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Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un[W:193] (1 Viewer)

All I can say is that Trump talking to North Korea is a good thing, talking costs nothing except time

What I find funny is how many of the people now supporting Trump talking to NK were people horribly upset at the prospect of Obama talking to NK


I am sure I can find on DP many conservative posters who were dead set against talking to NK when Obama was president, yet now are strongly supportive. Heck I expect they changed their attitudes from the last time NK was testing nukes. I expect the change occurred when Trump said he was going to talk to NK
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Shut out by Europe also...The SPIEF taking place in St Petersburg Russia this weekend....Macron and Merkle working with Putin leaving the US out in the cold

Greetings, Saladin4. :2wave:

That's all Trump needs at the present time - a meeting in Russia with Putin! :mrgreen: Is it possible that we were invited and perhaps declined?

Macron and Merkel governments both buy their oil and gas from Russia - we don't - so a "cold shoulder" might be a improvement over the "hot seat" he's grown accustomed to lately....
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Alright, I don't want to beat this to death over semantics, but my list is not opinion; it's fact. Which was my point ...

Then put meat on your bullets, and we'll talk. Bullets are opinion.

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