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Trump v. Cruz's Wife: This may do in the Donald (1 Viewer)

Wrong. The SuperPAC is NOT affiliated with Cruz. It was founded by a woman who worked for Scott Walker's campaign. She is running an anti-Trump PAC which by the way doesn't translate to "Cruz PAC". I'm also vehemently anti-Trump, but I'm pulling for Kasich, not Cruz.

who is a 2000 to 1 shot to get the nomination

so now what?

Kasich is dead for all intensive purposes....the plug just hasnt been pulled out yet

that leaves us with Trump & Cruz...two losers....that most of us dont want

but the plurality of republican voters do.....

i know i cant vote for Hillary....would be petrified of where we would be four years from now

but i also dont want either of our candidates.....

we are screwed any way you look at it.....

the only thing good i see out of all of this, is maybe, just maybe the republican ruling class will get it's head out of it's ass and start listening to it's constituents

but that may be hoping for too much....
If Cruz should apologize for an attack that someone else launched against Donald's wife, and he did condemn it, then Donald should certainly apologize for directly attacking Cruz's wife, instead of allowing his spokesperson to say that the response speaks for itself or to repeat the allegation that Ted knew that the attack was going to happen.

Hannity claimed Cruz was responsible, too, so his claim that Cruz condemned it holds little water.

I don't care about what Trump did, that's irrelevant. I already said Trump disgusted me, that doesn't prove Cruz is innocent.

In fact, his claim that real men don't attack women stands in stark contrast to his attacks against Hillary. Or are we supposed to assume that Cruz doesn't consider himself a real man ?
who is a 2000 to 1 shot to get the nomination

so now what?

Kasich is dead for all intensive purposes....the plug just hasnt been pulled out yet

that leaves us with Trump & Cruz...two losers....that most of us dont want

but the plurality of republican voters do.....

i know i cant vote for Hillary....would be petrified of where we would be four years from now

but i also dont want either of our candidates.....

we are screwed any way you look at it.....

the only thing good i see out of all of this, is maybe, just maybe the republican ruling class will get it's head out of it's ass and start listening to it's constituents

but that may be hoping for too much....

Kasich seems to be a good man. The GOP should have rallied behind him far earlier, imo.

I can't see a Kasich campaign playing this dirty.
are you really this naive?

anything anti trump is NOW pro cruz...period

those are the only two left in the race with a snowball's chance in hell of claiming the prize

she fired a shot at the trump campaign, at trumps wife in particular, and she expected no recourse?


It wasn't Cruz that "fired the shot" It was Ms. Mair. Ms. Mair has gone to twitter and taken full responsibility for the ad. Trump should have focused his reply at Mair instead he went after Heidi Cruz. And he did so after Cruz had publically condemned the ad. No candidate has control over what some anti-Trump pac will say or do. They do however expect those pacs that are listed as sole supporters of them not to embarrass the candidate they claim to be supporting. By law, the candidate is not even permitted to speak or have any communication with the pac. Trump knows Cruz had nothing to do with that ad just like he knew Ben Carson wasn't a pedophile.
this was planned from go

and they helped push the mormon vote over to cruz with the ad....they needed to exceed 50%, and they got it

it is politics plain and simple....it is a war....and both sides are playing dirty

but dont come in here and claim that somehow trump's side is dirtier for his response

you should be better than that....

What a bunch of hoowee. LOL
This ad was an obscure internet ad. It was not on TV. To claim that ad gave Cruz the victory in Utah is absurd. The fact that GQ republished Melania's photo shoot this month in their magazine would have had more effect than that web ad. Cruz took Utah with almost 70% of the vote. To declare such a victory over a web ad is crazy. But I am sure Romney's and Lee's endorsements who happen to be very popular in Utah and campaigned with Cruz added to the huge victory Cruz received giving him all 40 delegates while Kasich came in a far distant second after camping out in Utah all week and Trump coming in third.
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It wasn't Cruz that "fired the shot" It was Ms. Mair. Ms. Mair has gone to twitter and taken full responsibility for the ad. Trump should have focused his reply at Mair instead he went after Heidi Cruz. And he did so after Cruz had publically condemned the ad. No candidate has control over what some anti-Trump pac will say or do. They do however expect those pacs that are listed as sole supporters of them not to embarrass the candidate they claim to be supporting. By law, the candidate is not even permitted to speak or have any communication with the pac. Trump knows Cruz had nothing to do with that ad just like he knew Ben Carson wasn't a pedophile.

What a bunch of hoowee. LOL
This ad was an obscure internet ad. It was not on TV. To claim that ad gave Cruz the victory in Utah is absurd. The fact that GQ republished Melania's photo shoot this month in their magazine would have had more effect than that web ad. Cruz took Utah with almost 70% of the vote. That dang ad had next to nothing to do with it as most never even seen the dang thing. But I am sure Romney's and Lee's endorsements who happen to be very popular in Utah and campaigned with Cruz added to the huge victory Cruz received giving him all 40 delegates while Kasich came in a far distant second after camping out in Utah all week and Trump coming in third.
would you please share with us where cruz has publicly condemned the melania nudie photo ad
Hannity claimed Cruz was responsible, too, so his claim that Cruz condemned it holds little water.

I don't care about what Trump did, that's irrelevant. I already said Trump disgusted me, that doesn't prove Cruz is innocent.

In fact, his claim that real men don't attack women stands in stark contrast to his attacks against Hillary. Or are we supposed to assume that Cruz doesn't consider himself a real man ?
Hannity also apologized for reporting the ad to be from a Cruz super pac which was false and went on the record to correct it. Any criticisms Cruz has made toward Hillary are policy based including the FBI investigation of her handling of sensitive material.
would you please share with us where cruz has publicly condemned the melania nudie photo ad
He did so when asked by reporters over it. It was covered on CNN. He also made the distinction between an anti-Trump pac and super pacs that personally support him. It is also on his twitter feed.
Kasich seems to be a good man. The GOP should have rallied behind him far earlier, imo.

I can't see a Kasich campaign playing this dirty.

Kasich may have been able to be the second fiddle on the ticket, but he was never going to be the main guy

too progressive in too many areas to take the base with him

as a second fiddle, he would have been good

in fact i liked him paired with Rubio for awhile....until Rubio blew a gasket

and Kasich isnt what the GOP electorate want....

they wont go to the polls for him alone....
He did so when asked by reporters over it. It was covered on CNN. He also made the distinction between an anti-Trump pac and super pacs that personally support him. It is also on his twitter feed.

i cannot find where cruz came out and criticized that use of melania's nudie photo
his failure to do so - because that photo was intended to hurt his opponent - implies cruz was OK with such misuse of tRump's spouse's photo

which is why i am asking to see a cite where cruz made such an objection
Hannity also apologized for reporting the ad to be from a Cruz super pac which was false and went on the record to correct it. Any criticisms Cruz has made toward Hillary are policy based including the FBI investigation of her handling of sensitive material.

So ? Real men don't attack women.

He never added any qualifier about personal attacks. Further, that is plainly sexist- mature adults do not make personal attacks would have been a better statement.
In the latest, after someone posts a racy photo shoot of Trump's wife (a real photo shoot the babe did once) in a support ad for Cruz, Trump comes out and tweets an unflattering pic of Cruz's wife, next to one of those fakey glamour shots of the Trump wife (just a head shot).

Cruz is mad, points his finger, and tells Trump not to mess with his wife, Heidi. Cruz further says that the reason Trump has a problem with Meagan Kelly of Fox is that Trump doesn't like strong women and feels threatened by them.

Point: Cruz. Trump lost this.

Attacking the opponent's family is off base. Way off base. Trump sank to a new low. And, as in the past, it centers around WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. To Trump, there is simply nothing else important about women.

Point: Let's give Cruz two points. He comes out ahead because of how pitiful Trump acted.

I agree that it lowers Trump further.

The problem with assuming that crude behavior and boorishness will harm Donald, however, is that his campaign is based on crude behavior and boorishness. It's what his supporters want. Observe:

Hawkeye10 said:
Trump has the much much better wife, he won.

The problem is not that we have a presidential candidate basically making the argument that "your wife is ugly and mine is hot, ergo, I win". The problem is that we now have a significant chunk of the populace who accepts that as a legitimate argument.
Not necessarily. I agree that families should be left out of the political scrum.

However, Cruz is famous for back-stabbing tactics using disposable scapegoats to do his dirty work. If a negative use of Trump's wife appeared in a Cruz campaign ad...he approved it. :shrug:

1. If so, that would be a felony. At some point you should present evidence of such if you are going to claim it.

2. As I understand, it wasn't even a pro-Cruz PAC, it was an anti-Trump PAC.
Yep. You're not female, and you don't care about the families of politicians, apparently. You are not the norm voter.

He is a significant plurality, now. It's a result of the breakdown of the marriage culture - single men simply aren't naturally as attuned to those sorts of things.

It also feeds into the stereotype of Trump that's out there already. Just as "binders full of women" was the deathknell for Romney, this woman problem that Trump has will spell the death of Trump, figuratively speaking.

I have never understood how Romney's comment that his staff was able to find lots of talented, qualified, intelligent women who should be trusted to advise him was somehow a destructive comment.
The problem is not that we have a presidential candidate basically making the argument that "your wife is ugly and mine is hot, ergo, I win". The problem is that we now have a significant chunk of the populace who accepts that as a legitimate argument.

Don't remember Jackie Kennedy do ya? :mrgreen:
Don't remember Jackie Kennedy do ya? :mrgreen:

:shrug: she was indeed lovely. If John F Kennedy ever basically made the argument that he should win because Mrs Nixon was uglier than Jackie Kennedy, I'd like to see that link.
I agree that it lowers Trump further.

The problem with assuming that crude behavior and boorishness will harm Donald, however, is that his campaign is based on crude behavior and boorishness. It's what his supporters want. Observe:

The problem is not that we have a presidential candidate basically making the argument that "your wife is ugly and mine is hot, ergo, I win". The problem is that we now have a significant chunk of the populace who accepts that as a legitimate argument.

"Your wife is a slut," is a more disgusting argument than "My wife is more attractive," though admittedly they are both reprehensible.
It is literally number 6 on the google search. Even such a pro-Trump toolbag as Hannity had to admit it. Most of the rest are stories about the blowup.

thank you for proving my point
even as late in these events as yesterday, cruz had not publicly condemned the PAC for its exploitation of melania in the use of the nudie photo
cruz' self-imposed silence about that abhorrent act implies consent
and tRump responded in kind
only then did cruz object ... while still refusing to condemn the use of that nudie pic
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Why bother with the sugar coating? Until I see some polling that women care about this stuff, or more likely it would be the men, I am not going to assume that it maters.

Trump is now upside down with women voters 21/70.

Though, to be fair, when put up against Hillary (whom voters also dislike), his support with women rises from 21 points to 38 points.

Which means he still loses.

And, of course, that's before $1 Billion in negative advertising gets dropped on him by Democrats, driving this home to Every. Single. Woman. out there.
The sheer number of lies told by the Trump lovers, starting with this one, simply amaze me. Make America Awesome isn't a "Cruz CPAC". It was founded by Liz Mair who was an aide to Scott Walker who was fired by the Walker campaign for controversial tweets. Prior to working for Walker she also worked for Rick Perry, Cary Fiorina, and Rand Paul. She was never affiliated with Cruz. She never supported Cruz. She is running an anti-Trump PAC.

She went after Trump's wife. She's stupid. Trump went after Ted Cruz's wife. He's a revolting mess.

You people who defend him for going after a woman who did absolutely nothing to him only further confirms how blindly you will follow this ignorant loser. Thank you for making Hillary Clinton our next President and for making decent Republicans feel sick.

I am seriously wondering if I should put a link to this post in my sig.
"Your wife is a slut," is a more disgusting argument than "My wife is more attractive," though admittedly they are both reprehensible.

Sure. I'm not sure if that's the full meaning of the first ad, but I could see it being taken that way.

Only one of those arguments, however, was made by a Presidential candidate.
thank you for proving my point
even as late in these events as yesterday, cruz had not publicly condemned the PAC for its exploitation of melania in the use of the nudie photo

....did you fail to click on the links? Cruz has indeed condemned the original ad. As he should.
:shrug: she was indeed lovely. If John F Kennedy ever basically made the argument that he should win because Mrs Nixon was uglier than Jackie Kennedy, I'd like to see that link.

The glaring difference between then and now - those conversations took place in small venues and there was no internet, no camera phones. Heck the only national platform for the average Joe or Jane to comment upon such matters were the editorial columns of the newspapers - and they were strictly edited.
....did you fail to click on the links? Cruz has indeed condemned the original ad. As he should.

he allowed that nudie ad to stand, uncontested, unobjected to, while it was in a position to hurt his opponent

he did not object to that exploitation of tRump's wife until tRump responded in kind

if cruz truly had character, he would have come out immediately and condemned the PAC's actions. he did not. and his silence implied his consent
Sure. I'm not sure if that's the full meaning of the first ad, but I could see it being taken that way.

Only one of those arguments, however, was made by a Presidential candidate.

Bull****. Unless you're not counting Cruz as a presidential candidate. Yes, your excuse that his SuperPAC isn't controlled by him fails miserably. Even if you suppose there is no communication between the SP and the candidate, he sure as hell knew about the ad and knew why Trump made the comment he did in reaction. At the very least Ted is lying once again.

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