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Trump Declines NAACP Invite (1 Viewer)

Why on Earth would Trump be called out because he doesn't go to an NAACP event? He isn't obligated.
Why on Earth would Trump be called out because he doesn't go to an NAACP event? He isn't obligated.

For the exact reason why Presidential candidates not attending a NAWSA convention during an election year one hundred years ago: it reflects your views on issues affecting X demographic.
For the exact reason why Presidential candidates not attending a NAWSA convention during an election year one hundred years ago: it reflects your views on issues affecting X demographic.

So if PETA invites him to their annual event, he's obligated to attend. If the Brotherhood of Catholic Priests invite him to their event, he's obligated to attend. They have issues that impact them. Is that right?
So if PETA invites him to their annual event, he's obligated to attend. If the Brotherhood of Catholic Priests invite him to their event, he's obligated to attend. They have issues that impact them. Is that right?

It can, yes.

A Presidential candidate ordinarily picks big organization's and advocacy networks to give their big plank speeches and supports and demonstrate their support and all encompassing bona fides.

Nearly 2 months ago Trump visited a Petroleum Industry Summit, which he gave his "energy speech." Democrats tend to be absent from that event, and were. It was basically a Republican-big business-oil industry gathering. Why? Because they tend to identify with those issues more.
It can, yes.

A Presidential candidate ordinarily picks big organization's and advocacy networks to give their big plank speeches and supports.

Nearly 2 months ago Trump visited a Petroleum Industry Summit, which he gave his "energy speech." Democrats tend to be absent from that event, and were. It was basically a Republican-big business-oil industry gathering. Why? Because they tend to identify with those issues more.

What support should Trump care about when it comes to the NAACP? 90% of blacks vote Democrat no matter what anyways.
What support should Trump care about when it comes to the NAACP? 90% of blacks vote Democrat no matter what anyways.

I addressed that point in an earlier post.
It can, yes.

A Presidential candidate ordinarily picks big organization's and advocacy networks to give their big plank speeches and supports and demonstrate their support and all encompassing bona fides.

Nearly 2 months ago Trump visited a Petroleum Industry Summit, which he gave his "energy speech." Democrats tend to be absent from that event, and were. It was basically a Republican-big business-oil industry gathering. Why? Because they tend to identify with those issues more.

I don't think any candidate is obligated to attend any group's gatherings. Ever.
Where are you getting this whole segregation argument from anyway?

Are you saying because someone opposes leftists, they are suddenly pro-segregation? LMAO. If so, what kind of crap you been smokin? lol I might try some :)

......That is literally the only reason the NAACP was founded. What kind of crap are you drinking?
1910 has come and gone. People, groups and issues change. Seeing the NAACP for what it is does not mean supporting segregation.

But: A group that seeks only to advance colored people is professing itself to be discriminatory.

Advancement of colored people =/= discrimination.
I don't think any candidate is obligated to attend any group's gatherings. Ever.

They aren't obligated, but it is a clear signal where their priorities and supports are.

The Democrats are mostly absent from traditional energy industry, because they don't like them. Thus that constituency knows where a lot of Democrats are, especially Presidential candidates, by Democrats not taking it seriously enough to come to it.

And as such, it becomes a talking point against the candidate.
They aren't obligated, but it is a clear signal where their priorities and supports are.

The Democrats are mostly absent from traditional energy industry, because they don't like them. Thus that constituency knows where a lot of Democrats are, especially Presidential candidates, by not taking it seriously enough to come to it.

And as such, it becomes a talking point against the candidate.

I would say the same thing if the subject here was Hillary. I'm sensing that some think he has an obligation to the NAACP. He doesn't. Just like I don't think anyone should decide where Hillary should go. Whether they are potential voters or not, the candidates should get to accept and decline invitations without being shamed. The NAACP is no more important than any other organization in this country, and he can't interact with all of them.
Not so sure that the timing of the NAACP conference to coincide with the RNC's convention is all that arbitrary.
I would say the same thing if the subject here was Hillary. I'm sensing that some think he has an obligation to the NAACP. He doesn't. Just like I don't think anyone should decide where Hillary should go. Whether they are potential voters or not, the candidates should get to accept and decline invitations without being shamed. The NAACP is no more important than any other organization in this country, and he can't interact with all of them.

Again, they aren't obligated, but it sends loud messages when you don't attend.

That's basic political campaigning. These candidates get that. We don't need to be overly sympathetic here.
Advancement of colored people =/= discrimination.

A group that labels itself as advancing colored people is using a phrase I'm not allowed to use to discriminate based on color.
The NAACP is a racist org. by it very definition. Would you support a organization that purports to oppose racism, yet it's board is almost exclusively one race (I was only able to find one person on their national board who wasn't black)?? If they were truly opposed to racism, then we should expect that they wouldn't have a racist name and would have a racially balanced board.
You forget Rachel Dolezal who was the leader of the NAACP who ..."identified with black folks" even if she wasn't black (even while she claimed to be black). Why do you suppose Ms. Dolezal insisted she was black?
......That is literally the only reason the NAACP was founded. What kind of crap are you drinking?

Okay, so what though. What does segregation have to do with DJT not kissing leftist a$$?
A group that labels itself as advancing colored people is using a phrase I'm not allowed to use to discriminate based on color.

Uhhhh because white isn't a ****ing color. I thought you rightists were supposed to be against political correctness.
In other words, Trump just informed the blacks of America, "I don't need you, and I really don't give a damn what you think."

And no one is really surprised.

Of course, the fine fellows over at Stormfront just had a organization-wide orgasm over this, I'm sure.

not to mention the para-members here at DP.
Uhhhh because white isn't a ****ing color. I thought you rightists were supposed to be against political correctness.

White isn't a color? A crayola box has both and white. But we are not speaking of colors like in a box of crayolas, but rather in the context of race.

I am against political correctness. I'd prefer advancing all people.
Look, I'm pretty pissed off at the Left myself concerning this election season - but the NAACP is not part of that cesspool. They were founded in the early 1900's-1910's to concentrate on overturning Jim Crow laws that legalized segregation.

What are you defending segregation now? What is the issue with the NAACP if it got rid of segregation? There's literally no reason to hate the NAACP unless you're a supporter of segregation.

Would you support a NAAWP? (National Association for the Advancement of White People.)

I mean, if equality is what we are going for and all.....
In other words, Trump just informed the blacks of America, "I don't need you, and I really don't give a damn what you think."

And no one is really surprised.

Of course, the fine fellows over at Stormfront just had a organization-wide orgasm over this, I'm sure.

You really are clueless aren't you. He is supposed to cancel his other obligations to pander to a racists organization.
You really are clueless aren't you. He is supposed to cancel his other obligations to pander to a racists organization.

C'mon, guy - you're not that naive. You know better...yes, you do. ANY serious presidential candidate would happily cancel pretty much any other single night's "obligation" in order to try to earn a higher percentage of THIRTY-freaking-MILLION votes.

What's sad is that y'all know doggone well why...but none of you have the intestinal fortitude to admit it.

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