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Trump Cancels Meeting With Putin Over Ukraine (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2017
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Libertarian - Right
So, in addition to ARMING THE UKRAINE (unlike Obama), BOMBING THE RUSSIANS IN SYRIA (unlike Obama), building a missile defense system in Putin's backyard, Poland (unlike Obama), opening the European gas market to American producers, while calling out Germany for its Putin-backed gas pipeline with Russia (unlike Obama), enacting for more stringent sanctions on Russia (unlike Obama), Pres.Trump has now CANCELLED HIS MEETING w/Putin, over the Ukraine crisis, (unlike Obama, who SENT BLANKETS to "help" ).

Safe bet that Pres.Trump will also NOT BE IGNORING RUSSIAN CRIMES TO ABET PUTIN GAINING CONTROL of 20% OF OUR URANIUM RESERVES, or ordering our intel to STAND DOWN in the face of Russian (or any other) election meddling, either. (ALSO, UNLIKE OBAMA.)

Tell us again who Putin's B***H IS?
So, in addition to ARMING THE UKRAINE (unlike Obama), BOMBING THE RUSSIANS IN SYRIA (unlike Obama), building a missile defense system in Putin's backyard, Poland (unlike Obama), opening the European gas market to American producers, while calling out Germany for its Putin-backed gas pipeline with Russia (unlike Obama), enacting for more stringent sanctions on Russia (unlike Obama), Pres.Trump has now CANCELLED HIS MEETING w/Putin, over the Ukraine crisis, (unlike Obama, who SENT BLANKETS to "help" ).

Safe bet that Pres.Trump will also NOT BE IGNORING RUSSIAN CRIMES TO ABET PUTIN GAINING CONTROL of 20% OF OUR URANIUM RESERVES, or ordering our intel to STAND DOWN in the face of Russian (or any other) election meddling, either. (ALSO, UNLIKE OBAMA.)

Tell us again who Putin's B***H IS?

When you put it this way, it certainly makes the Trump haters look hypocritical and stupid.
So, in addition to ARMING THE UKRAINE (unlike Obama), BOMBING THE RUSSIANS IN SYRIA (unlike Obama), building a missile defense system in Putin's backyard, Poland (unlike Obama), opening the European gas market to American producers, while calling out Germany for its Putin-backed gas pipeline with Russia (unlike Obama), enacting for more stringent sanctions on Russia (unlike Obama), Pres.Trump has now CANCELLED HIS MEETING w/Putin, over the Ukraine crisis, (unlike Obama, who SENT BLANKETS to "help" ).

Safe bet that Pres.Trump will also NOT BE IGNORING RUSSIAN CRIMES TO ABET PUTIN GAINING CONTROL of 20% OF OUR URANIUM RESERVES, or ordering our intel to STAND DOWN in the face of Russian (or any other) election meddling, either. (ALSO, UNLIKE OBAMA.)

Tell us again who Putin's B***H IS?

Crazy word salad.

Its about optics...he is in deep doo doo and doesn't want to be seen with Putin.

But, keep believing everything that your cult leader says....because you have to.:lamo
When you put it this way, it certainly makes the Trump haters look hypocritical and stupid.

Well, you can make anyone look hypocritical and stupid if you make up lies about them.
When you put it this way, it certainly makes the Trump haters look hypocritical and stupid.

They've been looking for a scapegoat for 2016. They will after 2020, too.
When you put it this way, it certainly makes the Trump haters look hypocritical and stupid.

To be fair, though, ranting, raving, weird capitalization and formatting choices, and general overall frothing at the mouth tends to make look anything stupid. ;)

Ah well, they'll always have Helsinki... :kissy:
Meh, he may end up meeting with him, just not "officially" or in any capacity we know about.
To be fair, though, ranting, raving, weird capitalization and formatting choices, and general overall frothing at the mouth tends to make look anything stupid. ;)

Ah well, they'll always have Helsinki... :kissy:

Meh, he may end up meeting with him, just not "officially" or in any capacity we know about.

We don’t know anything about the last one......or the contents of Chairman Kim’s oversized ‘love letter!’

Uh oh... Looks like Trump may have pissed off his master.

Russia rejects Trump's canceled meeting, Kremlin ready for contact

The Kremlin regrets US President Donald Trump's decision to cancel a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Argentina and said Moscow is ready for contact with Trump, RIA news agency cited spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying on Friday.

Trump on Thursday said he was canceling a planned meeting with Putin at the G20 summit, citing the crisis in Ukraine.​
So, in addition to ARMING THE UKRAINE (unlike Obama), BOMBING THE RUSSIANS IN SYRIA (unlike Obama), building a missile defense system in Putin's backyard, Poland (unlike Obama), opening the European gas market to American producers, while calling out Germany for its Putin-backed gas pipeline with Russia (unlike Obama), enacting for more stringent sanctions on Russia (unlike Obama), Pres.Trump has now CANCELLED HIS MEETING w/Putin, over the Ukraine crisis, (unlike Obama, who SENT BLANKETS to "help" ).

Safe bet that Pres.Trump will also NOT BE IGNORING RUSSIAN CRIMES TO ABET PUTIN GAINING CONTROL of 20% OF OUR URANIUM RESERVES, or ordering our intel to STAND DOWN in the face of Russian (or any other) election meddling, either. (ALSO, UNLIKE OBAMA.)

Tell us again who Putin's B***H IS?

Twump: owned by Putin.
Trump...what a joke. Can't even meet world leaders and do his actual job. Wimps out instead. But oh yea...he has time to tweet more Witch Hunt nonsense. What a complete embarrassment for a President.
So, in addition to ARMING THE UKRAINE (unlike Obama), BOMBING THE RUSSIANS IN SYRIA (unlike Obama), building a missile defense system in Putin's backyard, Poland (unlike Obama), opening the European gas market to American producers, while calling out Germany for its Putin-backed gas pipeline with Russia (unlike Obama), enacting for more stringent sanctions on Russia (unlike Obama), Pres.Trump has now CANCELLED HIS MEETING w/Putin, over the Ukraine crisis, (unlike Obama, who SENT BLANKETS to "help" ).

Safe bet that Pres.Trump will also NOT BE IGNORING RUSSIAN CRIMES TO ABET PUTIN GAINING CONTROL of 20% OF OUR URANIUM RESERVES, or ordering our intel to STAND DOWN in the face of Russian (or any other) election meddling, either. (ALSO, UNLIKE OBAMA.)

Tell us again who Putin's B***H IS?

The latest from the Ukraine is not a reason to cancel the meeting. International meetings are diplomacy.

This meeting should have been used to tell Putin to back off and to let him know what he can expect from the U.S. if his behaviour continues. You know the kind of thing every President since FDR would have said. Backing out of this meeting does indeed
Tell us again who Putin's B***H IS?
Crazy word salad.

Its about optics...he is in deep doo doo and doesn't want to be seen with Putin.

But, keep believing everything that your cult leader says....because you have to.:lamo
Wrong. Again.

But I repeat myself. As ol Kamila humiliatingly found out, misperceptions are not the reality... its just what she, and now you, want there to be perceived.
Crazy word salad.

Its about optics...he is in deep doo doo and doesn't want to be seen with Putin.

But, keep believing everything that your cult leader says....because you have to.:lamo

Meanwhile Obama colluded with Putin and Medvedev for 8 years even before Putin's attack on Georgia. Trump has done more for America within two years, it's Economy, National Security, and foreign Policy than Obama did in his 8 year tenure.
So, in addition to ARMING THE UKRAINE (unlike Obama), BOMBING THE RUSSIANS IN SYRIA (unlike Obama), building a missile defense system in Putin's backyard, Poland (unlike Obama), opening the European gas market to American producers, while calling out Germany for its Putin-backed gas pipeline with Russia (unlike Obama), enacting for more stringent sanctions on Russia (unlike Obama), Pres.Trump has now CANCELLED HIS MEETING w/Putin, over the Ukraine crisis, (unlike Obama, who SENT BLANKETS to "help" ).

Safe bet that Pres.Trump will also NOT BE IGNORING RUSSIAN CRIMES TO ABET PUTIN GAINING CONTROL of 20% OF OUR URANIUM RESERVES, or ordering our intel to STAND DOWN in the face of Russian (or any other) election meddling, either. (ALSO, UNLIKE OBAMA.)

Tell us again who Putin's B***H IS?
Let’s break down your assertions:
1. Obama didn’t send arms to Ukraine because he didn’t believe it would be enough to make any difference. Maybe it could have, but even with the latest high tech weapons supplied the U.S. under Trump, Ukraine is still not making progress.
2. Obama did fail to live up to his “red line” warning.
3. Trump doesn’t deserve credit for the missile system being built in Poland. It was planned and funding was appropriated before Trump became president.
4. The details of selling LNG (liquified natural gas) to Europe have not been worked out. Currently, there are significant issues with the transfer and storage of fuel once delivered.
5. Calling out Merkel the way Trump did was anything but helpful. Aside from yet again demonstrating what a jack a** he is publicly, he was wrong about how much fuel Germany gets from Russia and the terms of their agreement.
6. Trump has been tougher on Russia than Obama.
7. The stated reason for the cancellation of the Trump/Putin meeting is dubious at best and very much open for argument.
8. The whole uranium sale conspiracy nonsense is just that, nonsense. A total red herring.

Final tally - 2 truths and 6 falsehoods/very questionable assertions.

Almost as bad as Trump’s average.
The latest from the Ukraine is not a reason to cancel the meeting. International meetings are diplomacy.

This meeting should have been used to tell Putin to back off and to let him know what he can expect from the U.S. if his behaviour continues. You know the kind of thing every President since FDR would have said. Backing out of this meeting does indeed

Come on. It's Bull Crap. Whatever action Trump takes in this aggressive action Putin has against the Ukraine will be commented and claimed as wrong by the PMS Democrats and their co-conspirator Media.
Meanwhile Obama colluded with Putin and Medvedev for 8 years even before Putin's attack on Georgia. Trump has done more for America within two years, it's Economy, National Security, and foreign Policy than Obama did in his 8 year tenure.


Go indict him if you are so sure of yourself.:roll:

(the lame talking points have been distributed to the cult)
So, in addition to ARMING THE UKRAINE (unlike Obama), BOMBING THE RUSSIANS IN SYRIA (unlike Obama), building a missile defense system in Putin's backyard, Poland (unlike Obama), opening the European gas market to American producers, while calling out Germany for its Putin-backed gas pipeline with Russia (unlike Obama), enacting for more stringent sanctions on Russia (unlike Obama), Pres.Trump has now CANCELLED HIS MEETING w/Putin, over the Ukraine crisis, (unlike Obama, who SENT BLANKETS to "help" ).

Safe bet that Pres.Trump will also NOT BE IGNORING RUSSIAN CRIMES TO ABET PUTIN GAINING CONTROL of 20% OF OUR URANIUM RESERVES, or ordering our intel to STAND DOWN in the face of Russian (or any other) election meddling, either. (ALSO, UNLIKE OBAMA.)

Tell us again who Putin's B***H IS?

Question answered...

Uh oh... Looks like Trump may have pissed off his master.

Russia rejects Trump's canceled meeting, Kremlin ready for contact

The Kremlin regrets US President Donald Trump's decision to cancel a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Argentina and said Moscow is ready for contact with Trump, RIA news agency cited spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying on Friday.

Trump on Thursday said he was canceling a planned meeting with Putin at the G20 summit, citing the crisis in Ukraine.​

Trump caves in to his master.


Kremlin says Putin and Trump will have impromptu meeting at G-20

Russian President Vladimir Putin will have a brief impromptu meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in Argentina just as he will with other leaders at the G-20 summit, RIA news agency cited Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying on Friday.

Trump on Thursday abruptly canceled a planned meeting with Putin in Argentina after Russia captured three Ukrainian navy vessels and their crews off the coast of Crimea.​
So, in addition to ARMING THE UKRAINE (unlike Obama), BOMBING THE RUSSIANS IN SYRIA (unlike Obama), building a missile defense system in Putin's backyard, Poland (unlike Obama), opening the European gas market to American producers, while calling out Germany for its Putin-backed gas pipeline with Russia (unlike Obama), enacting for more stringent sanctions on Russia (unlike Obama), Pres.Trump has now CANCELLED HIS MEETING w/Putin, over the Ukraine crisis, (unlike Obama, who SENT BLANKETS to "help" ).

Safe bet that Pres.Trump will also NOT BE IGNORING RUSSIAN CRIMES TO ABET PUTIN GAINING CONTROL of 20% OF OUR URANIUM RESERVES, or ordering our intel to STAND DOWN in the face of Russian (or any other) election meddling, either. (ALSO, UNLIKE OBAMA.)

Tell us again who Putin's B***H IS?

Trump is. He’s meeting with Putin in Argentina.
Let’s break down your assertions:
1. Obama didn’t send arms to Ukraine because he didn’t believe it would be enough to make any difference. Maybe it could have, but even with the latest high tech weapons supplied the U.S. under Trump, Ukraine is still not making progress.
2. Obama did fail to live up to his “red line” warning.
3. Trump doesn’t deserve credit for the missile system being built in Poland. It was planned and funding was appropriated before Trump became president.
4. The details of selling LNG (liquified natural gas) to Europe have not been worked out. Currently, there are significant issues with the transfer and storage of fuel once delivered.
5. Calling out Merkel the way Trump did was anything but helpful. Aside from yet again demonstrating what a jack a** he is publicly, he was wrong about how much fuel Germany gets from Russia and the terms of their agreement.
6. Trump has been tougher on Russia than Obama.
7. The stated reason for the cancellation of the Trump/Putin meeting is dubious at best and very much open for argument.
8. The whole uranium sale conspiracy nonsense is just that, nonsense. A total red herring.

Final tally - 2 truths and 6 falsehoods/very questionable assertions.

Almost as bad as Trump’s average.

If Trump had made a deal with the Russians like the deal Merkel made, I would be one of the first to call for his impeachment. She has sold out her own country. The German people need to wake up. Like Liked by 2 people

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