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Trump hit with gag order in New York hush money case after slamming judge (1 Viewer)

It's not even that. It's a civil campaign finance case that Bragg somehow turned into a criminal matter.
Falsifying business records no matter how you cut it is illegal anywhere. When you falsify them to cover up a campaign violation, it becomes a felony.

The bottom line is this is a hush money case in different clothing. Considering the lawyer who worked for Trump and the porn star herself will be the star witnesses.
You can call it what you want, but we all know what it was. Trump was covering up facts that may have cost him the election had they come out. In other words, he blatantly lied to the voters to get himself elected and committed crimes while he did it.

It most certainly was election interference.
He appears to already be majorly tucking off the judge. Dood this is a felony case not some civil crap. YOU COULD BE SENTENCED TO PRISON!
Up to 4 years per charge. 34 charges. He best shut the hell up, or he may find himself at Rikers.
Anybody want to take a guess at the first sentence? Did the gag order make him blow a fuse?

Which is really interesting because in this hush money case where trump screwed a pornstar while his wife was home with their baby Stormy has said that there is no anatomical reason why she would have gagged.
Trump has a bit to say about Colangelo and, clearly, that must be stopped immediately. ;)
Falsifying business records no matter how you cut it is illegal anywhere. When you falsify them to cover up a campaign violation, it becomes a felony.

The bottom line is this is a hush money case in different clothing. Considering the lawyer who worked for Trump and the porn star herself will be the star witnesses.
You can call it what you want, but we all know what it was. Trump was covering up facts that may have cost him the election had they come out. In other words, he blatantly lied to the voters to get himself elected and committed crimes while he did it.

It most certainly was election interference.
Not a hush money case. Again. And not election interference.

This is my stop. Enjoy your evening.
I never thought I would see so many grown men my age and older playing the victim every day.

It almost feels like it's the entire Republican base.
It's been his schtick his entire career. Every failure of his was someone else's fault.
He appears to already be majorly tucking off the judge. Dood this is a felony case not some civil crap. YOU COULD BE SENTENCED TO PRISON!
Typically these types of convictions warrant probation, but for the good of our democracy, a 2 year sentence without possibility of parole would be excellent. Bring back Nikki Haley.
Anybody want to take a guess at the first sentence? Did the gag order make him blow a fuse?

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I’d say he thinks the ACA and Obamacare are different like most Republicans but he clearly knows. It’s so confusing. Are Republicans going to be pro Obamacare now? Up really is down.
He'll get a fine of about $5K. Not really a big deal for him.
He'll be a convicted felon. How ironic would it be if the republican presidential candidate can't even cast a vote in the next election because he's lost his civil rights.
i'm old enough to remember when presidents didn't attempt insurrections and have to go to trial for screwing porn stars/paying them to shut up and then having judges have to gag them.

such simpler times.
Which is really interesting because in this hush money case where trump screwed a pornstar while his wife was home with their baby Stormy has said that there is no anatomical reason why she would have gagged.


I love her.
Trump has a bit to say about Colangelo and, clearly, that must be stopped immediately. ;)
this is literally a criminal case where your boy could be sentenced to prison.

he won't stop attacking the judge, the judge's family, the prosecutors, the witnesses and the jury. it's just what your boy does.
this is literally a criminal case where your boy could be sentenced to prison.

he won't stop attacking the judge, the judge's family, the prosecutors, the witnesses and the jury. it's just what your boy does.
It is startling what, I can only assume are people who had some sense decency, are now willing to accept. They have been convinced that this type of rhetoric is acceptable and even commendable. It's alarming to see what the effects a politician can have on a persons sense of decency and basic values.
They need to throw him on jail for a few days. This type of rhetoric is unacceptable and from someone running for the highest office in the land it is reprehensible and in my view disqualifying.
Did I say he is incapable of learning lessons? I think I did....

Remember when the psychopath did this very same thing with Judge Engoron’s wife, it had originated with Looney Laura Loomer and it wasn’t even his wife’s account?

Guess where he got that from? Yep, Looney Laura Loomer again.

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