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Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un[W:193] (2 Viewers)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
President Donald Trump has canceled his historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un next month.

The meeting, which would have marked the first face-to-face encounter between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader, was set for June 12 in the southeastern Asian island city state.

Face it. It wasn't going to happen anyways. Why? Because one of the parties is a megamaniacal nut job. And so is Kim Jong Un. LOL.

Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

But, but, but, but, but, but, but.....


Trump is such a cringing little *****. Played like a bitch and now pouting like one.

Projecting (again)?

I think this entire thing is far from being played out. We will see.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Projecting (again)?

I think this entire thing is far from being played out. We will see.

No. Please have someone explain 'projection' to you and try again.

Good luck with your magical thinking.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Back to Peace Through Tweet, I see.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Face it. It wasn't going to happen anyways. Why? Because one of the parties is a megamaniacal nut job. And so is Kim Jong Un. LOL.



This is clearly a...



Nevertheless... I think throngs of GOP governors and congressman should submit trump for the nobel prize. Oh wait... they already did.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Face it. It wasn't going to happen anyways. Why? Because one of the parties is a megamaniacal nut job. And so is Kim Jong Un. LOL.https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/24/tru...ith-north-korea-leader-kim-is-cancelled-.html

That's the funniest thing I've read in ages. +10!

Color me shocked. The summit didn't happen. I'm sure all the citizens of Trump Fan Nation who were bragging about the great Donald, the world's most wonderful negotiator and the man who was going to save humankind, will come in here to express their disappointment. Or not.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

No. Please have someone explain 'projection' to you and try again.

Good luck with your magical thinking.

It's okay buddy. I realize your TDS has created so much angst and emotional discomfort that you feel the need to lash out at everything and everyone.
Hopefully, one day that improves.

Until then, sit back and enjoy the ride on the MAGA train!

I think the cancellation is just one step in reshaping the platform for discussion with North Korea. China is tinkering with it, Kim has his internal issues (challenges to his recent overtures that we probably don't even realize).

But as to you... hang in there!

Have a nice day!

Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

It's okay buddy. I realize your TDS has created so much angst and emotional discomfort that you feel the need to lash out at everything and everyone.
Hopefully, one day that improves.

Until then, sit back and enjoy the ride on the MAGA train!

I think the cancellation is just one step in reshaping the platform for discussion with North Korea. China is tinkering with it, Kim has his internal issues (challenges to his recent overtures that we probably don't even realize).

But as to you... hang in there!

Have a nice day!


Funny watching you talk about the "MAGA train" in a thread about a trump failure. :lol:
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

**** it sucks being right all the time.

Now, who wants to lay bets that North and South Korea still work out their ****, without Dump, with China, Russia, and the EU standing protectively behind them? I'm sure there are some staunch conservatives that would give me good odds... ;)
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

It's okay buddy. I realize your TDS has created so much angst and emotional discomfort that you feel the need to lash out at everything and everyone.
Hopefully, one day that improves.

No one here is interested in your fantasy life, 'buddy'. No angst and no discomfort, but I can tell by your post that facing reality clearly has you on the edge of tears again.

Your god got played like a bitch, and you just can't face that fact.
Until then, sit back and enjoy the ride on the MAGA train!

I think the cancellation is just one step in reshaping the platform for discussion with North Korea. China is tinkering with it, Kim has his internal issues (challenges to his recent overtures that we probably don't even realize).

But as to you... hang in there!

Have a nice day!


LOL! There is on credible evidence that you think.

Good luck with your magical thinking and Twump worship.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

No one here is interested in your fantasy life, 'buddy'. No angst and no discomfort, but I can tell by your post that facing reality clearly has you on the edge of tears again.

Your god got played like a bitch, and you just can't face that fact.

LOL! There is on credible evidence that you think.

Good luck with your magical thinking and Twump worship.

It's okay buddy, vent all you need! I feel your pain...

Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Funny watching you talk about the "MAGA train" in a thread about a trump failure. :lol:


"Everythign has completely fallen apart."

"So what? IT'S A WIN FOR TWUMP!!!"
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Funny watching you talk about the "MAGA train" in a thread about a trump failure. :lol:

Funny? No. I'd call it #Sad.

Yeah, he sure MAGAd this one.

I hope you didn't buy any of the specially minted coins that were celebrating the summit that won't be.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Face it. It wasn't going to happen anyways. Why? Because one of the parties is a megamaniacal nut job. And so is Kim Jong Un. LOL.


Its for the best as Trump would have been played anyway. The Chinese consider Trump to be the most easily manipulated president we have ever had and I am sure Kim Jong Un feels the same way.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

That's the funniest thing I've read in ages. +10!

Color me shocked. The summit didn't happen. I'm sure all the citizens of Trump Fan Nation who were bragging about the great Donald, the world's most wonderful negotiator and the man who was going to save humankind, will come in here to express their disappointment. Or not.

My guess is.... not.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

This was obviously coming. I didn't see this happening whatsoever.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

China is still going to get jobs though, right?

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