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Trump hit with gag order in New York hush money case after slamming judge (1 Viewer)

Trump has never learned that rules apply equally to him, so he has no reason to change.
He has, in fact, repeatedly been shown the rules don't really apply to him. Our apparatus of justice is not designed to punish people like him.
He has, in fact, repeatedly been shown the rules don't really apply to him. Our apparatus of justice is not designed to punish people like him.
Trump is incapable of learning that this tactic only causes him problems. Maybe a few days in the pokey would enable the learning part of his brain again.
He has, in fact, repeatedly been shown the rules don't really apply to him. Our apparatus of justice is not designed to punish people like him.
That needs to change immediately. His bond amount should have never been lowered.

If he was only known as a number in the legal system instead of his name, then none of these bennies would have never been given to him.
Trump is incapable of learning that this tactic only causes him problems. Maybe a few days in the pokey would enable the learning part of his brain again.
Does it? Does it cause him problems? How many gag orders has he been given already? Has anything changed his behavior in the slightest?
Why is Trump allowed to violate gag orders without punishment? Would a common guy be allowed to do this? Of course not. Are we gonna teach this scumbag that the judicial system has rules or not? Put him in jail for t least a week for this crap. And if it continues, increase the jail time. Problem might be solved
Rather ironic all this from the mango muppet. His lawyers have just argued (unsuccessfully) that the case can't proceed because there is so much publicity that they won't be able to get a jury who hasn't already been influenced by the public news. So what does the MM do? He goes out with mass publicity to try and influence the potential jury. He truly does believe that laws shouldn't apply to people painted orange!

The quicker Trump's behind bars, the better it is for all of us.
Trump has never learned that rules apply equally to him, so he has no reason to change.

Unless you take-away his money, as E. Jean Carroll did.

After her verdict, he sure shut-up fast about her!
Clearly don't understand the law here. There are underlying crimes (campaign finance and others) that upgrade the charges to criminal.


But just as with John Edwards, making the nexus is going to be quite difficult - I believe.
Unless you take-away his money, as E. Jean Carroll did.

After her verdict, he sure shut-up fast about her!
He still has not suffered financially from those actions.

But just as with John Edwards, making the nexus is going to be quite difficult - I believe.
I don't think so. It appears this is clearly a document crime.
The problem may be in selecting the jury.
He'll get a fine of about $5K. Not really a big deal for him.

Perhaps for his first violation, perhaps not.

We (& Trump) need to remember this is a criminal trial, this time around.

Criminal Court Judges don't screw-around with Contempt! They'll often toss you right in the pokey for a day or two to cool your heels, on your first violation.

I hope that the court doesn't treat Trump any differently than Joe Citizen. If so, Trump might be in for a stratospheric awakening.

One last item:

If a Criminal Court Judge orders Contempt, custody is usually taken immediately. There's no waiting for Appeal, the defendant is cuffed and immediately taken to the lock-up, where he awaits whatever judicial relief his legal team may attempt to effect.
He appears to already be majorly tucking off the judge. Dood this is a felony case not some civil crap. YOU COULD BE SENTENCED TO PRISON!

Good point.

You have to think like FPOTUS#45.

He want to goad a reaction from the Judge to make a mistake which could then be used on appeal.

I’d say he thinks the ACA and Obamacare are different like most Republicans but he clearly knows. It’s so confusing. Are Republicans going to be pro Obamacare now? Up really is down.

I've totally given-up trying to figure-out the Republican Party platform.

They seem to be acting more like a candidate campaign apparatus, and less like a political party.
They need to throw him on jail for a few days. This type of rhetoric is unacceptable and from someone running for the highest office in the land it is reprehensible and in my view disqualifying.

Yeah, I agree. That's usually the way these things are handled in criminal cases.

I hope Trump gets no slack in excess of the common citizen.
Trump is incapable of learning that this tactic only causes him problems. Maybe a few days in the pokey would enable the learning part of his brain again.


He got burned with the $454M, and freaked-out.

Now he needs some jail-time.

He'll learn (eventually).

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