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Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un[W:193] (1 Viewer)

Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Yeah, Trump is a fighter.
Of course, Leftists aren’t used to Republicans fighting back.

I worship Trump as a God?
I worship no man as a God.

I do love what his message was, I love how he fought toe-to-toe, and I love his fulfilling his promises.

It’s wonderful.

If he continues with this pace of getting things done, he’ll go down as one of the greatest presidents.

Bwahahahaha! You here all week?
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

I'm fine with unconventional. I'm fine with brash. I'm fine with outside the box.

I'm not fine with dishonest, unprepared and un-intelligent. I'm not fine with a president who trashes our war heroes. I'm not fine with a president that is ok with his officials trashing war heroes on their death beds. I'm not fine with a president tashing our intelligence agencies and making up conspiracy theories. I'm not fine with a president who doesn't care about the facts before decisions are made. I'm not fine with a president who decided to accept a meeting with NK after only 45 minutes of being told of it and not addressing it with his staff and intelligence people before hand. That's not unconventional. It's stupid.

You seem to be under this idea that I am bashing Trump simply because he attempted to have a meeting and it didn't work out. That's not the reason. I'm bashing him and saying it's no big surprise because he has no plan and no idea on how this actually works. And he has no interest in learning. He doesn't seem interested in learning that every once in a while the NK will dangle a carrot and pull it back up. He just does not care. He's more concerned with bragging about how every one is saying he should get the peace prize and putting out commemorative coins. Just be honest. I'd bet a pay check that he has spent more time thinking about how great a military parade would be than thinking about the actual strategies and details regarding our military involvement around the world. He has very likely spent more time talking to people about how amazing it is that we are going to fix this NK mess than he has spent on learning the facts and details and laying out the goals of a deal. I don't think he cares at all.

Pretty darn accurate.

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Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

MTAtech said:
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” -- Theodore Roosevelt

If Trump had pulled off some kind of elimination or reduction in North Korea's atomic arsenal he would have rightly been patting himself on the back. Just a week ago he was getting quotes for a mantle to put a newly minted Nobel Prize. Not only did "the great deal-maker" not make a deal, he can't even get a meeting together. Yes, it's a failure. That's why smart presidents don't make announcements before there is something to announce.

so you don't think the Left/Democrats should be held accountable for anything but it's okay for them to whine about the POTUS if he has an (R) by his name?


You are clearly reading something that I didn't write. I am all for accountability. When Obama was president, some of his biggest critics were those that voted for him. Many thought Obama should have pushed for single payer health reform, instead of the ACA, as an example.

You replied to someone's post "why do you hate the USA?" That statement underscores the differences between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives don't get it. Liberals love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, conservatives love America like a 4-year-old loves his mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow. Love takes attention and work and is the best thing in the world. That's why we liberals want America to do the right thing. We know America is the hope of the world, and we love it and want it to do well.

I can add, this is the same way conservatives feel about the president from their party -- anyone who criticizes the president is bad.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Thank you for the post of the month!

There are reasons why there are established conventions for international diplomacy -- because those conventions have worked for centuries.

Heads of states do not sit in a room and bat out a treaty. That is left for career diplomats who have both far more experience and far more knowledge than elected presidents. This president, "who knows more about ISIS than the generals," has no appreciation for expertise. For him, everything is simple -- because he doesn't know the details. "Who would have known that health care could be this complicated?"

All he says over and over is, "nobody else has been able to do this! Nobody but me! It's been decades, but nobody did this but me!"

Er...little premature there.

And the bold has to be one of the most galling things a president's ever said. And the most obviously illuminating. (And yet...millions of Americans manage not to 'see' it!)
I bought one, and I plan to take the conservative initiative and resell it to Trump supporters with the claim that it celebrates the everlasting peace treaty between NK, SK, and US.

Opening bid on eBay will be 3K.

Sent from a memo written by Nunes and edited by Trump.

I'm really not someone to take investment advice from, but I can't help but feel that the idea that this will be a valuable collectible precisely because it represents a blunder is itself an intentional scam.

Not that 20 bucks is your children's college savings, but careful, my friend: everything this administration touches turns to crap. There is only person who gets to be rich here, and that person is donald trump.

Or as somebody else said, "We are all enrolled in Trump University now."
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

One surprise is you guys have Corona beer there... everywhere!!!

Thank the Albanian Pizza shop owners in the Barrios. They hired illegal Mexican immigrants to work the shops and who taught them about Corona beers with a slice of lime. They brought back Corona as Christmas gifts and Albania has never been the same.
If I buy it for 20 and make 1$ off the sale, it'll still have more tangible results than this summit.
I'm really not someone to take investment advice from, but I can't help but feel that the idea that this will be a valuable collectible precisely because it represents a blunder is itself an intentional scam.

Not that 20 bucks is your children's college savings, but careful, my friend: everything this administration touches turns to crap. There is only person who gets to be rich here, and that person is donald trump.

Or as somebody else said, "We are all enrolled in Trump University now."

Sent from a memo written by Nunes and edited by Trump.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

But, but, but, but, but, but, but.....


Trump is such a cringing little *****. Played like a bitch and now pouting like one.

Could you please explain how he was cringing, played, and pouting?

And before you answer, please put aside your apparent hatred for Trump for just one moment. Why on Earth should the United States be bending over backwards to engage in negotiations with such a clearly-untrustworthy government ruled over by a squat little serial killer like Kim Jong Un? Especially when the North Koreans have gone back on every deal or agreement they have made with other World Powers for nearly the last three decades?

What exactly are we realistically going to get out of these negotiations? Sudden disarmament of North Korea and rapprochement? It is to laugh.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Gotta love the humor about Donald Trump's trust factor in the world!

Keep the humor coming!

It's Hilarious! LOL! HAHAHAHAHA!

I traveled extensively in Europe last summer. The people, wherever we went, loved Trump. But they hated their politicians more than we hated ours before Trump. One of the venues we played was a beer hall in Belgium. The mayor stood up to give us a welcoming speech, he was unconscious in less than 15 seconds, thanks to flying beer steins, some full. A shame to waste quality beer. Outside of the labor parties, no one in public admits to being on the left.

A paraphrase of what we often heard:

"We are for the rights of the worker to fair pay, be we hate Merkel and the Turkish (read Syrian or just plain muslim) immigrants." Which country didn't matter, it was the same wherever we went. Deaf tourists don't hear the people.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

I can think of three grateful Americans who don't care if there is a summit or not.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Yeah, Trump is a fighter.
Of course, Leftists aren’t used to Republicans fighting back.

I worship Trump as a God?
I worship no man as a God.

I do love what his message was, I love how he fought toe-to-toe, and I love his fulfilling his promises.

It’s wonderful.

If he continues with this pace of getting things done, he’ll go down as one of the greatest presidents.

LOL! He's a fighter who folds like the incompetent ***** he truly is.

I can see why you worship him.,
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Have the Europeans no cheese?

Yep... and they have 1.3 Billion mandibles to keep in motion masticating calories... and that is no easy task.

One major slip that causes the mandibles to seriously restrict their up-down motion, and there will be communists hanging from lamp posts.

Philadelphia brand Cream Cheese is the darling epicurean delight of France, along with the rest of Europe.

There won't be enough room on the lampposts after they are done lynching the muslims.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

“To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” -- Theodore Roosevelt

If Trump had pulled off some kind of elimination or reduction in North Korea's atomic arsenal he would have rightly been patting himself on the back. Just a week ago he was getting quotes for a mantle to put a newly minted Nobel Prize. Not only did "the great deal-maker" not make a deal, he can't even get a meeting together. Yes, it's a failure. That's why smart presidents don't make announcements before there is something to announce.

My country, right or wrong. Sometimes that is the case, even when the country needs a fixing.
If I buy it for 20 and make 1$ off the sale, it'll still have more tangible results than this summit.

Sent from a memo written by Nunes and edited by Trump.

Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

LOL! He's a fighter who folds like the incompetent ***** he truly is.

I can see why you worship him.,
ROTFLOL... You better hope he doesn’t become competent then... ROTFLMFAO...

Oh!!! Folds? You mean folding up the previous admin’s tent... I agree.

Folds? Like...

Paris... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
TPP... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
Iran... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
Cuba... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
ObamaCare... mostly folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.

Yep... he’s done a lot of folding in 16-months.

PS. Worship? No... I don’t worship any man. But I do love a lot of what he has done.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

So abandoning deals that some other president did is good -- as long as you don't like that president -- even if your own intelligence people is against abandoning said deal? Nope, those were never my principles --- those are very much conservative principles -- to be against things as long as the other side is for them

Cite me an example of a liberal ever coming out against a peace deal? I'll wait

Right now, every single liberal desiring to see Trump land on his face. Pretty much unprecedented, but it sure is happening.

Now I also remember another liberal, JFK, a war monger of the worst sort, not to mention LBJ. Both wanting to prove their anticommunist street creds.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." What kind of liberal was that who forgot the country is here to serve the people, not the people to serve the country? And you can substitute government for country. A definite fascist if I ever heard one.

You can stop waiting.

BTW, I bled and watch buds die under LBJ. Some of us learn and move on. I believed, now I don't. There are no innocents.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

ROTFLOL... You better hope he doesn’t become competent then... ROTFLMFAO...

Oh!!! Folds? You mean folding up the previous admin’s tent... I agree.

Folds? Like...

Paris... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
TPP... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
Iran... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
Cuba... folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.
ObamaCare... mostly folded up and turfed in the circular filing cabinet.

Yep... he’s done a lot of folding in 16-months.

PS. Worship? No... I don’t worship any man. But I do love a lot of what he has done.

Oh, dear. You suffer from delusion that his is actually about Obama when it's not.

Glad we agree that Twump was in WAY over his head, got played and ran like a bitch.

I totally get your worship of the man.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Oh, dear. You suffer from delusion that his is actually about Obama when it's not.

Glad we agree that Twump was in WAY over his head, got played and ran like a bitch.

I totally get your worship of the man.

From an op-ed in WaPo today:

“I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting,” Trump said to Kim in a letter released by the White House on Thursday morning.

This is what we call “cutting your losses.” We’ve had reports in recent days that Trump was having second thoughts about the summit after learning, to his shock and dismay, that the North Koreans were not eager to simply give up all their nuclear weapons right away. So it appears that after a couple of weeks in which he and his administration seemed to be trying everything they could think of to sabotage any chance for an agreement, Trump decided that canceling the summit now was preferable to holding the summit and coming away with nothing after raising expectations so extraordinarily high.
One has to marvel at just how spectacularly Trump and the other key members of his administration have screwed up this opportunity. And it all stemmed from a basic problem: The man who thinks he’s the greatest negotiator in the world has absolutely no idea how to negotiate.

That’s because the most important part of a successful negotiation is understanding the person on the other side of the table. What do they want? What do they fear? What might they be willing to give up? What incentives do they face? What forces are pushing against them? If you don’t know those things, you can’t be successful. And as Trump has shown time and again, he just doesn’t care about the person on the other side of the table. He thinks that negotiation is about bullying: Show them you’re stronger than they are, threaten to abandon the negotiation, and they’ll back down and give you what you want. As far as he’s concerned, all negotiations are zero-sum; either you’re the winner or the loser, and you have to be the winner.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

The White House just announced the summit may still happen. I think the person I feel most sorry for in this situation is Moon.
And Abe is breathing relief.

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Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Wow, American, didn't expect you to turn around so completely on your opinion of Trump, but good on you, I agree completely.

You are talking about Trump with the bolded, are you not? :lol: Cuz if you are, you'd be right.

Yeah, whatever melts your butter.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

And Abe is breathing relief.

Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk

And the summit is off again.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

I traveled extensively in Europe last summer. The people, wherever we went, loved Trump. But they hated their politicians more than we hated ours before Trump. One of the venues we played was a beer hall in Belgium. The mayor stood up to give us a welcoming speech, he was unconscious in less than 15 seconds, thanks to flying beer steins, some full. A shame to waste quality beer. Outside of the labor parties, no one in public admits to being on the left.

A paraphrase of what we often heard:

"We are for the rights of the worker to fair pay, be we hate Merkel and the Turkish (read Syrian or just plain muslim) immigrants." Which country didn't matter, it was the same wherever we went. Deaf tourists don't hear the people.

You have an active imagination.
If I buy it for 20 and make 1$ off the sale, it'll still have more tangible results than this summit.

Sent from a memo written by Nunes and edited by Trump.

Just curious, do you know where proceeds from the sale of that medal go?
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

I can think of three grateful Americans who don't care if there is a summit or not.

If I recall, they are grateful because NK treated them very well, - they were ‘excellent’ to them, amiright?

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