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Trump rips into Biden as upwards of 80,000 blue state voters flood beachfront rally: 'We're going to win' (1 Viewer)

It has always been about getting things done. Trump has failed on so many levels and to pretend Trump’s four years has no bearing on the this Economy etc is a joke. The Abraham Accords really helped the Middle East, right? Tax cuts added to the deficit.
Blaming Trump for Biden's incompetence and fecklessness is the joke.
Biden is such a loser. I bet he is crying biggly over the support Trump is garnering

Trump just needs to keep his cool and stay away from grassy knoles

Team Biden is desperate.
We need at least 20 threads on this subject.

BTW, for anyone interested in numbers and not the grandstanding theatrics of the OP, in 2020 in that "deep blue" New Jersey roughly 1.83 million people, or just shy of 42%, voted for Trump. It is neither surprising or noteworthy for Trump to have a nice crowd of 100K or more in NJ allowing him to stay close to NY for obvious reasons.

But, but, but... FoxNews says... :rolleyes:

What we need are far less TDS type threads and more on the current president of the country whose campaigning obviously couldn't hold a candle to the former presidents.
80,000 might have been a conservative number, my bad. Some say closer to 100,000 by the time Trump hit the stage. (but... but... but... I only saw 100 people there!!) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Critics of President Biden are lambasting his beach vacation in Delaware, while contrasting the Mother's Day weekend getaway to former President Trump's massive rally in the historically blue state of New Jersey on Saturday.

"Supporters camped out overnight at the beach for a Trump rally that starts at 5PM today in Wildwood. Joe Biden can’t fill up a broom closet without staff, media, and angry protestors," one X user under the name Bad Hombre posted Saturday.

click to read on FOX NEWS :)
Some say it was the biggest rally evah! Close to 13 million!

What we need are far less TDS type threads and more on the current president of the country whose campaigning obviously couldn't hold a candle to the former presidents.
Biden would be better off back in the basement

At least he would have a lame excuse
Hanging with like minded people brings joy, like tail gating before a football game. Biden brings joy to no one.
You and your like minded people are going to a circus, a circus to be entertained by illusions and false realities. It's the weirdest thing I have ever seen.
You and your like minded people are going to a circus, a circus to be entertained by illusions and false realities. It's the weirdest thing I have ever seen.
Gonna get weirder. Trust me.
Biden is such a loser. I bet he is crying biggly over the support Trump is garnering

Trump just needs to keep his cool and stay away from grassy knoles

Team Biden is desperate.
The false reality I am talking about, case in point.
Hanging with like minded people brings joy, like tail gating before a football game. Biden brings joy to no one.
He brought me a great deal of joy when he sent Trump packing.

The screeching from the right was tasty.
The undecideds at this point are on or were with Biden. Stay home or switch to Trump.

But for staff and Secret Service Biden couldn't fill an elevator.
Keep dreaming.
80,000 might have been a conservative number, my bad. Some say closer to 100,000 by the time Trump hit the stage. (but... but... but... I only saw 100 people there!!) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Critics of President Biden are lambasting his beach vacation in Delaware, while contrasting the Mother's Day weekend getaway to former President Trump's massive rally in the historically blue state of New Jersey on Saturday.

"Supporters camped out overnight at the beach for a Trump rally that starts at 5PM today in Wildwood. Joe Biden can’t fill up a broom closet without staff, media, and angry protestors," one X user under the name Bad Hombre posted Saturday.

click to read on FOX NEWS :)
Give it up.
We saw the pics.
What we need are far less TDS type threads and more on the current president of the country whose campaigning obviously couldn't hold a candle to the former presidents.
We don't someone campaigning on grievances and hate. It serves no purpose in moving the country forward. Biden has a different approach. A quieter approach. He's more concerned about actually getting the stuff done than just giving lip service.

In other words, I wouldn't give one shit of Trump had rallies with 10 million strong. I still will not vote for him.
Biden would be better off back in the basement

At least he would have a lame excuse
Biden doesn't have to try to win. All he has to do is sit and watch Trump lose.
Just like last time.
Its 6 months until the election.

The Russian Collusion hoax was launched very early
As deflection/non sequiturs go, that was impressive.

Apart from Russian attempts to interference in the election being a proven fact, that has zero to do with the claims of you, Trump and fellow Trumpers that Biden stole the election via fraudulent ballots, and all of that garbage. You never caught him. So if he did it once, he will do it again- but even better.
What we need are far less TDS type threads and more on the current president of the country whose campaigning obviously couldn't hold a candle to the former presidents.
Campaigning doesn't start till nominations are named. Campaign season doesn't start two years before the election, that's just Trump hoping "Election interference!" will buy him some slack in his legal problems.
Biden is President of the United States. That's a full-time job. When an actual President is doing it.
80,000 might have been a conservative number, my bad. Some say closer to 100,000 by the time Trump hit the stage. (but... but... but... I only saw 100 people there!!) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Critics of President Biden are lambasting his beach vacation in Delaware, while contrasting the Mother's Day weekend getaway to former President Trump's massive rally in the historically blue state of New Jersey on Saturday.

"Supporters camped out overnight at the beach for a Trump rally that starts at 5PM today in Wildwood. Joe Biden can’t fill up a broom closet without staff, media, and angry protestors," one X user under the name Bad Hombre posted Saturday.

click to read on FOX NEWS :)
Who cares??? Bernie Sanders rallies were bigger than Trumps and??????? You people are very dense...I keep saying that that the only candidate Biden would want to face off in the election would be Trump. Dummy is on a very short list of people Biden could do nothing and win.
We don't someone campaigning on grievances and hate. It serves no purpose in moving the country forward. Biden has a different approach. A quieter approach. He's more concerned about actually getting the stuff done than just giving lip service.

Oh the irony! He couldn't even keep Trump's name out of the state of the union address, and his demeanor was anything but "quiet".

In other words, I wouldn't give one shit of Trump had rallies with 10 million strong. I still will not vote for him.

Do what you think is best. I couldn't care less who you vote for or why.
What we need are far less TDS type threads and more on the current president of the country whose campaigning obviously couldn't hold a candle to the former presidents.
I think what we really need is another thread on Trump's massive rally in NJ yesterday. Particularly since Vysky has only started 2 threads on it so far.
Is that an example of TDS?

But you are right, Biden couldn't hope to draw 30k fans to a NJ beach for a 90 minute nonsensical speach. Hear are a few other things Biden can't hope to outdo Trump on: Being indicted for 90+ felonies; being impeached twice; sparking an attack on our nation's capitol; and being successfully sued in 3 different civil suits and libel for damages of $600MM.

But hey, Trumpers- enjoy those rallies!
since we know what kind of constant liar Trump is regarding SIZE, now women (his affairs) know how to calculate his pee pee when he brags about it.

just multiply everything he says by .10%
I think what we really need is another thread on Trump's massive rally in NJ yesterday. Particularly since Vysky has only started 2 threads on it so far.
Is that an example of TDS?

But you are right, Biden couldn't hope to draw 30k fans to a NJ beach for a 90 minute nonsensical speach. Hear are a few other things Biden can't hope to outdo Trump on: Being indicted for 90+ felonies; being impeached twice; sparking an attack on our nation's capitol; and being successfully sued in 3 different civil suits and libel for damages of $600MM.

But hey, Trumpers- enjoy those rallies!
MAGA got their erections looking at the rally.
We can tell because there’s 4 or 5 threads about the same subject.
80,000 might have been a conservative number, my bad. Some say closer to 100,000 by the time Trump hit the stage. (but... but... but... I only saw 100 people there!!) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Critics of President Biden are lambasting his beach vacation in Delaware, while contrasting the Mother's Day weekend getaway to former President Trump's massive rally in the historically blue state of New Jersey on Saturday.

"Supporters camped out overnight at the beach for a Trump rally that starts at 5PM today in Wildwood. Joe Biden can’t fill up a broom closet without staff, media, and angry protestors," one X user under the name Bad Hombre posted Saturday.

click to read on FOX NEWS :)
The reality of it all:

Springsteen Fans Roast Trump For Bizarre Boast About Size Of New Jersey Crowd

But footage from the rally made those stats fairly hard to believe.

While Trump fans packed the rafters behind him, video showed an embarrassingly sparse crowd in front of the former president ― an audience that grew even thinner as his 90-plus-minute speech droned on.

Here is a pic of a Springsteen's rally:


Here is a video of the Trump rally. It doesn't look anything like Springsteen's rally.

In addition and probably more importantly.

Why are humans drawn to negativity?

Studies have shown that the brains' electrical activity increases when focusing on negative stimuli as compared to positive. According to neuropsychologist Dr. Rick Hanson, “The mind is like Velcro for negative experiences and Teflon for positive ones.”

This fact does suggest that Trump draws big crowds but it doesn't mean they will vote for him to become president.
There are lots of fake pictures of the rally. The Roger Stone one is just one of many. The real ones show there was nowhere near 80,000.
We learned all about crowd size BS on Trump's first day in office.
No matter how many times Trump and his followers are proven to be liars they just keep it up.

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