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Transgender women are women (1 Viewer)

I disagree with him or how his idea is being presented. There is certainly a biological sex (DNA and chromosomes) but it is subordinate to a persons psychological gender identity in importance.

You can disagree all you like what I posted were quotes from him. If you have a problem with it take it up with him.
Oh right my apologies you have some lame ass PhD minor while this historian is actually teaching that there is no such thing as biological sex. So I guess your the one full of sh it then.

How do you not know that I could find someone teaching just about anything somewhere. Anything. It doesn't become relevant until you have an argument, a claim or a position. "I done heard about" is meaningless. Are you making a claim?

That would be "you're the one full of crap". Not your.
You can disagree all you like what I posted were quotes from him. If you have a problem with it take it up with him.

I read hips university bio and watched the video, His views are far from being mainstream. I am very LGBT positive but I disagree with his ideas. I'd pay to see him speak and then maybe I would have a chance to ask questions during the Q&A period.
How do you not know that I could find someone teaching just about anything somewhere. Anything. It doesn't become relevant until you have an argument, a claim or a position. "I done heard about" is meaningless. Are you making a claim?

That would be "you're full of crap". Not your.

I showed you the quotes and you can see him in a video making the exact same statements.
You can disagree all you like what I posted were quotes from him. If you have a problem with it take it up with him.

"Debate my citation, not me!"

Ridiculous. He's not here.
I read hips university bio and watched the video, His views are far from being mainstream. I am very LGBT positive but I disagree with his ideas. I'd pay to see him speak and then maybe I would have a chance to ask questions during the Q&A period.

Whether he is mainstream or not is irrelevant. But I have to admit I am glad we agree he may not be entirely accurate.
I showed you the quotes and you can see him in a video making the exact same statements.

You can't debate by proxy. Bring your own stuff.
"Debate my citation, not me!"

Ridiculous. He's not here.

I didn't say that but you out it in quotes. Youre an ahole and a liar.

Now do you want to address what that other supposed educated moron said?
Youre an ahole and a liar.

Now hold on a minute, good sir. I don't believe there's cause for offense. I was merely demonstrating my points at a debate website.
Can I have a third option?

See Lisa here is 10x smarter than you as she already went and looked up the guys bio and checked out the video. You havent done anything but shove your head farther up your ass.
See Lisa here is 10x smarter than you as she already went and looked up the guys bio and checked out the video.

You're right. Lisa is great. I'm a scoundrel.
Now hold on a minute, good sir. I don't believe there's cause for offense. I was merely demonstrating my points at a debate website.

Well good sir don't put your statements inside quotation marks as if you are directly quoting someone.
Whether he is mainstream or not is irrelevant. But I have to admit I am glad we agree he may not be entirely accurate.

I have read somewhere where he might be female to male transgendered and if that is true then I can start to envision where he would want to try to rationalize that biological gender does not exist as a way to support who is is. that claim is not factually accurate because if there is no biological gender then there is no transition, which obviously happens to anyone who makes a declaration that there are transgendered before the age of puberty when our bodies becomes gender differentiated by the action of sex hormones. I understand his goal but his argument is not logically supported.

The very idea of being transgendered (gender change, realignment or confirmation) is an admittance that a persons body is incongruent with their [psychological gender identity and that is not medially or logically possible if there is no biological gender. The very existence of a non-binary gender means that they are living in the middle of the two biological gender extremes and the possibility that emotionally they are not psychologically differentiated gender either.
Well good sir don't put your statements inside quotation marks as if you aren't directly quoting someone.

I do what I want. It's kind of a thing.

She certainly has exhibited behavior congruent with someone who is willing to check out the facts.

Them sure are some big words. Until the "check out the facts". Kinda goes south there on ya.
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You're right. Lisa is great. I'm a scoundrel.

The point remains that we have someone claiming, based on 50 years of research that there is no such thing as biological sex. You said a transgender woman is born a female. So I have two apparently conflicting points of view and have to determine which is true since they both can't be. You're the educated one here so tell,me who is telling the truth.
I do what I want. It's kind of a thing.

Them sure are some big words. Until the "checkout the facts". Kinda goes south there on ya.

And so do I

Again head up your ass. Oh sorry too much for you?
I do what I want. It's kind of a thing.

Them sure are some big words.

The Grammarly thesaurus helps.

BTW, Grammarly's spell checker doesn't recognize their own name. :lol:

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