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Trump reaches number of delegates needed to clinch nomination (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Donald Trump reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination for president Thursday, completing an unlikely rise that has upended the political landscape and set the stage for a bitter fall campaign.
Trump was put over the top in the Associated Press delegate count by a small number of the party's unbound delegates who told the AP they would support him at the national convention in July. Among them is Oklahoma GOP chairwoman Pam Pollard.

And Hillary Clinton will be clinching the nomination for the Dems in the next two weeks. So, it's pretty much official.

The nominees are Asshole and Asshole.... The winner? Who gives a ****? The loser? The American people.

"I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. You, sir and lady, are no Jack Kennedy. WTF??"

~Lloyd Bentsen (Fabrication of part of his quote submitted by yours truly :mrgreen:)

Article is here.
Looks like establishment Republicans will be hitting the bar a little early today.

"No ice, no water, and a very tall glass."
Now the GOP just has to pray that if he's ever sworn into the Presidency he'll actually have meant even a small fraction of the conservative positions he claims to have taken. One thing I can guarantee: he's going to set the international stage on fire. If you thought George W. Bush's international policy was bad, you ain't seen nothin.' At that point when the Bush "miss me yet?" meme is passed around again I'll finally answer "Yes, yes I think I do."
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Ugh. Did you really have my ruin my day with that news. It was going so nicely too.
Campaign Theme Song should be "Wrecking Ball" - Miley Cyrus
And Hillary Clinton will be clinching the nomination for the Dems in the next two weeks. So, it's pretty much official.

The nominees are Asshole and Asshole.... The winner? Who gives a ****? The loser? The American people.

"I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. You, sir and lady, are no Jack Kennedy. WTF??"

~Lloyd Bentsen (Fabrication of part of his quote submitted by yours truly :mrgreen:)

Article is here.

It's been asshole v asshole the past several elections. No change. Status quo, here we.come.

Though Hillary v Trump....this is going to be ugly, this is going to be dirty, this is going to be the .ost embarrassing election America has had in recent history.
Meanwhile, Bernie keeps winning states and losing delegate counts.
Meanwhile, Bernie keeps winning states and losing delegate counts.

Meanwhile, Bernie keeps winning states and losing delegate counts.
At some point, one would think the Bernie protesters at Trump rallies would start protesting Hillery.
Looks like establishment Republicans will be hitting the bar a little early today.

"No ice, no water, and a very tall glass."
They will probably be using that money Trump donated to their campaigns and wondering if he will give them the same praise that he used to should he win the presidency.
And Hillary Clinton will be clinching the nomination for the Dems in the next two weeks. So, it's pretty much official.

The nominees are Asshole and Asshole.... The winner? Who gives a ****? The loser? The American people.

"I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. You, sir and lady, are no Jack Kennedy. WTF??"

~Lloyd Bentsen (Fabrication of part of his quote submitted by yours truly :mrgreen:)

Article is here.

Basically is a race between the democrat front runner and her donor.

Clinton will probably be doing this to Trump in November.
And Hillary Clinton will be clinching the nomination for the Dems in the next two weeks. So, it's pretty much official.

The nominees are Asshole and Asshole.... The winner? Who gives a ****? The loser? The American people.

"I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. You, sir and lady, are no Jack Kennedy. WTF??"

~Lloyd Bentsen (Fabrication of part of his quote submitted by yours truly :mrgreen:)

Article is here.

Well, while Trump is talking about building a wall, Hillary wants to get rid of the border all together by declaring Amnesty for millions of illegals [and their chain families not here yet] by way of EO in her first 100 days.
Also while Trump is a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment, Hillary would have recognize international weapons laws that would tend to disarm us.

Just a couple of ditties to think about.
At some point, one would think the Bernie protesters at Trump rallies would start protesting Hillery.

When they do, conservatives will move in and take their places.
What a bizarre election campaign.
Trump reaches number of delegates needed to clinch nomination

Nothing surprising here, nothing to see.....move along folks.
And Hillary Clinton will be clinching the nomination for the Dems in the next two weeks. So, it's pretty much official.

The nominees are Asshole and Asshole.... The winner? Who gives a ****? The loser? The American people.

I find it very difficult to have sympathy for the American people when the two assholes clinched their nominations through a (largely) democratic process.
I hear in his convention speech Trump will assert the right of prima nocta over all Democrats' wives. should be cool
Now the GOP just has to pray that if he's ever sworn into the Presidency he'll actually have meant even a small fraction of the conservative positions he claims to have taken. One thing I can guarantee: he's going to set the international stage on fire. If you thought George W. Bush's international policy was bad, you ain't seen nothin.' At that point when the Bush "miss me yet?" meme is passed around again I'll finally answer "Yes, yes I think I do."

We haven't seen good foreign policy in a very long time. and honestly as bad as Bush was on some foreign policy issues, look at the Obama administration and well most of the flubs there were while Hillary was S of State. So we have just circled the drain in that aspect.
So Cruz, who spent years learning how to work a convention, spent a lot of time and money on it, hired the right people, did it well, sees all that work go for nothing.

We haven't seen good foreign policy in a very long time. and honestly as bad as Bush was on some foreign policy issues, look at the Obama administration and well most of the flubs there were while Hillary was S of State. So we have just circled the drain in that aspect.

Obama's problem has been a lack of a clear goal in our international policy. He did not, however, single handedly destabilize the entire Middle East nor has he shown the extraordinary zeal for alienating our allies and neighbors as Trump has done. On the ally front, the worst it got with George W. Bush was that infantile freedom fry idiocy. If Trump is sworn into office, then he's eight months out and already he's itching for a fight with Mexico and the UK.
So Cruz, who spent years learning how to work a convention, spent a lot of time and money on it, hired the right people, did it well, sees all that work go for nothing.


His problem was alienating everybody who ever worked with them, and stabbing some of his co-workers in the back whenever he had the chance. A psycho like him doesn't endear himself to anybody who could help him obtain power.
Obama's problem has been a lack of a clear goal in our international policy. He did not, however, single handedly destabilize the entire Middle East nor has he shown the extraordinary zeal for alienating our allies and neighbors as Trump has done. On the ally front, the worst it got with George W. Bush was that infantile freedom fry idiocy. If Trump is sworn into office, then he's eight months out and already he's itching for a fight with Mexico and the UK.

Libya, Egypt, Syria? I would say more destabilization happened in the last 7-8 years than in the previous 8
scares me to consider that Clinton is such a piss poor candidate that this idiot has any path to victory in the general. scares me even more that she's the only candidate i can vote for in order to stop him, and i can't think of one thing i have ever heard her say that doesn't sound scripted and chosen specifically for political advantage.

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