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Trump, so you want to solidify Bernie's troops? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 11, 2009
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
All ya gotta do is tell them publicly that you feel their pain, that you empathize with them, that you know the system is rigged, and oh, if they support you at the polls come November, your Attorney General will investigate the DNC and Hillary Clinton for Federal Election fraud, and if evidence exists that the law was broken, your administration will put every single one of them in jail.

There, done..

Now, you won't get all of them Donald, but you'll get most of them, and certainly more than you're currently getting.

Good luck, call me if you need a political advisor. ;)

Oh, and as for Obama, and Clinton, and the media spouting off about that message.. Well, we know they haven't got a leg to stand on, so there's that. :)

All ya gotta do is tell them publicly that you feel their pain, that you empathize with them, that you know the system is rigged, and oh, if they support you at the polls come November, your Attorney General will investigate the DNC and Hillary Clinton for Federal Election fraud, and if evidence exists that the law was broken, your administration will put every single one of them in jail.

There, done..

Now, you won't get all of them Donald, but you'll get most of them, and certainly more than you're currently getting.

Good luck, call me if you need a political advisor. ;)

Oh, and as for Obama, and Clinton, and the media spouting off about that message.. Well, we know they haven't got a leg to stand on, so there's that. :)


An excellent idea. I wonder if Manafort or Newt would be whispering this into his ear, 'cause, yeah, it's that good a counter punch.
All ya gotta do is tell them publicly that you feel their pain, that you empathize with them, that you know the system is rigged, and oh, if they support you at the polls come November, your Attorney General will investigate the DNC and Hillary Clinton for Federal Election fraud, and if evidence exists that the law was broken, your administration will put every single one of them in jail.

There, done..

Now, you won't get all of them Donald, but you'll get most of them, and certainly more than you're currently getting.

Good luck, call me if you need a political advisor. ;)

Oh, and as for Obama, and Clinton, and the media spouting off about that message.. Well, we know they haven't got a leg to stand on, so there's that. :)


OMG, Hillary in jail would be delicious.

But it won't happen.
OMG, Hillary in jail would be delicious.
But it won't happen.

Ah......to see her in an orange jump suit instead of a fancy pants suit.

All ya gotta do is tell them publicly that you feel their pain, that you empathize with them, that you know the system is rigged, and oh, if they support you at the polls come November, your Attorney General will investigate the DNC and Hillary Clinton for Federal Election fraud, and if evidence exists that the law was broken, your administration will put every single one of them in jail.

There, done..

Now, you won't get all of them Donald, but you'll get most of them, and certainly more than you're currently getting.

Good luck, call me if you need a political advisor. ;)

Oh, and as for Obama, and Clinton, and the media spouting off about that message.. Well, we know they haven't got a leg to stand on, so there's that. :)


Sadly, it will not. Most of Sanders supporters hate Trump more than they hate Hillary. Just because Hillary has slighted them more doesn't translate into a vote for Trump. It may turn out to be a vote for Johnson. It would actually be very wise for Gary Johnson to make this case, because he has a shot with Sanders supporters who are more moderate on economics or aren't as strongly aligned on economic issues.
Sadly, it will not. Most of Sanders supporters hate Trump more than they hate Hillary. Just because Hillary has slighted them more doesn't translate into a vote for Trump. It may turn out to be a vote for Johnson. It would actually be very wise for Gary Johnson to make this case, because he has a shot with Sanders supporters who are more moderate on economics or aren't as strongly aligned on economic issues.

He doesn't need them all, he just needs a good portion of them, but in either regard, if they convert to Johnson, or not vote at all, it's still a win for Trump. Actually, there's no downside to this idea and in political science terms, that almost never happens. :)

All ya gotta do is tell them publicly that you feel their pain, that you empathize with them, that you know the system is rigged, and oh, if they support you at the polls come November, your Attorney General will investigate the DNC and Hillary Clinton for Federal Election fraud, and if evidence exists that the law was broken, your administration will put every single one of them in jail.

There, done..

Now, you won't get all of them Donald, but you'll get most of them, and certainly more than you're currently getting.

Good luck, call me if you need a political advisor. ;)

Oh, and as for Obama, and Clinton, and the media spouting off about that message.. Well, we know they haven't got a leg to stand on, so there's that. :)


Trump coming across as empathetic? Now therein lies the real challenge. Empathy and Narcissism tend to be diametrically opposed to one another. :lamo
the ability for trump to get "most of bernie's troops"" ZERO

this election is a circus show,, im not happy about it but the idea that "most" bernie troops will support trump it the most illogical, asinine and delusional idea ive heard LMAO

Fortunately and I thank god for it Trump will never be our next president. Unfortunately Hillary will
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All ya gotta do is tell them publicly that you feel their pain, that you empathize with them, that you know the system is rigged, and oh, if they support you at the polls come November, your Attorney General will investigate the DNC and Hillary Clinton for Federal Election fraud, and if evidence exists that the law was broken, your administration will put every single one of them in jail.

There, done..

Now, you won't get all of them Donald, but you'll get most of them, and certainly more than you're currently getting.

Good luck, call me if you need a political advisor. ;)

Oh, and as for Obama, and Clinton, and the media spouting off about that message.. Well, we know they haven't got a leg to stand on, so there's that. :)


If you want to get Sander's supporters "out of the way", push Jill Stein. It is far more likely that they'll line up with her platform than Trump. In fact I can't see many Sander's supporters voting for Trump.
All ya gotta do is tell them publicly that you feel their pain, that you empathize with them, that you know the system is rigged, and oh, if they support you at the polls come November, your Attorney General will investigate the DNC and Hillary Clinton for Federal Election fraud, and if evidence exists that the law was broken, your administration will put every single one of them in jail.

There, done..

Now, you won't get all of them Donald, but you'll get most of them, and certainly more than you're currently getting.

Good luck, call me if you need a political advisor. ;)

Oh, and as for Obama, and Clinton, and the media spouting off about that message.. Well, we know they haven't got a leg to stand on, so there's that. :)


Unlike most Trump supporters, most Sanders supporters aren't so easily suckered as to take Trump at his word.

Not gonna happen.
Boy, some folks here are completely missing the point. Politics is only about winning little battles. This is a battle that, if this message, and to continue reinforcing it through out has no downside for the Donald, none.

That = Win!

All ya gotta do is tell them publicly that you feel their pain, that you empathize with them, that you know the system is rigged, and oh, if they support you at the polls come November, your Attorney General will investigate the DNC and Hillary Clinton for Federal Election fraud, and if evidence exists that the law was broken, your administration will put every single one of them in jail.

There, done..

Now, you won't get all of them Donald, but you'll get most of them, and certainly more than you're currently getting.

Good luck, call me if you need a political advisor. ;)

Oh, and as for Obama, and Clinton, and the media spouting off about that message.. Well, we know they haven't got a leg to stand on, so there's that. :)


:lamo Keep on buying in to that delusional sense of reality you are espousing.
"The Democratic National Convention has been described as “political bedlam,” with a vocal minority on the first night booing and chanting to express their displeasure with the party and disappointment that Bernie Sanders didn’t win the nomination. But despite the “Bernie or Bust” contingent, a new report shows that 90% of Democratic voters that have consistently supported Sanders now back Hillary Clinton in the general election against the republican candidate, Donald Trump." Despite the vocal minority at the DNC, 90% of Bernie Sander’s core supporters back Clinton against Trump — Quartz
Unlike most Trump supporters, most Sanders supporters aren't so easily suckered as to take Trump at his word.

Not gonna happen.
While I hope that you are correct, I'm not so sure I completely agree with you about the "easily suckered" part. I don't have much faith in the ability of the millennials to focus on more than one issue at a time and generally it's only the one they seem to be most passionate about on that particular day.

I teach HS and College courses and have witnessed the Bernie Bot phenomenon first-hand among most of my students who view it as some form of political rebellion against the system. These Bernie Bots are not always the deep-thinkers that we've given them credit for being. Please trust me on that! :lol:
While I hope that you are correct, I'm not so sure I completely agree with you about the "easily suckered" part. I don't have much faith in the ability of the millennials to focus on more than one issue at a time and generally it's only the one they seem to be most passionate about on that particular day.

I teach HS and College courses and have witnessed the Bernie Bot phenomenon first-hand among most of my students who view it as some form of political rebellion against the system. These Bernie Bots are not always the deep-thinkers that we've given them credit for being. Please trust me on that! :lol:

Oh, I know, I see them all the time, but not all Sanders supporters are millennials.
All ya gotta do is tell them publicly that you feel their pain, that you empathize with them, that you know the system is rigged, and oh, if they support you at the polls come November, your Attorney General will investigate the DNC and Hillary Clinton for Federal Election fraud, and if evidence exists that the law was broken, your administration will put every single one of them in jail.

There, done..

Now, you won't get all of them Donald, but you'll get most of them, and certainly more than you're currently getting.

Good luck, call me if you need a political advisor. ;)

Oh, and as for Obama, and Clinton, and the media spouting off about that message.. Well, we know they haven't got a leg to stand on, so there's that. :)


'Most of them'? Really? Most of them voting Trump?
I don't think you're talking about discontented Tea Partyers when you refer to Bernie Sanders supporters. You might convince them to not vote, but that'd be the most you could hope for.
Might be enough, though, the way this fubar fiasco is shaping up.
He doesn't need them all, he just needs a good portion of them, but in either regard, if they convert to Johnson, or not vote at all, it's still a win for Trump. Actually, there's no downside to this idea and in political science terms, that almost never happens. :)

He won't get anything other than a tiny fraction of them. If after the email leak his numbers didn't go up from that, they won't now. Johnson did, though. He has places he can go, because of the policy similarities. Trump has no policy similarities other than so-called "free trade."
:lamo Keep on buying in to that delusional sense of reality you are espousing.
"The Democratic National Convention has been described as “political bedlam,” with a vocal minority on the first night booing and chanting to express their displeasure with the party and disappointment that Bernie Sanders didn’t win the nomination. But despite the “Bernie or Bust” contingent, a new report shows that 90% of Democratic voters that have consistently supported Sanders now back Hillary Clinton in the general election against the republican candidate, Donald Trump." Despite the vocal minority at the DNC, 90% of Bernie Sander’s core supporters back Clinton against Trump — Quartz

Nate Silver polls are better.
A lot of Bernie folks are moving to Johnson and Stein.
All ya gotta do is tell them publicly that you feel their pain, that you empathize with them, that you know the system is rigged, and oh, if they support you at the polls come November, your Attorney General will investigate the DNC and Hillary Clinton for Federal Election fraud, and if evidence exists that the law was broken, your administration will put every single one of them in jail.

There, done..

Now, you won't get all of them Donald, but you'll get most of them, and certainly more than you're currently getting.

Good luck, call me if you need a political advisor. ;)

Oh, and as for Obama, and Clinton, and the media spouting off about that message.. Well, we know they haven't got a leg to stand on, so there's that. :)


Yeah, I was initially considering voting for Trump after Bernie lost the New York primary, but after I quickly realized how stupid that would be.

So I'm voting for Jill Stein instead.
Nate Silver polls are better.
A lot of Bernie folks are moving to Johnson and Stein.

It's a little naive to think people that opposed crooked Hillary will now back her because she and the DNC fixed the nomination against Bernie.
The protests outside the convention show that more than a few people are supremely pissed.

It also shows the rest of them don't mind voting for a corrupt liar backed by a party that commits voter fraud.
All ya gotta do is tell them publicly that you feel their pain, that you empathize with them, that you know the system is rigged, and oh, if they support you at the polls come November, your Attorney General will investigate the DNC and Hillary Clinton for Federal Election fraud, and if evidence exists that the law was broken, your administration will put every single one of them in jail.

There, done..

Now, you won't get all of them Donald, but you'll get most of them, and certainly more than you're currently getting.

Good luck, call me if you need a political advisor. ;)

Oh, and as for Obama, and Clinton, and the media spouting off about that message.. Well, we know they haven't got a leg to stand on, so there's that. :)


He'd get some, not most.

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