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Trump rips into Biden as upwards of 80,000 blue state voters flood beachfront rally: 'We're going to win' (1 Viewer)

Wildwood, NJ is slightly Republican. No way am I worried with Trump being ahead in five battleground states.

You, otoh, are very worried.
Do you have any idea how childish it sounds... to use playground taunts in serious political dialogue?
Trump predicts he will win New Jersey. Would you bet against him? (but Trump is a fascist dictator!!) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Former President Trump held a raucous rally in New Jersey, where on Saturday he confidently predicted he would easily win the Garden State on Election Day in November.

"We’re going to win New Jersey," the GOP frontrunner told the crowd to exuberant cheers. U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., who briefly shared the stage with Trump, dubbed the event as the largest political rally in the state of New Jersey. A spokesperson for the City of Wildwood told the Associated Press she estimated there were between 80,000 and 100,000 people at the rally.

read it here on Faux News :)


Trump rips into Biden as upwards of 80,000 blue state voters flood beachfront rally: 'We're going to win'

Notice, the OP thread title doesn't give folks any good reason to back Trump, other than Trump "rips" on his competition.

There is nothing positive in the thread title, nor in the title of the Fox News article it is echoing, no, nor is there any real positives in the article, it is all about crowd size and a nasty man nastily ripping on another man.

The OP's linked article is pure garbage (not surprising, look at the subject) in its context and content.

It gives a view of Trump once more spewing trash and lying before thousands of his clamoring and adoring simps, er I mean fans.

His claims sound like a broken record of his past two campaigns. "Like nobody has ever seen!"

It boggles the mind to see folks fall for it a third time around.

It is like, "Fool me once, fool me twice, ooh, keep doing that!"

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