in the past, it centers around WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. To Trump, there is simply nothing else important about women.

The Cruz CPAC started it, take your objection up with them. We all know that while candidates by law are not supposed to have anything to do with their CPACS we also know that they do, so you can take this up with Cruz as well.
Really? This is a "point" for Cruz?

Whatever. :yawn:
In the latest, after someone posts a racy photo shoot of Trump's wife (a real photo shoot the babe did once) in a support ad for Cruz, Trump comes out and tweets an unflattering pic of Cruz's wife, next to one of those fakey glamour shots of the Trump wife (just a head shot).

Cruz is mad, points his finger, and tells Trump not to mess with his wife, Heidi.

That's rich considering he has no problems with his SUPER PACS going after Donald's wife. Ted Cruz is disgusting in multiple ways.
In the latest, after someone posts a racy photo shoot of Trump's wife (a real photo shoot the babe did once) in a support ad for Cruz, Trump comes out and tweets an unflattering pic of Cruz's wife, next to one of those fakey glamour shots of the Trump wife (just a head shot).

Cruz is mad, points his finger, and tells Trump not to mess with his wife, Heidi. Cruz further says that the reason Trump has a problem with Meagan Kelly of Fox is that Trump doesn't like strong women and feels threatened by them.

Point: Cruz. Trump lost this.

Attacking the opponent's family is off base. Way off base. Trump sank to a new low. And, as in the past, it centers around WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. To Trump, there is simply nothing else important about women.

Point: Let's give Cruz two points. He comes out ahead because of how pitiful Trump acted.
Trump-tards don't give a rats ass. Trump could practically get away with anything because Trump supporters are either retarded or Democrats trying to rat **** the republican primary. For example- He could **** on a picture of Jesus and it be captured on film and Trump-tards wouldn't care. They would simply use the But that was Yesterday he did that excuse or some variation of it to justify it. Trump could be caught in bed with a underage girl and Trump would excuse it as she is hot and I know you would do her too if could and Trump-tards would buy it.Trump could be running a dog fighting ring and probably justify it as he likes winners and trying to pick a winner to be his dog and Trump-tards would buy the excuse. Trump could be on video admitting that the whole thing is to get Clinton elected and that he isn't really going to do anything he campaigned on and Trump-tards would still vote for him.
In the latest, after someone posts a racy photo shoot of Trump's wife (a real photo shoot the babe did once) in a support ad for Cruz, Trump comes out and tweets an unflattering pic of Cruz's wife, next to one of those fakey glamour shots of the Trump wife (just a head shot).

Cruz is mad, points his finger, and tells Trump not to mess with his wife, Heidi. Cruz further says that the reason Trump has a problem with Meagan Kelly of Fox is that Trump doesn't like strong women and feels threatened by them.

Point: Cruz. Trump lost this.

Attacking the opponent's family is off base. Way off base. Trump sank to a new low. And, as in the past, it centers around WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. To Trump, there is simply nothing else important about women.

Point: Let's give Cruz two points. He comes out ahead because of how pitiful Trump acted.

I'm one of the people that agrees with you. Families shouldn't be dragged into this mess. The really classy win goes to Heidi. Did you see her response? Both Ted and Heidi are looking really Presidential after this. Trump not so much, but his fans won't care...

Heidi Cruz Responds to Trump Tweet: "Many Of The Things Others Say Are Not Based In Reality" | Video | RealClearPolitics

She shows the courage not to get down in the mud and she doesn't even give him the honor of mentioning him by name!!!! She reminds me a bit of a younger Ann Romney
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Heidi is CFR/Goldman Sachs. I have no sympathy. Face the Donald.
Trump-tards don't give a rats ass. Trump could practically get away with anything because Trump supporters are either retarded or Democrats trying to rat **** the republican primary. For example- He could **** on a picture of Jesus and it be captured on film and Trump-tards wouldn't care. They would simply use the But that was Yesterday he did that excuse or some variation of it to justify it. Trump could be caught in bed with a underage girl and Trump would excuse it as she is hot and I know you would do her too if could and Trump-tards would buy it.Trump could be running a dog fighting ring and probably justify it as he likes winners and trying to pick a winner to be his dog and Trump-tards would buy the excuse. Trump could be on video admitting that the whole thing is to get Clinton elected and that he isn't really going to do anything he campaigned on and Trump-tards would still vote for him.

I have to agree with James, here: I'm not sure there's anything left that would dissuade Trump's base from supporting him.
Trump has the much much better wife, he won.

The Cruz CPAC started it, take your objection up with them. We all know that while candidates by law are not supposed to have anything to do with their CPACS we also know that they do, so you can take this up with Cruz as well.

Cruz didn't do it. Cruz may not have even seen it. There's simply no proof of that.

It was childish of Trump then to look for an unflattering pic of Cruz's wife. What's the point of that? Cruz's wife didn't do professional photo shoots. Hey, if Trump is ashamed of what his wife has done, maybe he should have married someone else and kept this one on the side.

This will cost Trump some votes. Including mine. Unforgiveable. I will vote for "anyone but Trump."
Really? This is a "point" for Cruz?

Whatever. :yawn:

Yep. You're not female, and you don't care about the families of politicians, apparently. You are not the norm voter.

It also feeds into the stereotype of Trump that's out there already. Just as "binders full of women" was the deathknell for Romney, this woman problem that Trump has will spell the death of Trump, figuratively speaking.
Yep. You're not female, and you don't care about the families of politicians, apparently. You are not the norm voter.

Not necessarily. I agree that families should be left out of the political scrum.

However, Cruz is famous for back-stabbing tactics using disposable scapegoats to do his dirty work. If a negative use of Trump's wife appeared in a Cruz campaign ad...he approved it. :shrug:
That's rich considering he has no problems with his SUPER PACS going after Donald's wife. Ted Cruz is disgusting in multiple ways.

Cruz didn't do it. Some supporter did. Not evidence that the pac did it, either. Easy to get the girl's photo shoot pics...they're everywhere. If Trump thought the pic was slutty, that's the fault of his wife and himself, isn't it?

Once again, Trump zeroes in on some woman's APPEARANCE. It's obvious that you men just don't get it. Trump has this continuing problem. To constantly denigrate one half the country....well, he's not going to win, now.

He is "binders full of women," now, I suspect. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, Donald.
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Not necessarily. I agree that families should be left out of the political scrum.

However, Cruz is famous for back-stabbing tactics using disposable scapegoats to do his dirty work. If a negative use of Trump's wife appeared in a Cruz campaign ad...he approved it. :shrug:

Not necessarily. And I don't think he would have, despicable though he is. Because he would know that that would invite a response from Trump. Cruz is many things, but stupid isn't one of them.

This also feeds into the stereotype of Donald....that he looks down on half the country and considers them only useful for appearance purposes. Romney had a much better reputation with women, and still, his poor reputation regarding women is what cost him the election. And so it will with the Donald, I suspect. We shall see.

I can tell you that I voted for Trump in the primary. I was spittin' mad when I saw his attack ad not on Cruz....but on Cruz's wife. That crossed a boundary. And Cruz's response was spot on perfect. Even though I can't stand the guy, I could recognize his response was pitch perfect.
Not necessarily. And I don't think he would have, despicable though he is. Because he would know that that would invite a response from Trump. Cruz is many things, but stupid isn't one of them.

EXACTLY! He would know Trump would likely respond as he did, and thus win the hearts of women much like yourself.

IMO he is that low down and untrustworthy as amply demonstrated by his tactics in Iowa, and his throwing campaign personnel to the wolves whenever they take action he states he had no knowledge of.

Think, how can his minions be so out of control, and yet maintain a pretense it is his campaign?
The Cruz faction started this poop throwing contest and its responsibility for t his latest descent into the bottom of political hell is firmly upon him.
In the latest, after someone posts a racy photo shoot of Trump's wife (a real photo shoot the babe did once) in a support ad for Cruz, Trump comes out and tweets an unflattering pic of Cruz's wife, next to one of those fakey glamour shots of the Trump wife (just a head shot).

Cruz is mad, points his finger, and tells Trump not to mess with his wife, Heidi. Cruz further says that the reason Trump has a problem with Meagan Kelly of Fox is that Trump doesn't like strong women and feels threatened by them.

Point: Cruz. Trump lost this.

Attacking the opponent's family is off base. Way off base. Trump sank to a new low. And, as in the past, it centers around WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. To Trump, there is simply nothing else important about women.

Point: Let's give Cruz two points. He comes out ahead because of how pitiful Trump acted.

A new low?? Are you kidding? Trump is a bottomless pit of new lows.

While Cruz wasn't directly responsible...his PAC tried to "slut shame" Trump's wife. I think he had every right to be outraged...BUT...the way he responded was very telling how he would handle criticism if president...tit for tat. It wasn't very good statesmanship.

Trump and his twittering might be his downfall.
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In the latest, after someone posts a racy photo shoot of Trump's wife (a real photo shoot the babe did once) in a support ad for Cruz, Trump comes out and tweets an unflattering pic of Cruz's wife, next to one of those fakey glamour shots of the Trump wife (just a head shot).

Cruz is mad, points his finger, and tells Trump not to mess with his wife, Heidi. Cruz further says that the reason Trump has a problem with Meagan Kelly of Fox is that Trump doesn't like strong women and feels threatened by them.

Point: Cruz. Trump lost this.

Attacking the opponent's family is off base. Way off base. Trump sank to a new low. And, as in the past, it centers around WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. To Trump, there is simply nothing else important about women.

Point: Let's give Cruz two points. He comes out ahead because of how pitiful Trump acted.

It is a worthless diversion, but all the more evidence we need that this campaign season has found the deep end... and yet keeps looking for worse.

Between Trump and Cruz engaging in nonsense like this, they are pretty much assuring Hillary a landslide win.

It is all pitiful, every damn bit of it.
Cruz didn't do it. Cruz may not have even seen it. There's simply no proof of that.

It was childish of Trump then to look for an unflattering pic of Cruz's wife. What's the point of that? Cruz's wife didn't do professional photo shoots. Hey, if Trump is ashamed of what his wife has done, maybe he should have married someone else and kept this one on the side.

This will cost Trump some votes. Including mine. Unforgiveable. I will vote for "anyone but Trump."

Glossing over that I seem to recall you saying that you would not vote Trump weeks ago this is an interesting place to draw your line.

We all I hope know what a schmuck Cruz is.
In the latest, after someone posts a racy photo shoot of Trump's wife (a real photo shoot the babe did once) in a support ad for Cruz, Trump comes out and tweets an unflattering pic of Cruz's wife, next to one of those fakey glamour shots of the Trump wife (just a head shot).

Cruz is mad, points his finger, and tells Trump not to mess with his wife, Heidi. Cruz further says that the reason Trump has a problem with Meagan Kelly of Fox is that Trump doesn't like strong women and feels threatened by them.

Point: Cruz. Trump lost this.

Attacking the opponent's family is off base. Way off base. Trump sank to a new low. And, as in the past, it centers around WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. To Trump, there is simply nothing else important about women.

Point: Let's give Cruz two points. He comes out ahead because of how pitiful Trump acted.

Further poof that Drumph is trash.
Glossing over that I seem to recall you saying that you would not vote Trump weeks ago this is an interesting place to draw your line.

We all I hope know what a schmuck Cruz is.

That is a really good point though. Jumping Jack is drawing the line in a **** storm Trump didn't even start.
This shows the mentality, intellect and maturity (or lack thereof) of both men.

Anyone who would vote for either of these two is either ignorant and/or weak and/or desperate (funny...that is the same exact criteria I hold for diehard, religious people).

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