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Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un[W:193] (1 Viewer)

OldFatGuy said:
I traveled extensively in Europe last summer. The people, wherever we went, loved Trump. But they hated their politicians more than we hated ours before Trump. One of the venues we played was a beer hall in Belgium. The mayor stood up to give us a welcoming speech, he was unconscious in less than 15 seconds, thanks to flying beer steins, some full. A shame to waste quality beer. Outside of the labor parties, no one in public admits to being on the left.

A paraphrase of what we often heard:

"We are for the rights of the worker to fair pay, be we hate Merkel and the Turkish (read Syrian or just plain muslim) immigrants." Which country didn't matter, it was the same wherever we went. Deaf tourists don't hear the people.
I don't know where in Europe you traveled but every one of my European friends has nothing but disdain for Trump. None of them think that he has any knowledge, depth or insight that a world leader should have. My German friends admire Merkel but not Trump.

These views are confirmed by Pew Research:


The only place where Trump gets high grades is... wait for it.... Russia.
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Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

And the summit is off again.
Abe is still pleased. He can get the U.S. back to the drawing board to actually...think about this...for a while before running off into a photo op.

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Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

In addition to NK's threat to cancel the summit themselves last Wednesday, North Koreas vice minister of foreign affairs, Choe Son Hui issued this challenge ....

KCNA: "We will neither beg the U.S. for dialogue nor take the trouble to persuade them if they do not want to sit together with us. Whether the U.S. will meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the decision…of the U.S."
5:09 PM - 23 May 2018

Previously announced:

Pyongyang also issued a chilly warning to the U.S. about the planned June summit with President Donald Trump, suggesting the fate of the historic meeting could also be in peril if Washington insisted on “unilateral nuclear abandonment.”

North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks with Seoul in protest of recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States and South Korea.

With all the continuing threats to nuke America and attempts to derail any talks, the President was well advised to call off any such meeting until NK is willing to agree without threats. But all the Chamberlains here, once again, want to extend an olive branch at any cost, believing in the sincerity of NK Kim.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Could you please explain how he was cringing, played, and pouting?

And before you answer, please put aside your apparent hatred for Trump for just one moment. Why on Earth should the United States be bending over backwards to engage in negotiations with such a clearly-untrustworthy government ruled over by a squat little serial killer like Kim Jong Un? Especially when the North Koreans have gone back on every deal or agreement they have made with other World Powers for nearly the last three decades?

What exactly are we realistically going to get out of these negotiations? Sudden disarmament of North Korea and rapprochement? It is to laugh.

Listen, you are asking for the impossible here. Look at all the leftists posts here. There are 29 pages of Trump hatred, pure stupidity, and absolutely zero critical thinking or even one cogent argument. They do not even have a clue as to what happened or what is going on.

To them, the U.S. being walked all over and embarrassed by a country that is well beneath us, as long as any kind of deal is made, is a victory. They know nothing about standing up for your country, doing what is in the best interest of the United States, and sending a message that we will not accept that kind of behavior. That is completely lost on them.

So, don't hold your breath waiting for them to get two brain cells to fire in sequence, it won't happen.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Abe is still pleased. He can get the U.S. back to the drawing board to actually...think about this...for a while before running off into a photo op.

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Wouldn't "getting the U.S. back to the drawing board" require that the U.S. have a policy?
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un


This is clearly a...



Nevertheless... I think throngs of GOP governors and congressman should submit trump for the nobel prize. Oh wait... they already did.

That letter to Un did have a sort of a jilted tone to it. Didn't it?

I don't know where in Europe you traveled but every one of my European friends has nothing but disdain for Trump. None of them think that he has any knowledge, depth or insight that a world leader should have.The only place where Trump gets high grades is... wait for it.... Russia.

Hahah, one of these things is not like the others.

Go it alone Trump! Tell these supporters you're a man of the people, they actually believe it! The crazier, the more they love it. Tell them you fight for the little guy! Wait wait...tell them you went to the best schools, and are a genius, and then tell them you fight against the "intelligentsia"!

How about promise big, and then don't deliver! That's catastrophe for most people, but for you, they will just love you more! Hey, why don't you engage with our foreign adversary and use them to help win the election, and then pay them back with easing of sanctions and such...and tell your supporters that it's "America first!". The more insanely false it is, the more they will love it!
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

ROTFLOL... You better hope he doesn’t become competent then... ROTFLMFAO...

Oh!!! Folds? You mean folding up the previous admin’s tent... I agree.

Folds? Like...

Paris... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
TPP... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
Iran... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
Cuba... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
ObamaCare... mostly folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.

Yep... he’s done a lot of folding in 16-months.

PS. Worship? No... I don’t worship any man. But I do love a lot of what he has done.

So you are claiming that trump is somehow a success when all of his accomplishments have been nust destroying progress?

All those deals he claimed were terrible and that he could negotiate so much bigger and better deals that would just be so easy and beautiful, yet all we have seen is destruction of progress.

When will we see these wonderful deals promised by the great negotiator?

My prediction is never because all trump is is a con artist with delusions of grandeur.
Face it. It wasn't going to happen anyways. Why? Because one of the parties is a megamaniacal nut job. And so is Kim Jong Un. LOL.

Man, how did I miss this today?

But somewhere in my posting history is my calling the possibility of success as equivocally "not happening", with my very first post on the subject. Not that it took any thought or effort, to figure out!

And then there's the Republican Party con artists pushing to their believers that Trump will get the Nobel, and some of them believed it!


We live in some pretty delusional & ****ed-up times, I'll say that!
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

I think most of us knew that it was never going to happen. So this isn’t even shocking.

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The only thing shocking, was that some believed Trump would succeed in getting Kim to give up them up! Well that, and the Nobel Peace Prize was already sewn up.

Such delusion ...
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

It was Kim who proposed a summit, Trump accepted, Kim offered denuclearization, Trump demanded this be verified, Kim engaged in a masterful PR effort with South Korea, Moon embraced this, Kim waxed on peaceful reunification, Moon promised development assistance... Now Kim reverts to nuclear threats, Trump say's maybe no deal, what is Trump doing wrong?
Just curious, do you know where proceeds from the sale of that medal go?
Mine will go to Planned Parenthood. ;)

Sent from a memo written by Nunes and edited by Trump.
I was never convinced that any good could come from two billion dollar baby megalomaniacs who were both raised to believe they are super human and superior to all others on earth, and everything you do is beautiful, wonderful and perfect.

If you put these two twin personalities together at the negotiating table the only guaranteed response is going to be failure and hissy fits.

We are better off waiting to deal with nc when we have a true leader in office rather than a cartoon character.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

The Little Un has a habit of being a dick... probably from previous administrations and other world leaders performing fellatio in hopes things will improve.

Trump doesn’t do dick.

I guess you would know, we can see from your avatar what your fantasies are.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Better no deal than bad deal. Wouldn't you agree?

Yes I would, but it seems Mr. Adverse Gassy Ass can't make a DEAL at all. "The art of the Squeal" by Donald Adverse Trump (credited to but not written by NOT djt).
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Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Yes I would, but it seems Mr. Adverse Gassy Ass can't make a DEAL at all. "The art of the Squeal" by Donald Adverse Trump (credited to but not written by NOT djt).

Why do you say he can't? Just because there hasn't been an agreement doesn't show inability on President Trump's part.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

You have an active imagination.

Of course, you were right there next to me. Fortunately, you weren't, and you have no idea what is going on in Europe.

If you did, you'd understand his politics, nor his finances are what make Trump popular in Europe, it was his campaign promise to drive the status quo crazy. And he's done that. Now for a reminder, it wasn't that long ago that we saw atrocity after atrocity against muslims during the Balkan wars. The Christians of eastern Europe have never forgiven the depredations of the Ottoman invaders, nor their Moor predecessors in southern Europe. And the northern germanic Europeans hate everyone, including each other. Remember the real Vlad Dracula, he is still a hero for impaling the hated Turks on the roadsides. Civilization is a very thin veneer. I don't need to ask how the everyday Germans applauded the victimization of the holocaust, because nothing has changed.

I was on tour as a musical chaperone (along with my wife) with my nephew and niece, two very accomplished musicians, still attending a well known high end NYC music high school for the performing arts. Typically liberal, idealist and with a romantic view of life (not to be confused with personal romance). Their visions of the world pleased me, as they should even tho they were naive. They came home with their visions of life modified far more than they expected by the reality of what they encountered. They were very appreciative, and far less critical of their lives here after their sojourn. They enjoyed the people, the welcome, and the new to them cultures they encountered, yet were shocked by the lack of tolerance, and the innate cruelty expressed.

You will never understand what you have here, until you lose it.

Keep insulting me, it won't change reality. Not yours or anyone else's. It is a cruel world we inhabit.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

LOL. Just about everyone on the left said that Trump should not be meeting Kim and now they blast him for cancelling the meeting.

So you say, but NOT true.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Why do you say he can't? Just because there hasn't been an agreement doesn't show inability on President Trump's part.

Your buddy zimmer said it; "he doesn't do dick" and hasn't and won't; not in the last year, not in the next 3, not in 100. His presidency will go down in history as the biggest waste of time and money … in United States History. Two trips to NK (and incalculable man hours)por NADA; for example.
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Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Of course, you were right there next to me. Fortunately, you weren't, and you have no idea what is going on in Europe.

If you did, you'd understand his politics, nor his finances are what make Trump popular in Europe, it was his campaign promise to drive the status quo crazy. And he's done that. Now for a reminder, it wasn't that long ago that we saw atrocity after atrocity against muslims during the Balkan wars. The Christians of eastern Europe have never forgiven the depredations of the Ottoman invaders, nor their Moor predecessors in southern Europe. And the northern germanic Europeans hate everyone, including each other. Remember the real Vlad Dracula, he is still a hero for impaling the hated Turks on the roadsides. Civilization is a very thin veneer. I don't need to ask how the everyday Germans applauded the victimization of the holocaust, because nothing has changed.

I was on tour as a musical chaperone (along with my wife) with my nephew and niece, two very accomplished musicians, still attending a well known high end NYC music high school for the performing arts. Typically liberal, idealist and with a romantic view of life (not to be confused with personal romance). Their visions of the world pleased me, as they should even tho they were naive. They came home with their visions of life modified far more than they expected by the reality of what they encountered. They were very appreciative, and far less critical of their lives here after their sojourn. They enjoyed the people, the welcome, and the new to them cultures they encountered, yet were shocked by the lack of tolerance, and the innate cruelty expressed.

You will never understand what you have here, until you lose it.

Keep insulting me, it won't change reality. Not yours or anyone else's. It is a cruel world we inhabit.

I was in Europe for a month in April.

Talked to tons of people, friends, acquaintances, strangers and family.

I think I have a grasp on the reality. And it’s confirmed by both objective data as shown in this thread and by just reading newspapers from Europe.

So I repeat. You have an active imagination.
I don't know where in Europe you traveled but every one of my European friends has nothing but disdain for Trump. None of them think that he has any knowledge, depth or insight that a world leader should have. My German friends admire Merkel but not Trump.

No doubt part of the same choir you belong to.

Wherever we traveled it was the same. We didn't stay in hotels, we didn't dine at tourist traps, we stayed as guests in people's homes, drank at their pubs and taverns, and heard or saw, or both firsthand from everyday people who hate politics and politicians. People who prefer not to vote, not to participate with corruption of politics. Not much different than the people we tend to associate with here. Frankly I don't believe you enjoy the convenience of European friends, nor your charts and pretty graphs. Sample surveys can all too easily be created to evince answers that their authors desire. They are never impartial and objective.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

I was in Europe for a month in April.

Talked to tons of people, friends, acquaintances, strangers and family.

I think I have a grasp on the reality. And it’s confirmed by both objective data as shown in this thread and by just reading newspapers from Europe.

So I repeat. You have an active imagination.

Wow! A whole month. Yup a whole month. Tons of people, well, maybe by weight if they were really fat. Until we married 4 years ago, my wife commuted between Europe and the US on a bi-weekly basis. I averaged one week out of four in Europe for 20 years until I retired 2 1/2 years ago, for my pleasure and family. So what? Your love of the media means nothing to me. Exactly how many languages do you read fluently? Or speak? I likely have more family in Europe alone, than you have friends, real friends. Honestly, I have 5 real friends still alive, men I'd trust and have trusted with my life, and two of them are not aware of who they are, living in nursing homes. I also doubt you know what a real friend means. Don't bandy words about when you don't understand them.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Funny watching you talk about the "MAGA train" in a thread about a trump failure. :lol:
He's such an idiot he can grasp that this IS a Trump failure - a major one.

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