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Trump rips into Biden as upwards of 80,000 blue state voters flood beachfront rally: 'We're going to win' (2 Viewers)

Oh my, you got me there! You see right through me don't you!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

That is what your post is implying. I don't need help reading it. But go ahead and walk it back. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
You have lost your place, haven't you.

It's OK. Take a breath. Compose your words. Everyone here is your friend.
What's strange is that you bring Hitler into this conversation. Are you saying Trump is Hitler?
Well, that would be silly. Hitler was a German. Trump claims to be American. Of course Trump is not Hitler. They are just very, very similar.

Anyway, why would you be happy that many Germans were afraid Hitler would win? Seems like those were the smart Germans... just like the Americans who are afraid Trump will win.
Did the "vermin" comment trigger you? Or are you just carrying water for the Liberals?
Why are you talking to me about Liberals? They seem to be on your mind a lot, but I don't know why.
You have lost your place, haven't you.

It's OK. Take a breath. Compose your words. Everyone here is your friend.
That's weak sauce. You must be embarrassed by what you said.
80,000 might have been a conservative number, my bad. Some say closer to 100,000 by the time Trump hit the stage. (but... but... but... I only saw 100 people there!!) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Critics of President Biden are lambasting his beach vacation in Delaware, while contrasting the Mother's Day weekend getaway to former President Trump's massive rally in the historically blue state of New Jersey on Saturday.

"Supporters camped out overnight at the beach for a Trump rally that starts at 5PM today in Wildwood. Joe Biden can’t fill up a broom closet without staff, media, and angry protestors," one X user under the name Bad Hombre posted Saturday.

click to read on FOX NEWS :)

The Democrats are going to have to cheat to beat him. Maybe more lawfare? ;)
80,000 might have been a conservative number, my bad. Some say closer to 100,000 by the time Trump hit the stage. (but... but... but... I only saw 100 people there!!) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Critics of President Biden are lambasting his beach vacation in Delaware, while contrasting the Mother's Day weekend getaway to former President Trump's massive rally in the historically blue state of New Jersey on Saturday.

"Supporters camped out overnight at the beach for a Trump rally that starts at 5PM today in Wildwood. Joe Biden can’t fill up a broom closet without staff, media, and angry protestors," one X user under the name Bad Hombre posted Saturday.

click to read on FOX NEWS :)
Biden got more votes. Millions more votes. I won't go to a Biden rally to get my entertainment. But I will vote for him. I leave it to the cons to get their entertainment from the malignant narcissist scumbag piece of shit liar grifter rapist and seditionist. Although he provides quite a bit of material for late night which I do watch for entertainment.
80,000 might have been a conservative number, my bad. Some say closer to 100,000 by the time Trump hit the stage. (but... but... but... I only saw 100 people there!!) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Critics of President Biden are lambasting his beach vacation in Delaware, while contrasting the Mother's Day weekend getaway to former President Trump's massive rally in the historically blue state of New Jersey on Saturday.

"Supporters camped out overnight at the beach for a Trump rally that starts at 5PM today in Wildwood. Joe Biden can’t fill up a broom closet without staff, media, and angry protestors," one X user under the name Bad Hombre posted Saturday.

click to read on FOX NEWS :)

We needed another thread by you on the same subject? Think this crowd estimate will fool everyone this time?
The Democrats are going to have to cheat to beat him. Maybe more lawfare? ;)
Great post. Lets have more rabble rousing. That works out so well for Americans.
LOL. Sounds sane. Do you think that will win over the undecideds? :unsure:

The undecideds at this point are on or were with Biden. Stay home or switch to Trump.

But for staff and Secret Service Biden couldn't fill an elevator.
Cape May County is red - but these are mostly not locals. (Wildwood’s population of actual locals is like 5-6K.)

People from Other parts of NJ, PA, DE, etc. all drive in I’m sure.
Trump has some people who follow him around from rally to rally too. They will spend tens of thousands in travel expenses just to go to the rallies, see him over and over again, like groupies, or cultists.
We need at least 20 threads on this subject.

BTW, for anyone interested in numbers and not the grandstanding theatrics of the OP, in 2020 in that "deep blue" New Jersey roughly 1.83 million people, or just shy of 42%, voted for Trump. It is neither surprising or noteworthy for Trump to have a nice crowd of 100K or more in NJ allowing him to stay close to NY for obvious reasons.

But, but, but... FoxNews says... :rolleyes:
80,000 might have been a conservative number, my bad. Some say closer to 100,000 by the time Trump hit the stage. (but... but... but... I only saw 100 people there!!) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Critics of President Biden are lambasting his beach vacation in Delaware, while contrasting the Mother's Day weekend getaway to former President Trump's massive rally in the historically blue state of New Jersey on Saturday.

"Supporters camped out overnight at the beach for a Trump rally that starts at 5PM today in Wildwood. Joe Biden can’t fill up a broom closet without staff, media, and angry protestors," one X user under the name Bad Hombre posted Saturday.

click to read on FOX NEWS :)
Winner winner chicken dinner.

Biden is so hated its pathetic the old racist pervert has to endure this beatdown.
Trump has some people who follow him around from rally to rally too. They will spend tens of thousands in travel expenses just to go to the rallies, see him over and over again, like groupies, or cultists.
Gives new meaning to the term, "Deadheads".
... in 2020 in that "deep blue" New Jersey roughly 1.83 million people, or just shy of 42%, voted for Trump. It is neither surprising or noteworthy for Trump to have a nice crowd of 100K or more in NJ allowing him to stay close to NY for obvious reasons.

I am pretty sure there were plenty of people outside of NJ too. In fact Trump was hoping to get crowds driving up from Philadelphia.
"Supporters camped out overnight at the beach for a Trump rally that starts at 5PM today in Wildwood. Joe Biden can’t fill up a broom closet without staff, media, and angry protestors," one X user under the name Bad Hombre posted Saturday.

With all due respect to "Bad Hombre", this is exactly the kind of stuff you people were posting before 2020 election too.
Great post. Lets have more rabble rousing. That works out so well for Americans.
This has me pondering: since Biden was able to pull off an epic steal in 2020, with millions of fraudulent votes, millions spent investigating the fraud, 60+ lawsuits and a congressional inquiry- and they were still never able to find how Biden pulled it off. The greatest steal of all time!

With all of that being true, the question is why Trump even bothers running? Biden pulled of that epic steal and hid the evidence perfectly when he was just Joe Citizen. Now, he's president with all kinds of power. They have to know he will do it again. And better than before. So again, why even bother running against him?
The undecideds at this point are on or were with Biden. Stay home or switch to Trump.

But for staff and Secret Service Biden couldn't fill an elevator.
It has always been about getting things done. Trump has failed on so many levels and to pretend Trump’s four years has no bearing on the this Economy etc is a joke. The Abraham Accords really helped the Middle East, right? Tax cuts added to the deficit.
Trump has some people who follow him around from rally to rally too. They will spend tens of thousands in travel expenses just to go to the rallies, see him over and over again, like groupies, or cultists.
Hanging with like minded people brings joy, like tail gating before a football game. Biden brings joy to no one.
This has me pondering: since Biden was able to pull off an epic steal in 2020, with millions of fraudulent votes, millions spent investigating the fraud, 60+ lawsuits and a congressional inquiry- and they were still never able to find how Biden pulled it off. The greatest steal of all time!

With all of that being true, the question is why Trump even bothers running? Biden pulled of that epic steal and hid the evidence perfectly when he was just Joe Citizen. Now, he's president with all kinds of power. They have to know he will do it again. And better than before. So again, why even bother running against him?
Its 6 months until the election.

The Russian Collusion hoax was launched very early

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