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Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan (1 Viewer)


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The stupid....it burns!

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan - POLITICO

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan

By Zach Montellaro

08/02/16 08:56 PM EDT

Updated 08/02/16 09:58 PM EDT

Donald Trump’s spokeswoman blamed the policies of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the death of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, despite the fact that Khan died in 2004.

“It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagement that probably cost his life,” spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said in an interview Tuesday with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer.

Khan died during the presidency of George W. Bush, while Obama was a state senator in Illinois.
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The stupid....it burns!

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan - POLITICO

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan

By Zach Montellaro

08/02/16 08:56 PM EDT

Updated 08/02/16 09:58 PM EDT

Donald Trump’s spokeswoman blamed the policies of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the death of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, despite the fact that Khan died in 2004.

“It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagement that probably cost his life,” spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said in an interview Tuesday with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer.

Khan died during the presidency of George W. Bush, while Obama was a state senator in Illinois.

Thanks Obama!
The stupid....it burns!

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan - POLITICO

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan

By Zach Montellaro

08/02/16 08:56 PM EDT

Updated 08/02/16 09:58 PM EDT

Donald Trump’s spokeswoman blamed the policies of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the death of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, despite the fact that Khan died in 2004.

“It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagement that probably cost his life,” spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said in an interview Tuesday with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer.

Khan died during the presidency of George W. Bush, while Obama was a state senator in Illinois.

What a ****ing maroon.
Nothing Trump or his supporters, or even main stream Republicans say about Obama surprises me anymore. Even before Trump there was many Republicans who blame Obama for the crash in 2008, even though he wasn't prez until 2009.

Long before Trump, the Republicans and their allies on AM radio have been telling lies and disrespecting Obama and the office of POTUS for years. So I find it funny that now many of those same Republicans are surprised by Trump and the lies and lack of respect him and his supporters are spewing.

Their outrageous lies and disdain have helped built the monster called Trump, now that monster has turned on them and they are surprised? Too bad.
The stupid....it burns!

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan - POLITICO

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan

By Zach Montellaro

08/02/16 08:56 PM EDT

Updated 08/02/16 09:58 PM EDT

Donald Trump’s spokeswoman blamed the policies of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the death of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, despite the fact that Khan died in 2004.

“It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagement that probably cost his life,” spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said in an interview Tuesday with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer.

Khan died during the presidency of George W. Bush, while Obama was a state senator in Illinois.

Geezus H. Christ. Someone please shoot me now.
Geezus H. Christ. Someone please shoot me now.

The level of pure stupid just grows and grows.

Also, Trump claims that Kaine was from New Jersey, that Putin won't invade Ukraine...etc etc.

Its like they are trying to be stupid.
The level of pure stupid just grows and grows.

Also, Trump claims that Kaine was from New Jersey, that Putin won't invade Ukraine...etc etc.

Its like they are trying to be stupid.

And you only mentioned two of his many recent stupid statements. They're starting to happen hourly. At this point nothing will convince me that he isn't doing this intentionally. No one person can be this stupid and foolish.
Cue the frothy, spittle-slinging Trump supporters in 3....2....1....

Even the dumbest Trumpanzie can't go back in time.

Could you imagine the dumbest Trumpanzie? chilling
Here is the thing. Trump is either surrounding himself with horrible, moronic advisors or he has good advisors but ignores their advice. Part of being a good, or even mediocre, President is the ability to pick good advisors with whom to surround yourself. Why do his supporters think this is a skill he will magically acquire if he takes office?

He says he will hire all the best people. No he won't. He didn't even have anyone on his campaign who could explain what a "ground game" was. He is incompetent and hires incompetent people.
And you only mentioned two of his many recent stupid statements. They're starting to happen hourly. At this point nothing will convince me that he isn't doing this intentionally. No one person can be this stupid and foolish.

The tea party rabble are destroying the party, burning it down, and salting the earth. I saw it coming years ago and got the hell out of the republican party.
The tea party rabble are destroying the party, burning it down, and salting the earth. I saw it coming years ago and got the hell out of the republican party.

This 100x.. ^^^^^^^^

I got out before the TP rabble took over the GOP. By 2008 I hardly recognized what the GOP had become. But after 2010, man, it was beyond hope.
This is a great example of the delusional reality many Trump supporters live in.
And you only mentioned two of his many recent stupid statements. They're starting to happen hourly. At this point nothing will convince me that he isn't doing this intentionally. No one person can be this stupid and foolish.

Greetings, tres borrachos. :2wave:

:agree: with your thought that this is intentional, so it makes me wonder what the reason might be, since he is not stupid, contrary to what some might think!

I'd tend to think that he's throwing the election to Hillary, as some have suspected from the beginning, but it's too early for that, IMO, and her "unfavorability" with the public is just as high as his, according to polls.

Then I might conjecture that he really never wanted to be POTUS, and just entered the fray for something different to do, and it really hasn't cost him a lot of money so far, since the networks have given him a lot of free publicity, so there is that possibility.

Then I might wonder what Manafort and his campaign crew are telling him, and why, and is this part of a larger plan for the next three months, and how acting like a buffoon could be useful. His female employees seem to really like him, and he has a reputation for paying them well, although I doubt he worries much about what anyone thinks of him, which is very unusual for a businessman. :yes:

Maybe he has decided that being POTUS just isn't worth the hassle to get there? It's possible, but I just don't think so! Weird year all around! *mutters to herself that she is perplexed*
The stupid....it burns!

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan - POLITICO

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan

By Zach Montellaro

08/02/16 08:56 PM EDT

Updated 08/02/16 09:58 PM EDT

Donald Trump’s spokeswoman blamed the policies of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the death of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, despite the fact that Khan died in 2004.

“It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagement that probably cost his life,” spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said in an interview Tuesday with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer.

Khan died during the presidency of George W. Bush, while Obama was a state senator in Illinois.

Lol, I was flipping through the channels last night and barely caught this. I just kept flipping through laughing to myself that someone could say something so stupid, and I noticed it immediately, and as soon as she said it Blitzer replies with "well time for commercial break!" For ****s sake, correct her. If you don't know as much about current news as some schmuck on a debate forum who barely watches the news then you shouldn't be hosting a show on CNN.

The thirty seconds I saw of the segment was amazing. She acted just like Trump. Deny deny deny and attack.
Lol, I was flipping through the channels last night and barely caught this. I just kept flipping through laughing to myself that someone could say something so stupid, and I noticed it immediately, and as soon as she said it Blitzer replies with "well time for commercial break!" For ****s sake, correct her. If you don't know as much about current news as some schmuck on a debate forum who barely watches the news then you shouldn't be hosting a show on CNN.
After commercial, Wolf did come back on and correct her. I watch a lot of CNN, and Wolf has Katrina Pierson on his show all the time. I honestly think he just tunes her out half the time at this point. All she does is lie and sidestep questions, I don't know how Wolf could actually pay attention to her.

As an example, earlier in that same interview, he asked her if Trump was going to apologize. She replied with the "he already apologized by noting Khan's service", so Wolf asked her, point blank, "Will he directly apologize" and Pierson proceeded to ask what he should apologize for. Wolf told her. He then asked her again and she completely ignored the question for a third time.

At some point, doing this day after day (which they do), I suspect Wolf just says "to hell with it" and stops listening.
After commercial, Wolf did come back on and correct her. I watch a lot of CNN, and Wolf has Katrina Pierson on his show all the time. I honestly think he just tunes her out half the time at this point. All she does is lie and sidestep questions, I don't know how Wolf could actually pay attention to her.

As an example, earlier in that same interview, he asked her if Trump was going to apologize. She replied with the "he already apologized by noting Khan's service", so Wolf asked her, point blank, "Will he directly apologize" and Pierson proceeded to ask what he should apologize for. Wolf told her. He then asked her again and she completely ignored the question for a third time.

At some point, doing this day after day (which they do), I suspect Wolf just says "to hell with it" and stops listening.

I'm glad to know that at least he came back and corrected it.
The stupid....it burns!

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan - POLITICO

Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan

By Zach Montellaro

08/02/16 08:56 PM EDT

Updated 08/02/16 09:58 PM EDT

Donald Trump’s spokeswoman blamed the policies of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the death of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, despite the fact that Khan died in 2004.

“It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagement that probably cost his life,” spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said in an interview Tuesday with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer.

Khan died during the presidency of George W. Bush, while Obama was a state senator in Illinois.

Hillary was on the of the politicians who sent that guy to war. If it had been up to Trump the war in Iraq would have never happened and he might still be alive.

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